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A Playable Black Bolt


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I have been interested in the Inhumans off and on for decades. I have been reading the "War of Kings" mini-series and the recent "Realm of Kings: Inhumans" mini-series and I thought Black Bolt would be fun to play. I have an oppertunity to create a Black Bolt-like character for a 6ed game. My MP would be called "whisper to a scream". The trouble is, Black Bolt's whispering of a single syllable loosened Attilan from its mountain foundation in a Fantastic Four issue I own. How do I turn this powerful character into something playable in the 350-400 point range?

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Most of the time, when making an homage character, you aren't going to be as powerful as the source material. Comic writers don't have to fuss with points, game balance, active point caps, or anything of the sort. Odds are, you're simply going to have to settle for a less powerful character.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


I don't remember a whole lot about Black Bolt but he seems like an uber example of the 'glass cannon' (classic examples being Cyclops and Black Canary).


Black Bolt could be done on 350/400 (5th/6th ed) if the gm isn't using hard caps and the player is willing to accept '1-hit wonder' status with their powers.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


I don't remember a whole lot about Black Bolt but he seems like an uber example of the 'glass cannon' (classic examples being Cyclops and Black Canary).


Not so much, I'm afraid. He's capable of going toe-to-toe with The Thing in a slugfest, and can create forcefields.


Then again, this is an homage, not the genuine article, so some of that can give.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


I read online that the little forks on his head are a focus for his powers to keep them under control. You could work in a focus or limitation (Prevents Uncontrolled) that should save some points. Also says at maximum his voice is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. I'm assuming that is kilotons and not megatons of TNT.


Edit: From what I've read online, a nuke is generally considered a 20d6 killling attack, explosive with some form of megascale. Plus lots of nasty secondary effects.


Broadsword -|--->

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Black Bolt.


Summary: flying brick with sonic scream.


There's an interesting build for his sonic scream in the 5E Champions genre book. (Sidebar, page 15). It's lots of points (active and real) though, and would need to be toned down for a playable 350-400 point character.


I think you could produce something worthwhile from Life Support, moderate defences, and a honkin' big multipower. He'd be more of an energy blaster than a real brick, but could be quite fun. His MP would include things like strength, flight, forcefield and a couple of ranged attacks, including his sonic scream.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


I don't remember a whole lot about Black Bolt but he seems like an uber example of the 'glass cannon' (classic examples being Cyclops and Black Canary).


Heh, Black Canary makes a great starting place for a homage to Black Bolt. I don't know which character is technically older but her powers seem like a reasonably toned down version of his.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Put together the Brick portion of the character. Talk with your GM about appropriate limitations on that 20/40/60/80/100d6 EB (you know, the one that's 10x the campaign maximum) and see if it isn't possible to whittle it down to a comparatively few points. Some nasty things like 'always happens when character speaks' and 'proportional to character's speaking volume' and 'minimum (3x campaign maximum) to start' could work, if the GM agrees these are appropriate and gives you some decent penalties for them. Don't forget the Psych Lim of 'Will Not Speak'.


As for the power, you might just consider a regular EB, but with insane KB. (Hey, if you KB it up to 11.2 km/s, that's escape velocity ...) If you have Double KB and Megascale it, say up to a hundred or a thousand miles, and no space-capable supers, you've essentially got your Black Bolt shout -- wipes everything off the face of the earth (by flinging it all into space) ...

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


When I build a "Nova Flame" type power in a game that uses caps, I try to focus more on the flavor of the power than raw damage (which would make the power often unplayable for various reasons anyway). To make attacks scary without smashing caps or being over the top I typically use AVAD.


I might build a playable version of Black Bolts scream as a: 4d6 Blast, AoE Cone (16m, 30 degree arc) (+1/4), AVAD vs. Hearing Flash Defense (+1), Does BODY (+1), No Range (-1/2), Restrainable or Focus (Tuning Fork) (-1/2) [65 APs, 32 Real Cost]

- AVAD will make it a pretty scary attack against most opponents

- Does BODY will allow you to destroy objects easily and make it a more rarely used attack against live opponents (like Blackbolt)

- Use Haymaker, Multiple Attack, and Spread Attack to get that "massive" feel

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Personally, I probably wouldn't even stat up the voice for a starting level version of Black bolt.


He almost never uses it because doing so is like unleashing an atomic bomb. Low powered supers probably shouldn't have access to actual nukes.


IMO, it's really the threat of him using it that makes him impressive. The fact he has a that much power, yet never uses it.


I think this can be accomplished with a massive Reputation.


