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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


It wasn't that Dr. Kevin Borne was a bad guy, he was intelligent, articulate, fun to be around, and a brilliant researcher in genetics and biochemistry. He did have a nasty habit of kidnapping (usually homeless people) and experimenting on them. They didn't generally survive his experiments, but they were no matter really, their lives paling in comparison to the wonders he'd brought to the world.


Then things went horribly wrong. One of the experiments - involving extra terrestrial DNA and a biochemical fluid containment resulted in a his subject, a young man he purchased from a "foster home" near the Mexican border, bursting free from the apparatus while Dr. Borne was taking readings. The young man crackled with bio-electrical energy and had gained considerably enhance strength. He grabbed Dr. Borne and shoved him into the remnants of the nutrient bath and sent a surges of energy through him until he stopped moving, then the younger man collapsed.


An hour later, a man staggered from the secret lab and was found by the local police. After getting his bearings and, convinced he was the subject of the experiment, he led the police to the lab. A manhunt for Dr. Borne began, but he was never found.


Dr. Borne had died in the lab, you see. Sort of. When the police found the body at the lab it was the young man who'd been kidnapped. The man who led them there went to a homeless shelter and volunteered. He didn't know why, in fact he was homeless himself. For the next few months things slowly came back to him, his brilliant mind, his talents for medicine and research. There was also nightmares, dark dreams of acts of inhumanity that haunted him. He suspected but rejected the truth.


Fully a year later "John Shelter" developed the ability to alter his physical form. Taking this as a sign that he was meant to go beyond his tireless work at free clinics, John became a costumed crime fighter using the name Morphic. Morphic heard of the Ivory Knights and petitioned for membership almost immediately.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Gironimo "Casanova" Seinfeld always was a very self centered man. He had everything a man could dream of - wealth, success, fame. But he never cared for others. He was especially (in)famous for seducing women, often by promising enternal love, only to drop them after a few fun nights.

Until he tried to seduce the wrong women, in the wrong place. It was the one from post 518.

How he got into her area of the wood is a story of itself, but responce was furious:

Since he always considered himself to be the greatest person in the room, she led him shrink - to 1/16 of human size. His voice also became proportionally faint. According to her, the curse will last until he learned to treat all other beings with respect. Then he was cast back into the lands of human.


Here, for the first time he was actually forced to watch als those people he never even noticed before. He even learned about the crushing effects a broken heart can have, when saw a women about to commit suicide over a lost love.

When he wanted to intervene, the curse lifted just a little bit: Suddenly he was sorounded by a aura of white light, big enough to be clearly seen and loud enough to be clearly heard by everyone. But the main effect of the aura, was his ability to fly. And with more controll it allowed him to interact with the world almost as if he never was reduced.


When he finally learned enough controll over the aura to produce understandable speech with it, he could once again fully interact with humanity.

He took on the name of White Sparrow and while he was not able to wear a visible cap like the other Ivory Knights, his aura shows his allegeance even better. The more good he did and the more he learned about himself, the weaker the curse got and the more powers he got. But truly respecing all beings, is task that may take time.



His main Power is flight, with full Obviousness (he is as easy to see as a normal human while using it).

But he can also pack a surpsing punch in a Move-Through, while the aura protects him from harm (HTH, must use Full move).

His natural smallness allows him to scout ahead and go to places his teammates wouldn't fit, making him a nasty suprise for those who loose him out of their sight...



His arch enemy is a female villian known for placing her "Glass Window" Power (a invisible Barrier) into his flight path. Unbeknownst to both, he is one of his ex-affairs who truned villian over the broken heart.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I've got an idea... :eg:


Some states and cities have always been able to attract the "Big Names" when it comes to heroes. Other places haven't been so lucky. Some states haven't been as glamorous. Some haven't felt they actual NEED a superheroic presence. And some...just keep trying.


This is a team involving the last one.


