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GADGETS & GEAR -- What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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Originally posted by wcw43921

Also, gadgets make great plot devices--if you'll pardon the expression. I remember an Adventurer's Club adventure where the PCs had to deal with an influx of autofire laser pistols called "Retaliators" that exploded lethally if used once too often. And of course, there are those gadgeteer-types who neither fight nor commit crime, but sell their works to whomever can pay. I can easily see such a character catering to the "wannabe" crowd--those who believe all you need to fight crime are a rocket pack and a bandolier full of stun grenades, or stickup artists who think a freeze-ray weapon will make them unbeatable. You get the idea.


I'll second that. The main focus of the book should be the gadgets themselves, but secondary sections would be good. Briefs on organizations that churn this stuff out, some guy like the Tinkerer in Marvel who makes/repairs foci for villains, etc.


And if it hasn't already been presented in some 5th Ed book already...TURTLE ARMOR!!!! :D :D :D

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Hermit made mention of high-tech instant change devices in an

earlier post to this topic, and I agree that a gadget like that

would be interesting to see in the Gadgets and Gear book. It'd be especially interesting to see large-scale versions

of such a gadget as well as the "Only affects person wearing it"

versions. The best examples of this kind of superhero hardware

can be found in animated shows such as Science Ninja Team

Gatchaman (a.k.a. Battle of the Planets and, somewhat

more recently, Eagle Riders; the wristbands that the good

guys wore that not only changed their street clothes into their

uniforms, but also transformed their normal-looking vehicles into more advanced versions -- the team leader's propeller-

driven plane became a jet at the instant of tranformation, for

example), and Sonic Soldier Borgman (the combination

wrist communicator/transformation devices worn by the Borg-

men that allowed them to change into their battle armor).


Space Cadet :cool:

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How about ( and I kid you not this _is_ a champions item) Jet Earrings.


some notes on Disguising the ideas source with different SFX (ie instead of "spring boots" how about air pressure boots that have to be pumped up before use? The do the same thing just slightly differently.



Things that protect the character from his own powers.


Mr Fantastic's Unstable Molecule clothing (it is what everyone in the Marvel universe wears so their power usage doesnt leave them nekkid.)


Rather than a section on Arrows, then on Bullets then on boomerangs then on yo-yo/s, then on Shuriken, etc... just have notes as to what you need to do to convert from the main list of Arrows to bullets to bommerangs etc...


Writeups for :thingamabobits, whatchamacallits, doohickies, etc...

Champions level of course!


OOooooh how about Instant change items ( not just swordcanes anymore!)


Bladed Yo-Yo's,


Skill roll modifier items


Ablative working with the Breaking items rules. After all if an item gets broken every time it's defense gets breached then Ablative seems to be an advantage..... it keeps on going and going and going.



there was a thread (that you have probably allready seen) that had the Ultimate Swiss Army Knife ( I being an american bought the Ultimate Leatherman). You might want to check that out and see if there is anything you can use.

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The tools of Teleios!


We've seen a lot of suggestions here for 'hard' tech -- what about ideas for gadgets made with the life sciences? One of the characters we've got in our group is a doctor, and a list of tools and drugs would be a BIG help.


And, of course, the ever-popular supermutant virii, genetic/chemical ways of graning or removing superpowers, etc. The sort of stuff Teleios would use to create posthumans or the like.

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