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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The state of Hawaii has only one school suitable for superpowered students from kindergarten to high school, and those members of the faculty who are also active superheroes call themselves The Acadamia Nuts.


Each should have powers, or at least an image, name, or costume, that connects to the subject they teach.


There should be six to ten members of the faculty, and if someone wants to describe the school that might be good too.

So, the teachers of a Hawaian version of PS238?

I think I have a very good history teacher ready, but can't write him down now.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I miscounted again? Should really pay more attention.


How many do we have right now? I am not so certain what of the above counts as descirption.



This is a littlebit OT, but how did you made the hemophiliac part? (have a charater concept with a similar limitation/complication)


About the hemophiliac limitation: I didn't do the character writeup for that

character; I only did the on-paper pic of him for the GM.



Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


About the hemophiliac limitation: I didn't do the character writeup for that

character; I only did the on-paper pic of him for the GM.

Well, too bad about that.


Few Metahumans can Travel through the time. Even fewer can do so without technology. But for the Historian, it is a even higher degree of 'unusual'. He jumps throug time uncontrolled. Some invisible, intagible force is draggin him around and gives "quests" to do at this specific point in time. And once he succeds, it goes on in another time, on another place. But what would drive most other person insane, is that his guiding power has no care for realtion:

Sometimes he has an Adventure with someone who regards him a good, long year ally (from his perspective). At the same time, the Historian will meet this person for the first time in about 25 Years from his perspective. Luckily he always seems to know what he should know if he would walk normally through time (so he remember meeting someone for the first time + the entire common history, before meeting him for the first time - don't think to much about it, you'll get headaches).


One repeating "Quest" is to teach children at [Name of School]. His speciallity is obvoiusly History, sometimes he witnessed it first hand (but didn't interfere). 'Unfortunately' for the kids he is never late for class, never forgets your homework and is never to busy for teaching - even when his self from for 20 Years ago, the self from in two hours and his self from in 120 Years beat up Mechanon on the moon - right now.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Melana Kehai teaches native ecology, specifically the botany of Hawaii. But when she has to go out on patrol, she's better known as Hibiscus. She's able to produce a pheromone that can stun a target temporarily, even induce sleep if she's pushed hard enough. Rumour has it she can produce a pheromone that can make any man or woman be susceptible to any "suggestion" she offers ala hypnosis or mind control. If that's true however, she's yet to actually to it in public. Indeed, Melana seems abhorred by the very idea.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Years ago I had drawings for state heroes like Egyptoid's USA-50. Lone Star was in the first five which also included Golden Bear, Redbird, Blue Cresent, the Blue and the Gray.


The other common name I have seen used for a Texas hero is Longhorn.




Well, I created The Midland Minotaur to honor the beef industry for Texas.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Anyhow, for the current team.


Dr. Patricia Kilauea is the professor of geology. In her guise as as hero, she is known as Geothermal with powers over fire and lava. Rumors have it Geothermal is the avatar of the volcano goddess Pele. Or she may just be Pele in human form. *hint, hint*

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The state of Hawaii has only one school suitable for superpowered students from kindergarten to high school, and those members of the faculty who are also active superheroes call themselves The Acadamia Nuts.


Each should have powers, or at least an image, name, or costume, that connects to the subject they teach.


There should be six to ten members of the faculty, and if someone wants to describe the school that might be good too.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Academy


Somebody reputized me for this.


