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Back to Normal ?


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If your character woke up all suddenly in his/her bed, not remembering the last week of his life and discovering his powers are gone and s/he is now a mundane ?

Adding to that, any friend, family or casual being in the character entourage will siply greet him/her back after his/her holidays ...

And no trace of the existence of his/her old teammates..

Tough he/she remembers very well his/her old existence as a Superhero

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Vitus would go completely berserk, since whoever is responsible has just robbed him of any chance of restoring his homeworld. Of course, explaining the presence of a gnoll on Earth if he didn't get there by superhuman means would be the flaw in the scenario that he would have to investigate. After strangling a few people.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Osprey would do anything and everything to stay a normal mundane if this actually happened. She always hated her powers, wants desperately to reunite with her father and not have to fear constantly that her psychotic eco-terrorist aunt is going to kidnap her to abuse her mutation.


Prospero, on the other hand, will first be doing everything he can to investigate if losing his powers (immortality and an INSANE amount of Aid capabilities for starters) is indeed the work of his constant nemesis, The Eternal Nightmare.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


If your character woke up all suddenly in his/her bed, not remembering the last week of his life and discovering his powers are gone and s/he is now a mundane ?

Adding to that, any friend, family or casual being in the character entourage will siply greet him/her back after his/her holidays ...

And no trace of the existence of his/her old teammates..

Tough he/she remembers very well his/her old existence as a Superhero


Anthem would have to leave home. Her father is an abusive drunk and what's kept her out of harm thus far has been her invulnerability. She's not one to take handouts so she'd likely become homeless for a while, but she'd make contact with other heroes to see if they can help her unravel her dilema (meanwhile keeping secret the fact that she's homeless).


Uncle Slam would presume this is like the time back in '68 when ZeroSapien took his powers and implanted them in one of his mindless husks (think of The Mad Thinker's Awesome Adroids). Back then he had to defeat the husk and upon rendering it lifeless the powers came back to him. It was only that the husks are so stupid that he defeated it without his powers. He'd check on the wereabouts of ZeroSapien (Last he heard the villain had reverted to a pool of ooze and been washed away in a storm drain back in '70, never to be seen again). Meanwhile he'd contact PRIMUS to see what they can do about hooking him up with a few gadgets for his exploration, and also so that he can give the outward appearance to normals that he's still powered; after all, the ultimate power of Uncle Slam is the confidence and security he instills.


Audra Blue is partly cybernetic. If she woke up without in implants she'd have a mix of fear and relief. She'd never have to take the chemicals that keep her from rejecting the implants, but she'd feel utterly vulnerable. To do her job on the 'net she'd have to go turtle (connect to the net with electrodes rather than jacking in, which would slow her down considerably). She needs to connect to the network for her sanity, but once there she'd be a target for anyone who figured out that she's not as tough as she once was. As for figuring out what happened, everything in the base is recorded. She'd go back over all records, checking redundant backups if necessary, and the secret backups of those backups.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Riptide parlayed his heroic profile into a career as a drummer for a band. If his powers (and especially the infection with vampirism) was gone, but he still had his music career, money and fame he'd be just fine with that.


Hellfire would feel very, very vulnerable without her powers and would seriously enroll in martial arts classes.


T.N. Lung is already mundane. He's just a super-strong alien who keeps fit. But there's nothing all that unusual about him by his species standards.


Poet would be just fine without all those annoying ghosts asking him for favours, although he'd miss Sonnet.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Iron Maiden would be horrified to realize she couldn't fly any longer. Being superhumanly strong and tough are nice, but a day without flying is like a day without sex as far as she's concerned. She'd assume that someone had messed with her life/timeline/reality, and start trying to figure out whom--and how. And then there would be...trouble. On the home front, she'd resume her career as a novelist without any problems.


Hell's Angel would feel similarly--and react similarly.


Black Mask would still be a world-class martial artist, he just wouldn't have his Matrix-like reality-bending powers. He'd also suspect that someone else was doing a little reality-bending and would try to achieve Lucidity again (at which point, he assumes, he'd regain his powers).