Meet the DELAWARE DEFENDERS! These four men and women haven't been as blessed when it comes to "cool" super powers and talents, but they're out to prove they can hang with the big guns just in case Mechanon ever attacks their home state. Stop laughing...it could happen one day!

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I've got an idea... :eg:


Some states and cities have always been able to attract the "Big Names" when it comes to heroes. Other places haven't been so lucky. Some states haven't been as glamorous. Some haven't felt they actual NEED a superheroic presence. And some...just keep trying.


This is a team involving the last one.


Meet the DELAWARE DEFENDERS! These four men and women haven't been as blessed when it comes to "cool" super powers and talents, but they're out to prove they can hang with the big guns just in case Mechanon ever attacks their home state. Stop laughing...it could happen one day!


Creepy, this was close to what my idea was...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


There are no barriers to the human mind. That's what Phaedra Thompkins was told all her life - if you work hard, believe in yourself, you will succeed.

And it was a pile of shi- er poop. Gotta watch the language when you're a "role model."


True, Phaedra had achieved a modicum of success as a singer/songwriter in her home state. She was a local favorite blending blues, folk, and country with an appealing voice and deft guitar skills. But fame? No.


She'd found herself working for an educational media company, writing songs about math and social studies. It was kind of hard to swallow and soon her gigs in bars always ended up with people recognizing her from her bills paying work only to be aghast - some blues songs are not all ages appropriate! There was even occasional fallout when she'd perform 21 and over shows. Record labels didn't come calling.


Then her manager agreed to the worst move yet, she would become a patriotic singing super heroine Miss Liberty. The kids loved it, parents loved it, and Phaedra hated it. She'd gone from rebellious rocker with a message to corporate sell out with seemingly no hope of breaking out - all before she was 23.


But...you know what they say, some days are a bowl full of cherrys some nights you're sucking on lemons and spitting out seeds. For the next two years, she toured as Miss Liberty and had to keep in good shape, perform "Superhuman" feats of athletics (backflips, handstands, and such) and stage-fight crime. It turns out it wasn't so bad. She came to enjoy the kids and as she became more popular she was able to get more input into the songs and stage work.


As often is the case for a public figure in this strange world, she earned an enemy. Miss Liberty's enemy was an anarchist anti-government "freedom fighter" who called himself the Blood-Red Pawn. Deciding that Miss Liberty was a) a tool to brainwash children and B) an easy target, he and a few of his followers - sorry, fellow freedom fighters, attacked the show. At first Phaedra was terrified, she tried to head off stage but the terrorists had replaced security. The Blood-Red Pawn shouted over the crying children "educating" them about their heroine, how she was nothing more than a corporate stooge and a third-rate Lilith Fair wannabe.


Though she later told her friends that the insult at the end was the last straw; the truth was, Phaedra's adrenaline rush activated her latent meta-gene, suddenly she saw the world at half speed, reading their body language, she could tell they didn't really want to hurt any of the kids present, just make her look bad. But she didn't get the same feeling from the Blood-Red Pawn. He was dangerous and had to be eliminated - with out hesitation she sprinted towards him and tackled him. He had relied on her to be afraid (she was) and helpless (not so much) and when she showed far more physical power than a woman (even a quasi athletic one) her size should his men bolted leaving him to take something of a beating.


When it was all over, and the kids and their parents were cheering - half merely assumed it was part of the show, Phaedra flew home and negotiated a buyout of the Miss Liberty identity and decided to become a hero for real.


(Yeah cribbing a bit from Limitless)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Cooch Small can be seen riding something from one end of the state to the other during the night. They call him the Coachman because of his old fashioned dress and black cloak flying behind him like something from Sleepy Hollow.


He provides the Defenders the means to get where they want to go faster than any jet, penetrate defenses, and other teleportation tricks.