I should admit it wasn't really my idea. It was Pollypanda's.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary taglines, however, are mine.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Just listing what we have of the Acadamia Nuts (6-10 members):

The Historian - History

Hibiscus / Melana Kehai - native Ecology/bothany

Catalytic Converter / Ray Lemming - chemistry

Geothermal / Dr. Patricia Kilauea - geology


Anybody has soem ideas what is still missing in this Curriculum? Might help finding some more ideas.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Jocks who think their value to the school team will mean the math teacher has to take it easy on them are in for a surprise from Coach Powers. He teaches both physical education plus math. He's superhumanly strong, tough, and fast, although there are kids stronger and tougher (not too many faster, though) but his real secret weapon is multiplication - no one's sure how many of him there can be, but all the sports teams regularly practice against teams consisting entirely of their coach. What the kids really hate is when they're running laps with Coach running alongside, quizzing them about math. The track gets pretty crowded with a whole class running and besides each student is a Coach giving them individual attention..."Okay, kid, your running form's good now, run like that and you'll make it to the finish line strong....now, what's seven raised to the power of 2?"


Lucius Alexander


Sounds suspiciously like a palindromedary...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, let's get to some super-curriculum. While this is already Nr. 6, i think we should try to complete the other 4 too.


Many students wonder when during their first lesson in "Magical Theories and Practices" a six year old boy comes into the room and introdices hiself as Issyl, a 600 Year old Mage. Due to a misshappened Ritual he was thrown around in time in a similar way as the historian (they have met during that regualry). With 300 Years he was affected by a curse that let him age reversly. It took him 294 Years to break the curse and the only way to do so was locking him in this shape and in the normal timeflow (protecting him from any future time travel and timeline alterations).

That way he is simultaniously the oldest and youngest member of the Acadamia Nuts (the historian usually answers with the average of all his appereances for any given day).


While his shape does changed to a 6 year old, his personality is still that of a 600 Year old, grumpy Mage. He takes special care to teach his students respect towards the magic energies. He had his "That one time, when I was at your age I thought I knew everything there was to know...."-Story so often, everyone of his students can practically recitate it from memory.

But when he is done telling that story, he is one of the most experienced mages on the planets and his students later become some of the best supermages on the planet - and the most carefull.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Principal Errol Deavers has seen it, all done it all. He doesn't have any powers. Instead, he rules his school with an arsenal of weapons concealed on his person, a mastery of martial arts, and legendary stealth.


Students know to scatter if they see his long coat in the hall.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Maybe I should have said there should be a dozen.


the school nurse, Kahuna Haha, not only can usually tell what's wrong with one look, he teaches health and nutrition classes and a course for those not recieving more specialized training in the mental and spiritual disciplines that may provide them some modicum of protection against psychic and magical threats.


Students often think his name has to do with his own ready laugh and the way he makes them relax and laugh themselves, but it's actually a Hawaiian term for an expert in diagnosis.


Lucius Alexander


Kahuna Palindromedary

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Maybe I should have said there should be a dozen.

You know, we can just go on until someone post a Acadama Nut and thinks it's time for a different team.


The future holds many wonders and Sentient Robots will be among them. We know it, because one fell backwards through time (and suprisingly neither the Historian nor Issyl had something to do with it/will have something to do with it). The Robots of this future generation will be able to be reilgious.

However, with this exemplar something went wrong during prodution: When deciding the reiligion, the technican hit the "Select All" Option.

The result was Poly Theistos: A robot with split personalities - one for every religion ever created until today and some yet to come (inlcuding several different forms of Atheism). He is still the same person in each single one, except for the believe. But as if this wasn't enough the accident also bugged up his learning matrix so if he should ever encounter a unknown religion, he will learn about it and in the result form another personality (they are currently not counted and one personality formed on the belive that there will be infinite further ones. Another one thinks it will be no more than 65,536).


He teaches Religion. Every single form of religion. Just not simultaniosly, only one at a time. Just don't ask how he juggles his life with Christanity, Judaism, Islam and Neo-Pago Hutu-Tutu (will be comming very soon now) and all those other religions with commandments.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, I should make at least one non-timetraveller. And another women wouldn't hurt either.


Arena Arinson had always been a smart child. Prodigy level even. When she saw the evil in the world, she became a super-detective. He ability at finding paterns or understanding the psychology of a culptrit is hardly matched. And she is also adapt at infiltrating organisations or imitating others too. For the teaching endeavors of the Acadamia Nuts however, she has a different focus.

