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Foods for those that just don't care anymore


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Never tried chocolate chips in my banana nut bread...didn't need it.  Extra vanilla, cinnamon, and ginger instead.


I made a loaf...for breakfast?  Cut the slice of your choice, butter each side, and slap into a hot fry pan to brown each side.  Yummmmmm......


And if ya have it?  Some good orange marmalade over the top.  Wonderful complement.


The good old days....<sigh>

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I just add a half-cup of chips into the old Fannie Farmer recipe.  This was my wife's suggestion some 15 years ago.  This recipe doesn't have vanilla or the two spices in it; for that flavor combo we have her family zucchini bread recipe. 


I also use pecans rather than walnuts (got used to those in my time living in Austin).

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I'd have to look up which book I used...probably Barbara Clayton's Complete Book of Breads, as IIRC it's got a nice section on quick breads.  Extra spice, well, that's me. :) 


Nuts...walnuts, pecans, heck, slivered almonds.  Preferably pan toasted, especially if it's almonds;  they'll lack flavor otherwise.  Gotta be careful and watch closely...stovetop OR oven...cuz nuts burn really easily.  But it helps make em crunchy, and enhances the flavor wonderfully.

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Historically we used walnuts because my paternal grandparents had walnut trees in their yard.  In Austin I lived near an area which had been pecan orchard long ago, and lots of pecan trees still in folks' yards, so getting cheap homegrown pecans was possible in the right season.

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3 hours ago, Cygnia said:




Heh....in the spirit of this, what part of your typical Thanksgiving gorgefest do you personally loathe?


Me...green bean casserole.  I like green beans, mind...just realized I shoulda got some, for the soups.  (I gotta get a crown, and tomorrow's when the grinding gets done.  Yes, it's as bad as it sounds, if you haven't had one done.  It means soft foods are in order for a few days;  not gonna get much softer than soup.  Oh well, I've got some options.)

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37 minutes ago, unclevlad said:



Heh....in the spirit of this, what part of your typical Thanksgiving gorgefest do you personally loathe?


Me...green bean casserole.  I like green beans, mind...just realized I shoulda got some, for the soups.  (I gotta get a crown, and tomorrow's when the grinding gets done.  Yes, it's as bad as it sounds, if you haven't had one done.  It means soft foods are in order for a few days;  not gonna get much softer than soup.  Oh well, I've got some options.)


Growing up, Mom would refuse to make it (she hated it with a passion), and so I was probably in my 30s before I tasted green bean casserole. I don't need to taste it again.

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The tooth shaping for the crown's done, YAY!!!!  Went WAY better, and much quicker.  The miserable part is grinding the tooth down;  that took, I dunno, maybe 20-25 minutes.  MUCH!!! faster.  Whole process was even done a half hour faster than expected, despite starting late.  Permanent crown goes on Tuesday.


Things went well enough that I treated myself to another 6-pack of Breckenridge Autumn Ale...and a 4-pack of Brother Thelonius, in part for Turkey Day.

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2 hours ago, unclevlad said:

The tooth shaping for the crown's done, YAY!!!!  Went WAY better, and much quicker.  The miserable part is grinding the tooth down;  that took, I dunno, maybe 20-25 minutes.  MUCH!!! faster.  Whole process was even done a half hour faster than expected, despite starting late.  Permanent crown goes on Tuesday


That's good. I've had my permanent crown for a few weeks now, and it still feels like a foreign object. I don't know why it's so uncomfortable, but it is. I hope you have better luck.

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My current dentist uses a CERAC machine, which fabricates the permanent crown from ceramic material while you are still in the chair. The fit is very good, as they build the crown using digital scans of your tooth. I think the price is slightly higher than a traditional crown, but it's great to not need a temporary while you wait, and the color matching is excellent. 

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3 hours ago, Ternaugh said:

My current dentist uses a CERAC machine, which fabricates the permanent crown from ceramic material while you are still in the chair. The fit is very good, as they build the crown using digital scans of your tooth. I think the price is slightly higher than a traditional crown, but it's great to not need a temporary while you wait, and the color matching is excellent. 


It sounded like they were talking about this;  sounded like they had it, for a while, but switched back to getting it made in a lab.  Found this comparison:
https://mydentaladvocate.com/are-cerec-crowns-better-than-traditional-crowns-dentists-perspective/#:~:text=Zirconia tops CEREC with strength,the crown from falling off.


The crown's going on the first molar...way back in the back.  (The wisdom teeth are the 3rd molar.)  Appearance is thus a non-factor...but durability definitely *is*.  And hey, the replacement goes in Tuesday.  4 days?  No big deal.  Yeah, OK, being a gentleman of professional leisure, it's easy to schedule this in, so the extra visit is no big deal.


Another article pointed out another issue.  The machines needed for the one-trip crown are expensive, and for a smaller dental office, it can be hard to justify the cost for the limited number of crowns needed each week.  A dedicated lab can service many dentists, so the costs are more broadly distributed.  

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A local seasonal deal has started up here in Mobile, AL. They are offering 5 lobster tails for $25 and 20 ribeye steaks for $35. Hopefully they'll last until after Thanksgiving so we can clear space in the freezer.


Don't care about the lobster, but I've done the steaks before, and they were fresh and restaurant quality. A great thing when you're going to be the only person staying home from the casinos or a family cookout.

Edited by Grailknight
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If I could get a deal like that, that'd be the major part of the Thanksgiving menu.....the HECK with the turkey...


I'm likely going to do chicken roulade...whack a chicken breast down, cover with the filling and grated cheese, roll back up, roll tightly in plastic wrap, re-chill the whole thing.  It sticks together better that way.  Probably my usual multi-use filling...mushrooms, bacon, onion, and I'm thinking some diced bell pepper, with the bacon rendered, then all the veggies cooked until they release their liquids.  Along with potatoes...perhaps fried baby potatoes, maybe just the par-cooked shredded potatoes, with fresh herbage.  Got a TON of rosemary...as in, 4 separate, mature plants...I can always harvest that.  And the weather hasn't killed the thyme yet.  Or maybe just some of the oregano I started this spring, inside.  

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We're spending Thanksgiving up at my sister-in-law's place, about an hour's drive + half-hour ferry ride + waiting in ferry line for an unknowably long time, heading out tomorrow.


Made two loaves of gingerbread this morning.  Waiting for the glass pans to cool off so I can wash everything and make other baked goods we're taking up.

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