All the while, the player can simply save points to eventually buy the ability once the game is ready for that level of power.


I think giving the character a MP of various sonic attack powers can work too, but personally I feel it would ruin the mystique. Of course, mute characters are often a PITA to play well...

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Here's an idea I had been playing with for a power called "Cosmic Cry":


[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
80     [b][i]Cosmic Cry[/i][/b]: Multipower, 80-point reserve - END=
16v     1)  [b][i]Sonic Blast[/i][/b]: Blast 9d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (1m Cone; +1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Flash Defense (Hearing); +1/2) - END=8
16v     2)  [b][i]Sonic Devistation[/i][/b]: Blast 9d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (1m Radius Explosion; +1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Flash Defense (Hearing); +1/2) - END=8
16v     3)  [b][i]Sonic Cry[/i][/b]: Hearing Group Flash 15d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (5m Radius; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Does Knockback (+1/4) - END=8
15v     4)  [b][i]Cosmic Field[/i][/b]: Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED/15 Flash Defense:  Hearing Group) (Protect Carried Items) - END=0
14v     5)  [b][i]Cosmic Boost[/i][/b]: Aid  Strength 6d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) - END=7
15v     6)  [b][i]Sonic Disentegration[/i][/b]: RKA 3d6+1, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Flash Defense (Hearing); +1/2) - END=7

[b]POWERS Cost: 172[/b]

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Heh' date=' Black Canary makes a great starting place for a homage to Black Bolt. I don't know which character is technically older but her powers seem like a reasonably toned down version of his.[/quote']


Black Canary was a Golden Age character. Black Bolt is Silver Age.


However, Black Canary's sonic powers are Bronze Age! Before that she just used judo, and the odd gadget.


Apart from the sonic blast, she doesn't have any of the powers Black Bolt has.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Personally, I probably wouldn't even stat up the voice for a starting level version of Black bolt.


He almost never uses it because doing so is like unleashing an atomic bomb. Low powered supers probably shouldn't have access to actual nukes.


A bit dodgy, but it would work. He does mainly rely on his other abilities, and a "Can't speak without blowing up big chunks of the world" Disad would cover the roleplaying side of things nicely.


I've pulled weirder stunts while building characters...

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


Since the OMGWTFPOLARBEAR!-level sonic attack isn't something that Black Bolt uses more than once a decade or so, and not at all without causing devastation all around him, it seems like that could reasonably be built as a Complication. That electron beam that he'll actually use in a fight probably maxes out at 14-15 DC or so, maybe in the same ballpark as his physical strength. It might still take some watering down to build him as a 350-400 pt character, but you could at least get a similar feel for a homage at that level.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


well a lot depends on "what do you find interesting about black bolt" as he is many things.


flying brick

electric blaster

mute character

Sonic wmd he almost never uses.


several of the suggestions basically remove the wmd aspect by sliding it into "fluff not substance" to the extent that his comp could be "he is delusional that speaking will destroy lots of real estate" instead of "speaking will destroy lots of real estate" and be indistinguishable in actual play.


that might not be what you were after.


if you really want the power, i dont think its all that tough on 350. buy a Mp and have one "all points slot" be an rka aoe megascale where the size of the area means its usually a very bad idea to use it. Your gm will be wary, rightfully so, but if he trusts you and you deserve that trust then it can work out fine.


another alternative for a possible variant is to buy the blast that way but with lotsa lims - lotsa inc end, 0 dcv, etc.


I do like making the attack vs sonic flash defense to a degree with does body.


as long as you avoid making it the "when the master villain pops up i drop him" can opener, it can work.


The hardest thing imo is the mute. I have seen players try and run this and every time it basically failed. It cuts out so much of what you are there for, interaction, if they actually play it. often they wind up just handwaving it off with things like saying ooc "my character writes blah blah blah..." and so effectively they have talking character and free points for not talking.


I now when i have a determined player, give out very few points for mute, because i know the player in short order will find a workaround and be just as vocal a player and as active a participant in planning etc as any other.

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Re: A Playable Black Bolt


I once played a mute character who handed out printed cards to communicate (think Magic 8 Ball sayings)' date=' and I only spoke aloud to the GM while playing him.[/quote']


I recall an old Marvel 2 in 1 where BB transmuted a wall into a wall with writing on it. Ben's first response was on the lines of "why didn't we think of this before". Then he discovered how different Inhuman is from English. BB's GM enforced that Mute disadvantage!


I'd say the player must define how often "Mute" will prevent communication, and that will set the value of the limitation. If the workarounds reduce that frequency, buy down the complication.

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