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Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


I think I remember that show. He worked for the government and couldn't tell his family he was really alive... Am I close?

That was the show with Eric Close and Dennis Haysbert. I don't remember the name off hand, but he was a middleaged guy in a new body being used as secret weapon. At one point, he got Haysbert's character to bail out of some kind of trouble through some kind of blackmail.


Jake 2.0 starred Chris Gorman as a tech working for the NSA infected with nanomachines that boosted up his natural abilities


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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


That was the show with Eric Close and Dennis Haysbert. I don't remember the name off hand, but he was a middleaged guy in a new body being used as secret weapon. At one point, he got Haysbert's character to bail out of some kind of trouble through some kind of blackmail.



Now and Again

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


The best Million Dollar Man remake was a TV show called Jake 2.0 ;)


Must spread rep around before giving it to Hermit for mentioning one of UPN's cool SF series' from the late 1990's/early 2000's......Such a list: Jake 2.0.....Special Unit 2.....Level 9.....Nowhere Man.....The Sentinel....Seven Days....The Burning Zone....So. Many. Gaming. Ideas. :thumbup:


That said (and even more tangentially) I think that that show (Jake 2.0) is one of the several reason I enjoy the new USA series "Covert Affairs": seeing Chris Gorman (AKA Jake) as a CIA handler...It's sometimes strangely like his character Jake grew up and evolved into his character Auggie...IMNSHO. YMMV of course.



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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


That said (and even more tangentially) I think that that show (Jake 2.0) is one of the several reason I enjoy the new USA series "Covert Affairs": seeing Chris Gorman (AKA Jake) as a CIA handler...It's sometimes strangely like his character Jake grew up and evolved into his character Auggie...IMNSHO. YMMV of course.


So removing the nanites had a really dire side effect?

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


Costume and code name could end up being bad though.......on the other hand......it could also be something that works out very well. I'm torn on the subject really. TV's kinda hit or miss when it comes to costumes.



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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


I know, but for me it's a Genre thing. If there's no costumes or codenames I'll most likely drop show it's the reason I don't watch Smallville. I want to see a show about "Super" heroes not a show about heroes with powers if you get what I mean.

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


Smallville's got costumes and code names for the other heroe's, heh. Granted I haven't watched many of the seasons (Started again when the LEGION and JSA stuff popped up). If we look at the track record of Super Hero shows though, we can't really say to much about costuming. I suppose you can say the old Spider-Man show did fairly well for it's time, the Captain America pilot attempts not so much (at least until they ditched the "modern" flag suit), and well there was the Hulk, and Great American Hero......


But if you look at some of the not so good attempts since then, hmm, The Phantom comes to mind from it's pilot not long back, it seems as if we go suit, it's gonna be some sort of para military almost body armor and lycra action (not that I would be against that for Julie Benze), OR, some of the odd outfits that have popped up in Smallville for example (Their Black Canary look was terrible, BUT, Zatana was spot on, and Green Arrow, well it's green leather, so you only get so much right?). I'm not sure Costumes will work well just yet though it should be a given in a few episodes.



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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


I must admit I do like the "family programming" approach rather than Heroes "dark" approach. Plus, so far most of the challenges have been from "normal" npcs - I mean people.


Granted there was the teleporter and the telekenetic; and there looks like there may be an earthquake maker in the previews for next week. But I hope they keep going back to "normal" people from time to time. I think it keeps things in perspective.

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


I would just throw this into his "Super Genius" Overall Levels.


Yeah, that would be the approach I would use. You figure thrown football is basically an Everyman weapons familiarity in 20th Century America. Now, kicked soccer ball is whole 'nother thing.


I must admit I do like the "family programming" approach rather than Heroes "dark" approach. Plus, so far most of the challenges have been from "normal" npcs - I mean people.


Granted there was the teleporter and the telekenetic; and there looks like there may be an earthquake maker in the previews for next week. But I hope they keep going back to "normal" people from time to time. I think it keeps things in perspective.


I think that is why the network bought the show. If I was pitching this, I would say essentially that, "this is like Heroes, but you can sell it to the advertisers that would buy time in early primetime." "You get crossover from Miley Cyrus fans, and you get moms and dads who wish they more super to their kids".

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


Im my opinion, this show is'nt a "super genres"

it looks like a family comedy with powers used like hints to develop classic family comedy stories

plus, they keep the "metahuman cospiracy" just to keep a door open and so they could develop supers stories later

or just to made people hope they will, of course


btw, i'll keep seeing the show because

1) Julie Benz :) and also her red haired assistent :)

2) for filosophycal reasons is NEVER judge a series before first season ending. or more

3) i seen just 4 episodes, maybe i'm wrong. (Dollhouse become very cool after 5-6 episodes :) )

4) Buffy. Angel. Dexter. Three of the MOST BEAUTIFUL SHOWS EVER (imho) are featuring Julie Benz. And yes, i'm superstitious :)

(ok ok... in Buffy was only for few episodes at starts and 2 or 3 flashback... but still she's the first one on screen :D )

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


I'm starting to get on the Julie Benz bus also, and blondes aren't usually my cup of tea.


JJ better develop super "I just got landed on by a 300 lb. guy and didn't get squished" powers if he is going to hold onto the ball long enough to try to deliver every pass. Part of the math of football is knowing when to throw it away. He might be better on the sidelines holding the clipboard as the best assistant coach ever.


