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The best questions you can ask!


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I was running a game, and my heroes managed to round up and hog-tie a couple Viper agents. "I suppose we should interogate them," someone said, then everybody had a mass-brain fart and couldn't think of a single question to ask.


"If only we had a list of good questions to ask our guests," someone said, and so I turn it over to the best source I could find. The Champions Forum. Please help me compile a list of good questions to ask captured thugs and beaten villians. Thank you in advance.

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


I was running a game' date=' and my heroes managed to round up and hog-tie a couple Viper agents. "I suppose we should interogate them," someone said, then everybody had a mass-brain fart and couldn't think of a single question to ask.[/quote']


I cannot tell you how many times that has happened to me, both as player as GM! It's like the presence of a captured agent destroys any questions in the brain...

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


What assignments has the agent recently had? You might be able to see a pattern even if the agent is unaware of one, it could give you a shot at guessing the nests future activities.


What radio frequencies and/or radio codes do you use? It might give you a shot at monitoring the nests activities until they realize that they have been compromised.

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


Who does number 2 work for?

Who is number 1?

What is the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?

Do you know the muffin man?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Tell me what you want, what you really, really want?

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


long term - ask them who recruited them. going after the pipeline of new talent will hurt the organization and it might point you in the direction of the higher ups. In any properly designed secret org. the street level grunts won't know who the nest leader is.


short term - ask them about logistics. Where do they congregate, where do they train, where do they get equipment, etc. You might be able to find a few more clues if you go where they were.

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


In some campaigns, some characters start with the following:


Do you want to live? Do you want to die in horrible agony, be brought back to life and have it done again until you answer the following questions? Then the other questions follow.


We jokingly called these guys "chaotic greedy".

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


my Ex asks this question as a conversational disengage, whenever she doesn't want to continue along the present line of conversation. This is a quirk she added since we parted. When she pulled it with me, last time we talked on the phone, my answer was "Pi"

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


Where am I?

You are in The Village.

What do you want?


You won't get it.

By hook or by crook, we will.

Who are you?

I am Number Two.

Then who is Number One?

That would be telling.

Who do you work for?

You are Number Six.

I am not a number, I am a free man!

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


"We're all gonna die! Where's the bomb?" (Spoken in the voice of George C. Scott.)


Sorry, thought I was on the LZ-129 for a moment.


Seriously, when in doubt, use the WWWWWH sequence.


Who do you work for? (Or, "Who are you?", if this is patently obvious. Sometimes, though, it isn't who you think it is.)

What do they want? (Very Klingon.)

Where do they operate from? (If they don't know, follow up with "OK, smart-aleck, where do you operate from?"

When are you expected to report back? (Gives you a timeframe to interrogate them- it is unlikely that a major operation will begin before they report back, unless they are purposely a diversion, in which case an "I dunno" probably means they are a diversion.)

Why were you sent here? (Mooks are trained to resist this one.)

How did you plan to report back, and how will you identify yourself? (Actually the most important question, as it may give you a channel to a Main Baddie, or at least someone closer to the Main Baddie.)


If you have time, you should throw in random questions, more to throw them of the scent of where you are taking the conversation, and to make them think they wouldn't be giving away any information that would come back to hurt them. Ask if they smoke. Ask them if they prefer Coke or Pepsi. Ask them what their favorite movie is. Ask them, "Vot larvely hair you haf. Vot do you put on it? Myself I break two eggs ofer my head efery day." Heck, ask them if this cape makes your butt look big.


If all else fails, turn them over to your alien mentalist, who will rip their skull and spinal column out if they continue to resist them. Or so they say. (Well, it works for me...)

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


Where am I?

You are in The Village.

What do you want?


You won't get it.

By hook or by crook, we will.

Who are you?

I am Number Two.

Then who is Number One?

That would be telling.

Who do you work for?

You are Number Six.

I am not a number, I am a free man!


Really? I always thought the answer to "Who is Number One?" was "You are Number Six".

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


Not really a question.


"Look buddy, I know you have information I want. I could stand here asking questions and having you refuse to answer. I could wait and slowly wear you down until you told me want I want to know. But that takes time I don't want to waste. Conversely I could drag your sorry butt to the top of that skyscraper and dangle you by your ankle, listening to you scream and beg for mercy, but even then you wouldn't tell me everything I need to know. So instead I'm going to shove you into this handy wood chipper here, and let your buddy tell me everything I need to know without any pretense."


Granted this method of interrogation isn't going to work if your hero has a CvK or there isn't a wood chipper handy. If that is the case I recommend this method.


"Hey buddy, why don't you tell me everything you know. Because if you don't I'm going to let everybody, and I do mean everybody, know just how helpful you were. I'm going to be your best friend. When you wake up in the morning, I'll be standing on your front porch with a fresh cup of coffee and your morning paper. Everyone will know you and I are best buds."


Nothing makes a mook fear for his life when he realizes he's just become a DNPC.


Another method that might work. I call it the "Klingon Method".


Step One: Line up all the captured agents against a wall.

Step Two: Use whatever power you have to turn the first guys head into tapioca.

Step Three: Quietly look at the next guy in line and say "Talk." If he doesn't answer repeat Step 2 and 3 until someone answers or you run out of captured agents.

Note: This method may get you a new Hunted Disadvantage or three.

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


Really? I always thought the answer to "Who is Number One?" was "You are Number Six".


I quoted from memory. Your reality may be different. Now to google it, brb.


"Where am I?" "In the Village." "What do you want?" "Information." "Whose side are you on?" "That would be telling…. We want information. Information! INFORMATION!" "You won't get it." "By hook or by crook, we will." "Who are you?" "The new Number Two." "Who is Number One?" "You are Number Six." "I am not a number — I am a free man!" (Laughter from Number Two.)

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Re: The best questions you can ask!


Not really a question.


"Look buddy, I know you have information I want. I could stand here asking questions and having you refuse to answer. I could wait and slowly wear you down until you told me want I want to know. But that takes time I don't want to waste. Conversely I could drag your sorry butt to the top of that skyscraper and dangle you by your ankle, listening to you scream and beg for mercy, but even then you wouldn't tell me everything I need to know. So instead I'm going to shove you into this handy wood chipper here, and let your buddy tell me everything I need to know without any pretense."


Granted this method of interrogation isn't going to work if your hero has a CvK or there isn't a wood chipper handy. If that is the case I recommend this method.


"Hey buddy, why don't you tell me everything you know. Because if you don't I'm going to let everybody, and I do mean everybody, know just how helpful you were. I'm going to be your best friend. When you wake up in the morning, I'll be standing on your front porch with a fresh cup of coffee and your morning paper. Everyone will know you and I are best buds."


Nothing makes a mook fear for his life when he realizes he's just become a DNPC.


Another method that might work. I call it the "Klingon Method".


Step One: Line up all the captured agents against a wall.

Step Two: Use whatever power you have to turn the first guys head into tapioca.

Step Three: Quietly look at the next guy in line and say "Talk." If he doesn't answer repeat Step 2 and 3 until someone answers or you run out of captured agents.

Note: This method may get you a new Hunted Disadvantage or three.

After the defiant monologue, you kick them into the engine of your transport.


The next guy in line tells you whatever you want to hear...

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