The Coachman's 'coach' is capable of riding anywhere its invisible horses can run.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Minute (pronounced as in "very small") Man's power to shrink to the size of an action figurine doesn't exactly make him a world beater. Unlike some other people with such a power it comes with no strength increase. He's exactly as strong as any other six-inch-long creature would be expected to be, and he can't move all that fast without the help of the "Red Rocket", an electric motorcycle that can shrink down with him. But his ability to suddenly shrink and grow does make him good at avoiding attacks, and he makes a very stealthy spy. He does know martial arts, and his flashiest move is to have a team mate throw him while shrunk, tumble in mid-air and grow to full size as he hits.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Magic gift comes in many forms:

Some have to always say words of power when using them. Some always have a nasty, but not harmfull, side effect.


For Briana Ferzan it has been both. On the plus side there spells are a little bit harder to notice by sight. On the downside her magic word is BOMBULUM and each of her spells sounds, and smells, like a fart. Be it the witchfire bolt or the ward against evil, each of them got stupid nicknames by everyone who witnesses them more often. Even from those pummeled by them. The media found it quite hilarious too.


Obviously, no established hero wanted to associate with her as soon as the chance of being caught on camera was in the room. Then she heard the call of the Delaware Defenders and she applied - and they were desperate enough to actually accept!

Now Flatulencia is the resident mystic of the group. She shows greater restraint in using her powers than even most other magicians, but that only improved her value as expert on Mystical Threats and her research into Magical Item Creation (who don't share the side effect - ususally).



Her Spells allways require Incatations and are Inobvious to sight, but obvious to hearing and smell (no change of values). Well, except for a few rare that are "Silent but Deadly".

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Since he forgot and to move it along I've got one.


In the state vein: The Texas Titans. All are born Texans and very "Tex-centric". Obsessed with the idea of how great Texas is to a fault. They are good at heart (they just let the bias to their state get the better of them sometimes) And will defend state and country (probably state first though).


Members: 5-6

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Gonna trot out Lone Star. He's a living sun blasting the enemies of the land God blessed.


Who doesn't have a Lone Star in a Texas campaign?




Weird that you should mention a character named Lone Star. In a campaign that I

was part of years ago run by Villainous Scum, he had an NPC group called the New

Texas Rangers that made a "guest appearance" during the Vibora Bay campaign.

The members of the group were:


Ranger X (the team leader and a mutant, IIRC)


Yellow Rose (a female cosmic-energy projector)


Lonestar (a Guardian/Vindicator type, he wore the same general type of suit)


Texas Girl (a female brick)


Doctor Astral (a bald mentalist who had the disadvantage of being a hemophiliac)


Hottie (sort of like Radium of Project: Sunburst, in that she was an energy pro-

jector and was somewhat radioactive)



Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Note: I didnt mean to have Greek myth connection (to the Titans name). I just realized it halfway through creation. So if any confusion dont think it is needed.



The Midland Minotaur


Originally, hailing from Midland, TX. This werebovine's (his transformation basically looks like a Minotaur) specialty is charging foes head down and knocking them over Though, given the fact he can transform at will and also has super-strength, people have come to believe he is a mutant or the victim of a genetic experiment gone wrong.


He is also fond of saying (usually after a successful charge) to yell "Don't mess with Texas"

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Weird that you should mention a character named Lone Star. In a campaign that I

was part of years ago run by Villainous Scum, he had an NPC group called the New

Texas Rangers that made a "guest appearance" during the Vibora Bay campaign.

The members of the group were:


Ranger X (the team leader and a mutant, IIRC)


Yellow Rose (a female cosmic-energy projector)


Lonestar (a Guardian/Vindicator type, he wore the same general type of suit)


Texas Girl (a female brick)


Doctor Astral (a bald mentalist who had the disadvantage of being a hemophiliac)


Hottie (sort of like Radium of Project: Sunburst, in that she was an energy pro-

jector and was somewhat radioactive)



Major Tom 2009 :cool:


Years ago I had drawings for state heroes like Egyptoid's USA-50. Lone Star was in the first five which also included Golden Bear, Redbird, Blue Cresent, the Blue and the Gray.


