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Super Zeroes

SSgt Baloo

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I've always had a soft spot for marginally super heroes and would like to brainstorm with everyone here to come up with more than a few.


Note: This isn't about "Reals", so "parking meter man" had better have a power more exotic (if not necessarily any more powerful) than a pocket full of change.


My first entry:

Captain Fits-and-Starts!

Captain Fits-and-Starts has the power of intermittent super-speed. In practical terms he is able to teleport to anywhere within walking distance (so long as he could otherwise walk there by foot). While the movement itself is instantaneous, he must wait several seconds before he can do it again. Captain Fits-and-Starts is otherwise a normal, slightly out-of-shape middle-aged man. His only superfeats thus far are the rescue of a child about to be run down by a car, and the foiling of a purse-snatcher.

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Re: Super Zeroes



Note: This isn't about "Reals", so "parking meter man" had better have a power more exotic (if not necessarily any more powerful) than a pocket full of change.



Parking Meter Man


Devin Sorkus has a rather strange ability, he is able to reset timers, any timer. Although he lacked the flash of other heroes he has worked closely with Bomb Disposal teams in his area. In his spair time Devin tries to be a good Samaritan walking most places he always resets the timers on parking meters he sees to give people just a few more minutes to get things done.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Whiptenna- After achieving great combat proficiency with a old-style metal car antenna, he has taken to the streets to protect those without his "power". Slashing and whipping attacks made with the car antenna are actually somewhat effective, to the surprise of those criminals that he has thus far encountered (some punks with spray cans vandalizing his condo building).

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Re: Super Zeroes




One of a number of low-level paras, his only abilities include a bizarre talent to survive any fall up to a hundred feet or so, and the ability to create a dancing, crackling light show of energy about his hands and eyes. This energy is totally harmless, and anyone trying to touch it may notice the hair on their arms standing as if exposed to static electricity.


However, he's motivated to help clean up his neighborhood, and has fashioned a well-padded "muscle suit" of dark material with a high sheen to enhance the appearance of his light show. He has also spent most of his disposable income on a serious PR campaign designed to generate a reputation for ferocity and brutality and the 'incredible power' of his energy fields.


Generally, he hangs about on rooftops waiting for the chance to "drop in" on a street crime. Knowing he has no actual combat effectiveness, he will usually opt for a massive PRE attack by leaping onto a large, noisily-destructible object like a dumpster lid or a perpetrator's car, hoping for some nice "smash damage." Then he will rise and challenge the perp, eyes and hands crackling and blazing, issuing challenges like "you've got ten seconds before target practice starts."


He will likely continue to have good luck with this until word gets around that "target practice" has never actually been encountered.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Zyne - He has the "ever-so-wonderful" ability to grab any printed work and instantly know everything in the material. While this may sound as though it is a great ability, remember that knowledge of how to do something does not necessarily mean that the person can do it. He does not wish to be any great hero but using this ability, he has learned (in record time) to be a medical doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, as well as several other occupations, leading to a well-off person.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Mister Goodnight


They call him the man who slept through a generation. Growing up they thought he had a strange sleep disorder, no one ever guesses at the true strength of his powers. Manifesting his freshman year of college Mister Goodnight slept for over twenty years before scientists learned how his powers worked and were able to wake him.


Able to create a stasis field around himself, those within the area of the field are stricken with a powerful narcosis. Putting his target's to sleep almost instantly this would be a truly amazing ability if it did not affect him as well. A curious side note, in this state Mister Goodnight does not seem to age. Although technically forty five now Mister Goodnight appears to be in his late teens.


Goodnight Aura: Drain STUN 15d6, Area Of Effect (53" Radius; +1), Lingering up to 5 Minutes (+1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day; +1 1/2) (675 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (-1 1/2), No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1)


Real Cost 193

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Re: Super Zeroes


Mister Goodnight


They call him the man who slept through a generation. Growing up they thought he had a strange sleep disorder, no one ever guesses at the true strength of his powers. Manifesting his freshman year of college Mister Goodnight slept for over twenty years before scientists learned how his powers worked and were able to wake him.


Able to create a stasis field around himself, those within the area of the field are stricken with a powerful narcosis. Putting his target's to sleep almost instantly this would be a truly amazing ability if it did not affect him as well. A curious side note, in this state Mister Goodnight does not seem to age. Although technically forty five now Mister Goodnight appears to be in his late teens.


Goodnight Aura: Drain STUN 15d6, Area Of Effect (53" Radius; +1), Lingering up to 5 Minutes (+1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day; +1 1/2) (675 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (-1 1/2), No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1)


Real Cost 193

I like that. Shouldn't have Life Support Linked to it though?

