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Who's dead in the Marvel/DC universe?


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Our current campaign storyline involves a baddie re-animating old corpses. Our campaign is set in an amalgam of the DC and Marvel universes. He has now stepped up the attacks by managing to revive and control an unspecified alien Green Lantern, Captain America's old sidekick Bucky, and Jason Todd (Robin #2 of 3).


So can any of you comic book fans with eidetic memory come up with other heroes who are truly dead and gone, and haven't been brought back by the comic publishers? I'm interested in just those from the last century, not really from the distant past or far future (like the Legion of Superheroes). Others I could think of include the original Supergirl (Kara/Linda Danvers) and the original Flash (Barry Allen).


Thanks for your input.

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Aquagirl (Tulla, Aqualad's girlfriend) got killed in the Crisis...


Terra may be dead, it's hard to say... I saw a few issues where it might have been her, it might have been a clone... I never knew what the resolution on that was.


Most of the original Doom Patrol: Negative Man, Elasti-Girl, and The Chief (Niles Caulder). (I used to be a big Titans fan, and Mento, one-time foe of the Doom Patrol married Elasti-Girl, and they adopted Gar Logan, who went on to become The Changeling.)


Cliff Steele (Robotman) lived, though.


Colossus died of the Legacy Virus, to "give the world a cure". Feh.


Um... Superman "died", but somehow I don't think that counts...


... it's hard to think of many more, although apparently Donna Troy died recently, pre the new "Outsiders" book...

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How about all those villains Scourge killed back in the mid-'80's? None of them came back, I think.


Several JLE members (Ice, Crimson Fox, probably some others) were killed by the Mist in an issue of Starman, and there were quite a few deaths that took in the brief Eclipso series. Wildcat II; Hourman II is also dead; so is the original Starman's other son, who Jack Knight took over for. Quite a few original JSA characters are dead.


Check the back issue bins for Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe - they had a Book of the Dead, and some of them are probably still buried.

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If your villian needs to have the body to re-animate than the following won't do because they didn't leave a body behind:


Supergirl(Kara)-Unless the villain can travel into Hypertime she doesn't exist after Crisis.

Terra(original)- no body in her grave, has been suggested that the second Terra is actually the original bumped around in time.


Lilith, Kole, Jericho, Donna, Hank Hall, Atom I,Hourman I,Dr. Midnite I,Wildcat II,Peacemaker, Steel II, Amazing Man, Vibe, Tomorrow Woman,Crimson Fox I&II would all be good choices.

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Originally posted by lemming


Captain America II, IIRC (or was that who became Nomad?



It was Bucky II (Jack Monroe?) that became Nomad. I think he might have been paired with Captain America III though (though I could be wrong). I think Cap II was the former Patriot. Anyway, whichever Cap he was paired with is dead.


A lot of the old All Winners Squad and Invaders are pushing up the daisies: the original Union Jack, the Whizzer, the Patriot, probably Miss America, the Blazing Skull, Red Raven, etc.


Cap and the new Union Jack killed Baron Blood many years ago, but he could've come back.


Lots of Peter Parker's human associates (Gwen and Capt. Stacy, Jean DeWollfe, Uncle Ben, etc.).


The White Tiger (Hector Ayla?) was killed very recently in Daredevil.


Lots of members of X-Force/X-Statix have been killed, U-Go girl being the most recent. And current X-Statix member Dead-Girl is undead.


I think The Torpedo died in an issue of Rom.


Some of the New Mutants: Cypher. Maybe Karma (not sure she stayed dead).


Some dead hero/villains too: I don't think anyone ever brought back the Swordsman (former villain who became an Avenger) or the Executioner (Thor villain who sacrificed his life in Hel).



Terrax died back in FF 269 or so, but he might have been restored too. He'd be an extremely powerful zombie!


Count Nefaria maybe?


Scourge killed a few classic (and many not so classic) villains. The Basillisk is one.


Edit: I forgot some good ones: Guardian and Sasquatch, from Alpha Flight.

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Both Dove I and Dove II are toast (though I refuse to believe that whole "Monolith" storyline ever happened - I want Hawk and Dove back!). Also Mockingbird of the Avengers. The original Baron Zemo has been pushing up daisies since the 1960s.


Technically the four members of the Elementals died before being sent back with powers. The Haunting (aka Ghost Girl) was also dead. [oops. Sorry, not DC or Marvel Universe]

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Originally posted by Guardian

Thanks everybody for these excellent answers. I'll have to do some internet research to find out exactly who some of these guys are (I don't recognize many of the names), but I now have a great starting point.


Here's a good one for DC:



And one for The Titans they have the largest number of deseased members:


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Dove II (Dawn Grainger) is alive. This was only revealed very recently in JSA. That's the problem with superheroes, even years later, they can pop out of the woodwork.



I'll believe Donna Troy's really dead in, oh, about ten years.



There are lots of good choices listed here already.


For some details on Scourge's crusade, try http://victoria.tc.ca/Recreation/Comics/SFiles.html


By and large his victims were second stringers.


Apart from the Teen Titans, the second division team the Global Guardians might have the highest fatality rate in the DC universe.




Just remembered, Impala of the Global Guardians was revealed as having been killed in an issue of JSA (his picture was hanging on a wall showing heroes who had been slain in combats held for the entertainment of supervillains).

