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Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


You'd have been far better off going online to Noble Knight Games or eBay and buying Champions 4e. You'd have had everything you needed in one book. Hero has undergone MASSIVE book inflation, which I think will kill the game over time, as more and more people will drop it. I know several people who are sticking with 5th, just because they don't want 2 core books.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


You'd have been far better off going online to Noble Knight Games or eBay and buying Champions 4e. You'd have had everything you needed in one book. Hero has undergone MASSIVE book inflation' date=' which I think will kill the game over time, as more and more people will drop it. I know several people who are sticking with 5th, just because they don't want 2 core books.[/quote']I stayed with 5th due to the fact that I've got pretty much everything and I can't really afford the expenditure to move to the newer edition.


There's nothing to "book inflation". The system has changed significantly since 4th.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


I stayed with 5th due to the fact that I've got pretty much everything and I can't really afford the expenditure to move to the newer edition.
i stayed on 5er for same reason, and mostly 'cause my ongoing campaign are with 5ER


BUT i 'm about to start playing in 6E, my flatmate got 6E and i admit it's better than 5ER for some reasons

PLUS i already got some books (i can borrow it from my flatmate u.u )

so i'm SERIOUSLy thinking about buying champions and convert over to 6E...

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


It can never be bad to make things clearer. But is there a increased cost to DOJ for making a change(I'm not up too date on current printing SOPs) I can remember when fixxing typos was too expensive to consider except for major bloopers.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


Okay so I had a few days to think it over, and a friend forwarded me his copy of the basic rules in pdf forward to me, from what I read it feels allot like Tri-stat only a bit more so, so who knows maybe if I have any cash left over next pay day I'll drop some money on the core books.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


Errr....do we know if anyone from DOJ has looked at this thread yet?


If not, maybe something should be posted in Company Questions.


Now I've looked at the back cover in question, I can't quite believe Akitoscorpio is the only one this has happened to.


Lucius Alexander


Ultimate Palindromedary

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


I know a few folks this has happened to around here. Old 4th Ed BBB grognards in fact that saw a "NEW" Champions game and were all over it. The wording on the product is not very clear to a lot of folks. So it's not a one time one person thing.



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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


A player in my game group did this with the 5e books, and that proved to me he wasn't listening because I told them which books they would need.


I think with all the systems out there these days with a core book system we take for granted that everyone gets it. A simple "A Supplement for use with HERO SYSTEM Core Books" or even something more specific.


Sorry that he didn't get what he was looking for. With any luck he's still down for some superheroic goodness.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


Okay so I had a few days to think it over' date=' and a friend forwarded me his copy of the basic rules in pdf forward to me, from what I read it feels allot like Tri-stat only a bit more so, so who knows maybe if I have any cash left over next pay day I'll drop some money on the core books.[/quote']

... Has anyone recommended the Basic Rulebook? It's the condensed character creation and combat & adventure rule set, and it costs, what twelve dollars? It's got everything a beginner at the Hero System needs.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


I think someone up-thread mentioned it, but there's no harm recommending it again....


edited to add: My FLGS owner tells me he's having a hard time getting copies of HS6E vol1, and he's not the only one having this problem, so the Basic Rulebook might be easier to find in some cases.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


Yeah my FLGS guys are saying the same thing. HARD TO GET COPIES! Maybe that will help. Honestly, a lot of game store folks could help out a bit by learning something of their product. That way they can say "That's not really the rules. You need this book, or those two to complete the set."


However if they are having issues getting those two, then it's a moot point.



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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


Noble Knight and FRP Games are also out of many 6e books.


I think I might have bought the last copy of 6E2 from Noble Knight. Just checked the status of other copies. I ordered it on the 17th and they sold out on the same day. (It arrived on the 24th. Thanks for asking. :thumbup:)

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


I got confused when buying the Champions book and also thought it was a stand alone book not requiring books 1&2. I think I got it from another postal company and not through the web site store (it was cheaper I think).


So people who are new to Hero it can be confusing if you did not read a whole load of forum entries and picked up the thread that it was a supliment. Or did not get to see it in a shop to look through the book in detail in the first place.


Also the snowballing of books required to play the game in "full" is not helping me run the game as my players have seen the size of the books and the cost to buy into the game with 3 possible books to buy to be up to speed. And even though I try and provide them with as much information as possible they still keep saying it is a "bit complicated".


But as you say the basic book may be a cheaper option for them to read.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


Technically, you could run a game with just the Basic rules.


Personally, I'd rather have both volumes of the Core Rules.


Beyond that, nothing is strictly necessary; you could run a superhero game without using the Champions book. The "genre books" like Champions or Fantasy Hero are helpful and so are "setting books" like Turakian Age for fantasy or Champions Universe for comic book adventures. But it's a mistake to think you have to have them.


Lucius Alexander


Yes, I have to have a palindromedary, but no, you don't have to.

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


Well I understand that *now* The point is that the only way I found that hour what when I went to the "Character creation" section and saw that it was...... missing a great deal.


Also no where on the book does it clearly state that it requires anything else to play, I pulled a random book off my self and checked to see if it was noted that it required other books to play in a clear concise manner....


First book I grabbed said this....




Actually what you are looking for is on pg6 in the Introduction. Where it goes on the explain that it's a genre book for the Hero System and what that means. The paragraph below that one specifically says that "As a Genre book, Champions does not include the HERO System Rules. You can find those in The Hero System 6th edition two-rulebook set (or, if you want to start with a streamlined version of the rules, try The HERO System Basic Rulebook)"


Basically this is the equivalent of you buying a GURPS Genre books and not realizing that you need the GURPS core rules to play.


Perhaps they should have placed a small disclaimer on the back, stating that the actual rules are in a different book. Though reading the intro does it pretty well too. Also, assuming that your FLGS stocks a line of Hero system stuff, you had to have seen those beautiful Blue Hero System 6th edition rule books. (BTW you can pick both of those up on the HG online store as a bundle for less than most Game stores charge for both separately)


Beyond that. Welcome to the Hero system boards. People really do like to answer questions and were are generally a friendly bunch that love to help out new people. Hope you pick up the core rules and stick around :D

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Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


You'd have been far better off going online to Noble Knight Games or eBay and buying Champions 4e. You'd have had everything you needed in one book. Hero has undergone MASSIVE book inflation' date=' which I think will kill the game over time, as more and more people will drop it. I know several people who are sticking with 5th, just because they don't want 2 core books.[/quote']


Funny thing is that while the page count did increase to encompass two books, the actual amount of text is fairly similar. The books are prettier with more artwork and larger type to make it easier to read. 6e is highly worthwhile edition of the rules. 4e looks simpler, but it does leave up many rulings to the GM where in 5e - 6e many things are explained better to eliminate many of those seat of the pants calls required in 4e and older.

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