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Re: Super Zeroes



Mouse-man has the ability to communicate with mice! Unfortunately, mice aren't very bright and have terribly short attention spans, so that even though he can command mice to do his bidding, they are easily and quickly distracted and therefore they rarely follow through unless Mouse-Man is right there to remind them.


Mouse-Man has wisely decided to use his abilities for entertainment purposes only, and is moderately famous for his trained mice act.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Argue-Man is capable of winning any argument against any opponent. As a hero he uses this power to argue criminals out of committing crimes by effectively rebutting the propositions that lead to their committing the crimes. His arch-enemy, The Contradictor, has identical arguing power which he uses for evil. Their confrontations are the stuff of superhuman legend, as they argue with each other for hours at a time.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Jack Hye

Touched by a mild case of sinesthesia, Jack can smell the color red. Consequently he never wears anything read and abhors any shade of red. He makes his living playing low stakes card games. Noted as a guy who has talent but never gets a lucky break in the gaming halls of Atlantic City and Vegas, he keeps his disability a secret.



Hmmm. In the 'Wild Cards' series these people would all count as 'Dueces'.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Does anyone feel like taking these 'super zero' ideas and writing up a short story for my supers 'zine? Deadline for submissions is the end of October for issue 1, but I hope it to be a monthly publication, so take your time if you need it.




What length are you looking for? Or do you have any requirements there?

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Re: Super Zeroes


The Human Reservoir has an apparently infinite extra-dimensional pocket contained in his own body. Anything he eats, after a bit of digestion, will go to this place, where it is completely undetectable, and frozen in time. He can release the contents at will, where it comes out... in the normal spots... but must release everything at the same time. Because of his limited digestion, he is forced to eat much more than the average person.


He dominates local competitive eating circuits. The government is aware of his powers, and occasionally pays him to 'eat' certain items they want gone forever.


Out of personal convenience, he has not released his personal portal in nearly 20 years. He is deeply afraid at the volume of goods that will need to be expelled when he does so, and will probably never choose to again.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Well-Rested Man: Dan Sigismund can always get a good night's sleep. Lock him up in a "stress position," freeze him, play CBC early weekend morning music at him with the speakers turned up to 11, hit him with a Taser every 15 minutes, it doesn't matter. He's always fresh.


He's a deputy or reservist in many a superhero organisation. At first glance, it is a little strange, as his only contribution is that he is always mellow, unflappable, reasonable and funny.

Now, you shouldn't underestimate the contribution he makes. Many a battle has been aborted by his mellifluous diplomacy. Still, most observers think that the fact that the groups he helps have a regular member with imitation or absorption powers is the key here.

They just don't nose it about, because supervillains are going to go looking for secret identity candidates that have just had a baby...

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Re: Super Zeroes


Argue-Man is capable of winning any argument against any opponent. As a hero he uses this power to argue criminals out of committing crimes by effectively rebutting the propositions that lead to their committing the crimes. His arch-enemy' date=' [b']The Contradictor[/b], has identical arguing power which he uses for evil. Their confrontations are the stuff of superhuman legend, as they argue with each other for hours at a time.



And they spend all their free time in chat rooms and posting comments on youtube? :lol:

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Re: Super Zeroes


Singularity - Adam Flesher is mostly a normal person except that he can stop either summoning or duplication. Basically an area around him is one singularity, hence his name. He was trained as a wrestler in high school and carried that through college where he obtained an archeology degree. Now he is living a quiet life as an archeologist, not really paying any real attention to the supersence.

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Re: Super Zeroes


If you follow the link there's some basic information. They are going to have 5' date='000, 1,000, and 500 and less word categories.[/quote']


Yeah, seriously, any length as long as it is complete. 5000 words would most likely be the upper limit thouh.

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Re: Super Zeroes


Inconspicuous Man

Joe Dokes is an average-looking middle-aged man. So much so that even his wife is hard-pressed to describe him in any detail. Inconspicuous Man's power is to be... well,
. People he works with every day will recognize him only if they're actually looking at him. Facial recognition software always seems to draw a blank when confronted with his physiognomy. Unless actually looking directly at him, most people quickly forget he's even in the room.

Help me out here, folks. What could this guy do for a living? Note that he is not a villain and that even if he bothered to wear a costume, no-one is likely to accurately remember what he looked like. This extends to film and other media. His image is somewhat ambiguous whether he's viewed by electronic means or photography. People can see somebody in the picture, they can even describe him, but someone looking at the image and then at him would not necessarily know they were the same person. I imagine that he has a difficult time cashing checks even at his own bank. :help:

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