While she does teach proper detective Techniques, he main area are Arts in every Form and Creative Crafting. She often utilizes the abilites of the other teachers in new, unusual ways to archive Masterpieces nobody could have dreamt of.


Her Hero Name is Aestethica

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The school's custodian and maintenance person is the speedster known as White Tornado. The students aren't sure if it's Mr. Tornado or Ms. Tornado, as even when "standing still" the custodian is only visible as a kind of blur. Students who carelessly make messes may hear a high pitched squeel (a sign of annoyance) but to communicate White Tornado seems to prefer using written messages.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Studies

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Ever had a teacher who could take a mundane subject and make it exciting? Unfortunately, Oliver Nelson is no such teacher. For more gifted students, he's the one teaching AP English, wringing the life out of Shakespeare, Hemingway and other literary classics. He refuses to even consider other opinions when it comes to interpreting works, much to his students' collective dismay. The smarter kids dread having to take his class -- and he seemingly knows who's intentionally trying to avoid him (here's a hint -- all of them). As Null, he's feared as a power dampener and suppressor. Even the other members of the team keep their distance from him, which suits Nelson just fine.



Oliver is actually a mole from a government agency focusing on young metahumans. His position in the school enables him to keep an eye on potential recruits -- or dangers -- the US should take care of before they get too powerful. He's been requested by his superiors to be more of a "team player" with the rest of the Nuts, but he's stubborn. Couple that with hardened mental defense and he's a VERY tough man to get through to. So far, the government hasn't taken him up on his warnings about certain students as threats. This galls him to no end, but he's staying his hand -- for now.




New team: The Knights of Lepus

Number: 6

History: The team's sponsor (the shadowy "Mister B.") has recruited six of the most gorgeous women he could contact in order to create a private "Heroine For Hire" force. Mind you, they're not taken very seriously as their sponsor has a rabbit fetish. But make no mistake! The girls are very good at what they do. Sure, some of them initially balked at dressing up as bunnies, but then they saw the paycheck. The Knights are here to make sure their clients get their monies' worth -- as well as advance Mister B's agenda (whatever that is). :eg:

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


New team: The Knights of Lepus

Number: 6

History: The team's sponsor (the shadowy "Mister B.") has recruited six of the most gorgeous women he could contact in order to create a private "Heroine For Hire" force. Mind you, they're not taken very seriously as their sponsor has a rabbit fetish. But make no mistake! The girls are very good at what they do. Sure, some of them initially balked at dressing up as bunnies, but then they saw the paycheck. The Knights are here to make sure their clients get their monies' worth -- as well as advance Mister B's agenda (whatever that is). :eg:

I choose you, Blade Bunny:



She count's for 6, so I guess we are finished ;)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I had one...for a "Wildguard-esque" campaign...let's see.



Aubrey Hall was born in the Year of the Rabbit. When she developed superhuman powers, they were of the ironic sort. Aubrey doesn't tell anyone how she got her powers, and though they're rather potent, she's well aware that they're not easy to take seriously. Aubrey has meta-human level senses and very strong legs. She can run incredibly fast, leap very high, and kick like a mule...or a giant sized hare. She is also extremely lucky.


So she took the name Thumper, dressed in her Bunny Suit and began making villains look sillier than she felt. Mr. B came calling shortly after her first appearance.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Caught in a prototype matter transmitter malfunction, lab technician Jane Harris found herself endowed with the power to generate dozens of duplicates of herself and was recruited by the deranged patron of the Knights of Lepus and trained in hand to hand combat. Now she fights crime as Bunny Love!

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


jeannie overland had a weird chemical reaction to meds and gained limited involnrbility unfortunatly it seems focused on her chest area always an honest person at heart she has taken the odename UPFRONT[any posters that watch G4's attack of the show with now the character homaged here]

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