The Black Knight would first check to see if he was still young and strong (for a non-super human), or if he'd turned back into the 90 year-old man he'd been when he acquired his powers. If it's the latter, he'd move Heaven and Earth (to the extent possible as a frail old man) to regain his powers before he croaked. If it's the former, he'd still try to regain his powers, but if he couldn't, well, he'd still have gained another lifetime before he'd be old...again. And who knows, maybe the horse will learn to sing.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


The Man-Ape would no longer be a man-ape. He's be just plain Lloyd Greystoke again. Which means he could resume his acting career. (While he spent several years as a very popular character after his transformation, once that series ended there just wasn't a lot of call for a man-ape in Hollywood. You can only do so many cameos before the phone stops ringing.) Or maybe he'd continue his second career as a P.I. covering the weird stuff. Or both.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Volt- If he thinks its due to enemy action he'd investigate. Otherwise, he'd be a bit relieved- he never wanted to be a hero, but did so due to responsibility of power.


Olorin - Unless he was also in his old dimension, he'd be sooo suspicious and investigate as best he can. If his "gadgets" were unaffected - he'd soon figure it out and correct the situation. Otherwise, he'd live life as best he can - as a sword maker.


Black Tiger - Talk about suspicious. He already has a memory gap. Unless his investigative abilities were gone, he'd figure it out eventually. If gone, he'd still try. If his other memory gap was gone- heaven help the person responsible, powers or not.


Leadman - He'd investigate for a while then go back to being a private investigator.


Futurian - Unless his memory was altered a lot to make him from our timeline, he'd know something is up very quickly. The technology he is used to does not exist and would be nearly impossible to duplicate except for equal technology or magic. - "Ok, now who did this? And how? Once I find out and get my powers back...."

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Bingo would cry.

And nothing is sadder than a crying clown.

And then he would use his skills as the world's greatest clown detective to find out exactly what happened and restore the universe to the way it ought to be.


Arc Angel doesn't have powers, just powered wings and a special body harness. He would make new ones and then go about finding out what happened.


Mr. Blackwings would be both dismayed and overjoyed. Overjoyed that perhaps Hugin and Munin are finally done with him and will allow him to die. Dismayed that he is probably being messed with by some villain, and being blind without being able to see through the eyes of crows, would have considerable trouble tracking down the culprit.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Right now the only superhero Im playing is in a campaign set in 1964.


Im playing Batman.


Bruce would wake up, and either go down to the cave and suit up as usual (since he has no super-powers at all to begin with), or if the "change" removed the cave, the Bat-gadgets, and so on, the first thing he would do would be to go see if his parents' headstone is still there.


If it isnt, or if the dates are different, then he would try to live a "normal life" (for him) for a while.


If the headstone -is- still there, he would want to talk to Alfred, and try to find out what happened to his parents in this "continuity" without tipping Alfred off that anything was wrong.


One way or another, after a few days Bruce would HAVE to start investigating what really happened. Because either his prior life was a hallucination (not likely), or someone is schmucking with him, and a cage, no matter how pleasant, is still a cage.


Its probably all Dr. Hugo Strange's doing........

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Re: Back to Normal ?


If your character woke up all suddenly in his/her bed, not remembering the last week of his life and discovering his powers are gone and s/he is now a mundane ?

Adding to that, any friend, family or casual being in the character entourage will siply greet him/her back after his/her holidays ...

And no trace of the existence of his/her old teammates..

Tough he/she remembers very well his/her old existence as a Superhero


Garret's response would depend on some other factors.


If his wife and son were back with him, he would fall on his knees, praising God with tears in his eyes. His son manifested super powers and committed suicide a few months later. Garret's wife left him after that.


If they weren't, Garret would track down the supers he mentored and see how they were doing in their new normalacy. If they remembered him and each other.


Bolt would be devastated. He was always trying to get respect as a normal. Manifesting gave him that. Now he's powerless, in high school, making good grades, and second string on the basketball team, but unrespected. However, if his ex-girlfriend's powers had also gone away, bringing back her old personality, he would breath a sigh of relief and let it all go.


Null Space would attempt to recreate the experiments that brought them about.

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Re: Back to Normal ?


Knockout would be back to her aborted MMA Career and wonder who changed everything and would investigate but probably not get to far as a good detective she is not.


Magi would first check to see if his wife and little brother are also "normal" again (his brother knows about his heroing and his wife is also a hero). After that some checking about how he and his wife met (they had a Batman/Catwoman thing going when she was a villain). From there investigation will happen and given that he really is a good PI he can get somewhere hopefully.

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