The other common name I have seen used for a Texas hero is Longhorn.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Mabell Sanchez is a Mexican-American (third-generation, thank you *very* much) mutant with the ability to summon and control water. She's proud of her Texas heritage, but tends to get up in people's faces when they deride immigrants. Rio is also eco-conscious, and spends a lot of her downtime helping fix damaged land.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


What kind of group do you want assembled, Christopher?


I miscounted again? Should really pay more attention.


How many do we have right now? I am not so certain what of the above counts as descirption.


Doctor Astral (a bald mentalist who had the disadvantage of being a hemophiliac)

This is a littlebit OT, but how did you made the hemophiliac part? (have a charater concept with a similar limitation/complication)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


A state with such an energy-intensive economy needs an energy projector on their superteam.


June Gordon is Black Gold, a black costumed and black skinned flying superhero whose energy beams and other effects have a golden glow. She likes to put on a one-woman celebratory light show on special occasions like the 4th of July and the 19th of June, and because her flight leaves a glowing energy trail that's visible even by day she has a signature "skywriting" stunt she's used for everything from public service announcements (TORNADO COMING, TAKE SHELTER) to challenges (CUCARACHA U COWARD COME UP FIGHT ME IN SKY) to messages for the team and law enforcement (CUCARACHA GANG OLD WILSON MINE 20KM S I GOING SEND BACKUP)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes Lucius seems to have given the team an enemy as well as a member.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Thus far, the Texas Titans have:


Lone Star

Midland Minotaur


Black Gold


Rio's best friend on the team is Bravo, the team mentalist. A former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, she is a very peppy, positive woman in her mid 20s. She is often belittled and the object of blonde jokes, but she doesn't let it bother her. She's smarter than most people give her credit for, but figures if people want to underestimate her, well, that's their problem, isn't it? Between her looks and her brains (she doesn't use her powers for personal gain), she's amassed a large investment portfolio and actually funds the Texas Titans, though this is not generally known.


I'll leave it open for a sixth member, since the OP for this team said 5-6.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


"Everything's bigger in Texas!"


John Hidalgo, the one member of the team who is both an immigrant to the state and willing to let that be known, NEVER gets tired of saying that, and that's why his code name is Bigger.


Of course, the real reason everything looks bigger to Bigger is that he is usually shrunk down to about action figure size, to fit the special powered armor with built in jet pack and miniblasters. He thinks it's hilarious to look up in pretended awe at people towering over him and say it one more time - "Everything's bigger in Texas!"


Lots of Texans think he's good publicity too, as he loves to pose with various ordinary objects - say, bent over and carrying a single orange on his back - to be photographed, with that sappy grin on his face.


The team puts up with him because sometimes being small is useful, and sometimes it's very tactically helpful to have someone on the field likely to be overlooked or just plain lost track of until he makes a sneaky surprise attack.


Give me a little time to come up with the next theme.


Lucius Alexander


I don't plan to let the palindromedary pick.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The state of Hawaii has only one school suitable for superpowered students from kindergarten to high school, and those members of the faculty who are also active superheroes call themselves The Acadamia Nuts.


Each should have powers, or at least an image, name, or costume, that connects to the subject they teach.


There should be six to ten members of the faculty, and if someone wants to describe the school that might be good too.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Academy

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Years ago I had drawings for state heroes like Egyptoid's USA-50. Lone Star was in the first five which also included Golden Bear, Redbird, Blue Cresent, the Blue and the Gray.


The other common name I have seen used for a Texas hero is Longhorn.




When I gave Villainous Scum an idea for a Southwestern U.S.-based supervillain

group back when he was running his Vibora Bay campaign, one of its members

was a powersuit-using fellow who was called Longhorn. The helmet of the armor

had a pair of long, horn-like projections on it which were the projectors for a

energy beam weapon, which was capable of destabilizing the molecular structure

of most nonliving matter. And he was huge.



Major Tom 2009 :fear:

"Look out for that bull...look out for that Schlitz malt liqour bull..."

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