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In an early issue of the Avengers volume 3 (the busiek stuff... aka, the totally-awesome stuff) there's a giant screen of past avengers... there's a bunch of dead ones in there


some of whom in fact come back to life when the grim reaper resurrects them and controls them... the swordsman, the almost-thor (i forget his name), and i think 5 others in that issue.


you can also kill off anyone you particularly dislike and then bring them back


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Originally posted by Uncle Shecky

A lot of the old All Winners Squad and Invaders are pushing up the daisies: the original Union Jack, the Whizzer, the Patriot, probably Miss America, the Blazing Skull, Red Raven, etc.


Cap and the new Union Jack killed Baron Blood many years ago, but he could've come back.


Some of the New Mutants: Cypher. Maybe Karma (not sure she stayed dead).



Terrax died back in FF 269 or so, but he might have been restored too. He'd be an extremely powerful zombie!


Count Nefaria maybe?


Edit: I forgot some good ones: Guardian and Sasquatch, from Alpha Flight.



Miss America died during childbirth on Wundagore Mountain. Bova tried to pass-off the infant Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch as her children to Whizzer.


Baron Blood was recreated by the Bane in the Marvel UK Knights of Pendragon title, and he's drifted here and there since then.


Karma was believed dead in the single digits of the original New Mutants comic, but she later turned up alive and possessed by the Shadow King (before he was called that).


Terrax came back in New Warriors Vol. 1, #1. A scientist was analyzing the residue of his energies left where he disintigrated and accidently concentrated them enough for him to create a new body from rock and soil.


Count Nefaria revived as a side effect of the ionic energy he absorbed from Power Man waaay-back-when. He blew up fighting the Avengers and Thunderbolts, but ionic beings do that a lot. They always come back.


Guardian came back, three...four times? He's currently alive and leading Alpha Flight again. Sasquatch also came back, unless you mean the Sasquatch who wasn't Walter Langkowski who died in the most recent Alpha Flight series.

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Originally posted by lemming

The Ringer

Green Goblin (At least around '93 he was still dead. For that matter, so was Gwen)


The Ringer was brought back as a cyborg in Lethal Foes of Spider-Man. It's kind of funny. Mark Gruenwald predicted (half-joking) that Turner D. Century would be the first Scourge victim revived.


Green Goblin II and III are still dead. Norman's back.

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In the Marvel universe, I don't think anybody has stayed dead except Bucky Barnes and Ben Parker.


In the DC Universe, you always have the entire population of the planet Krypton. Of course, in the Silver Age new survivors were being discovered every month. Almost expected the newspapers in Argo City the day after to have the headline "PLANET EXPLODES; No One Injured."

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The original Capt. Marvel is still dead, so is Bucky. Karma (X'ain Coy Manh) is still alive, she's currently featured in the current New Mutants issue.


Physically Donna Troy is dead, the way they ended it though is she could be brought back if anyone had the guts to write her properly (NOT wanting to start that debate, already dead on Animoations). To my knowlege both Barron Blood's are dead. The original as well as Spitfire's son who became BB in the Union Jack mini-series. Barry Allen (Flash) is still dead as a doornail, so is the Rita Farr of the Doom Patrol. Johnny Quick (Jesse's Quick's (Titans & JSA) father is still dead, or at least joined the speed force. Jason Todd (Robin) is still dead, even though his body is missing from the grave (I'm not going to spoil who was in Batman unless asked). Zatara (Zattana's father) is still in the grave.


I also belive Steel (J.H. Irons) also died recently in Superman. OH, and depending on how you do it the original Hourman is also dead as well, though technicaly he's in a "pocket dimension" until his son uses up a certain amount of time.

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Originally posted by Uncle Shecky

It was Bucky II (Jack Monroe?) that became Nomad. I think he might have been paired with Captain America III though (though I could be wrong). I think Cap II was the former Patriot. Anyway, whichever Cap he was paired with is dead.


Jack Monroe (Nomad) was Bucky to the 4th Cap - the 50's one who went mad, because his stories were a little embarrassing to Marvel... This would have made him the third Bucky - the real one died at the same time that the real Cap got frozen, and there was another that hung around with the two fake Caps (aka, the Spirit of 76 and the Patriot).


Anyway, if you want to revive powerful deaders, just start with Supergirl... Anyone else is redundant, really.



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The Handbook of the Marvel Universe, being from 1984, is woefully out of date. Nonetheless here's the more interesting ones from the two issues.




The Ancient One - Died in Marvel Premier #10. Former Sorcerer Supreme before Dr. Strange.


Baron Zemo - Died in Avengers #15. WWII Villain.


Nighthawk - Died in Defenders #106. Member of the Defenders.


Miss America - Died in Giant Sized Avengers #1. Member of the Invaders & Liberty Legion.


Black Knight (I) - Died in Marvel Superheroes #17.


Satana - Died in Marvel Teamup #81. Daughter of Satan.


Thunderbird - Died in Xmen #95. Former X-man.


Toro - Died in Submariner #14. One of the two original "human torch" from the old Invaders series.

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Let's see... there's Egghead (bought the farm when he tried to

kill Hank Pym with a blaster that backfired when Hawkeye put

an arrow into the barrel as said blaster was being fired), Nova

(the Frankie Raye Nova; was killed at some point in time during

the run of the Silver Surfer's own book, from what I understand), and Tarantula I (died, IIRC, after being mutated

into a giant spider-like creature and jumped off a building into

the gunfire of police officers).


There's probably a few other members of the Daisy-Pushing Club

yet to be listed, but right now I can't think of them.


Space Cadet :cool:

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