The plane crash was a huge, expensive red herring to include and just throw away unless the aberrant gene from the lab infects but needs a hugely stressful event to prompt and trigger the development of powers. Kinda like The Garden from Strikeforce Morituri. Just a thought.


I hate the blandness of the title sequence, although I do like the way they include it at a varying point to establish an early cliffhanger and build suspense, but other than that I like a show that I can huddle up and watch with my whole family.

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


JJ better develop super "I just got landed on by a 300 lb. guy and didn't get squished" powers if he is going to hold onto the ball long enough to try to deliver every pass. Part of the math of football is knowing when to throw it away. He might be better on the sidelines holding the clipboard as the best assistant coach ever.


Yeah, I know it's just a storyline, but there is a whole hell of a lot more to being a good QB than hyperaccurate throwing. They should address the need to be able to read the blitz, take a hit, and run the ball if necessary. He is so small, it would probably have made more sense to most if he had been a kicker, but I guess they figured that Glee had alraedy covered that last season.


They could deal with each of these using the same rationale as the throwing, which would lead up to a nice possibility for a combat use for his power. Something like the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Say he sees a big tackle coming at him and visualizes the forces at work in that neat CGI way they have developed. He could then juke out of the way and let the guy trip over his own feet. Also, he could at some point watch some Judo or Jui Jitsu and see that forces at work there and be plausibly able to avoid attacks in combat. Let's face it, he's too small to hit anyone effectively, but he could become like the ultmate aikidoka.


Anyway, if I was that coach, he would be on a serious strength program ASAP.

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


I'm starting to get on the Julie Benz bus also, and blondes aren't usually my cup of tea.


JJ better develop super "I just got landed on by a 300 lb. guy and didn't get squished" powers if he is going to hold onto the ball long enough to try to deliver every pass. Part of the math of football is knowing when to throw it away. He might be better on the sidelines holding the clipboard as the best assistant coach ever.


The plane crash was a huge, expensive red herring to include and just throw away unless the aberrant gene from the lab infects but needs a hugely stressful event to prompt and trigger the development of powers. Kinda like The Garden from Strikeforce Morituri. Just a thought.


I hate the blandness of the title sequence, although I do like the way they include it at a varying point to establish an early cliffhanger and build suspense, but other than that I like a show that I can huddle up and watch with my whole family.


It's a good family show, but better then that it gives me a visual I can point to for folks that otherwise wouldn't "get" a comic book or a comic movie if you trout slapped them with it. While being one of the folks that out of a sense of self preservation decided not to go the family route, I think it's pretty cool that someone decided to go back to "The Day" when folks made programming for Families to watch as a Unit, that had something for everyone sitting there on the coach, NOT just one side or the other.


The Kids come off great as kids now, and JJ couldn't have been a better godsend of an example for one of my players who was just not being able to grasp, playing someone smart, and what you could do in the real world if you had theat kind of intellect and visualization ability. No matter how many times I explained it, it never sunk in. NOW, I have multiple episodes I drag over there, and he can SEE it, and it clicks. Some folks are like that. You gotta Show 'em.


Then there's Julie Benz, heh, and I'm not a big fan of the Blond side of the team, and didn't care for her in the Buffy Angel stuff (She was VASTLY underfed then), but, when she had a few cheese burgers, very different story. Not to mention I wish she'd get into the books on tapes business becasuse I dig that voice, heh. Her Power Set up is the classic Mark Waid wally west Flash. Only This Fast, but some tricks here and there, protective field while moving, metabolisim increase (A whole House of people with NO MUFFINS! The Woman has no Consideration!), healing etc.....And all of them have the power tie in that seems to take care of "What was Missing" in their lives. That's a solid foundation really (especially with the family remembering to be a family again, and especially MORE, in the face of what a bunch of jag's they live around in that neighborhood)....and it looks as if they are building on it well, with nice arc slides to one member or another.....


My ONLY problem with the show, other then staring at the screen to much when Julie Benz comes running past, is I keep expecting Chiklis's character to go all Vic Mackie on his neighbors for snarking off to him, heh. Not used to seeing Chiklis, play someone understated. Ah well, it will hold me over until I get a StrikeForce: Morituri TV show. :D Now there's a nice revolving Cast set up waiting to happen, heh.



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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


JJ is being a bit of a brat, making his parents feel guilty for being concerned, but you can still sympathize with him SOME, still, I hope he comes clean sooner rather than later. This is not the best side of him. I find myself really hoping his teacher lays off him. Geez, what a jerk. At this point, I'm thinking Jim may have 1d6 unluck. Just enough to have bad case scenarios pop up. Daphne getting busted will hopefully be a learning experience for her.

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Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"


After seeing the previews of this weeks show I hope it leads to a costume and a codename.


I don't know about costumes--much as I like them--but I do think some sort of "action" outfit is in order--something that allows for the free use of their powers while offering whatever protection is needed. Take Stephanie--whatever shoes she wears most of the time (I'm thinking some sensible pumps) aren't really suitable for high-speed running, even if her regeneration abilities compensate for whatever damage she inflicts on her feet by running that fast.


Generally speaking, I figure race car uniforms would work out well--they're a little more stylish than sweat suits or jumpsuits, and they're usually made of something fire-retardant like Nomex. Just work some Kevlar into the outfit (and whatever shoes marathon runners wear for Stephanie) and the Powells are good to go.


At least until J.J. gets smart enough to invent unstable molecules. ;)

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