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Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?

Steve Long

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Mythic Hero: $50 for PDF & Book

Cyber Hero: $50, $100-200 if you are taking requests

Dark Champions: $25-50

STORMlords: $50-100 for PDF & Book


In many ways Cyber Hero is a subgenre of Dark Champions. Perhaps the two could be combined.


By taking requests, I mean that the donor levels often include incentives to get people to spend that amount. If for $100 I can request something like "All gear, including cyberware, has to have Mass and $ values in the context of a viable money system instead of resource points" then I will pay more. If $200 gets me even more opportunity, great. I think you might be surprised to find out how much some people will pay to help shape a product, especially if those people help get the product out the door with your core idea intact.


I would definitely like to see a gritty Cyberhero book. Kazai5 is great for the anime style, and I think Susano did a great job with that, but I like my cyber in the alleys and dirty. I want to see my players thinking about the ethics of harvesting the cyberarm off some muscle that just tried to intimidate them, or scraping together funds to get a disposable missile launcher to take their plan over the top. More Burn Notice, less Bond.


STORMlords is the setting book that I think Hero needs. Something uniquely cross-genre that makes people standup and pay attention.


Dark Champions - I never run the genre and only steal stuff for the cyber games I run.


Cyberhero, I believe, also is a retrogenre. Much of what we railed against in cyberpunk has come to pass - corporations as people, money & politics, wage slaves, voiceless masses, no digital privacy - it just didn't happen with the darkness and the rain, which in some ways makes it more insidious. As a result, I think it is hard for anyone NOT from the 80s to "get it". If you extrapolate on current tech you end up with Eclipse Phase more than Cyberpunk, which is awesome in its own right. Having run several Eclipse Phase Hero games I can tell you that it is a lot of fun, but the genre can be challenging. Anyway, my point is that I'd like to see something more about fighting the establishment, corporate espionage, and so on... and it might require a bit of alternate history to do it at this point.


Updating Hudson City to a Cyberpunk setting I think would be a great way to get it into 6E. The current incarnation is fine as is for Dark Champions - a pdf supplement can update NPCs if necessary. But building off that beautiful city for the heart of a cyberpunk game would be a good combo and might be a great draw to someone interested in Cyberpunk to see that city at least summarized, with the map, in the cyberpunk book (maybe alluding to a release if sales of cyberpunk go well enough).


Anyways, I will pretty much throw money at whatever you do Steve... just let me know where to sign up and start dropping quarters.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


By taking requests, I mean that the donor levels often include incentives to get people to spend that amount. If for $100 I can request something like "All gear, including cyberware, has to have Mass and $ values in the context of a viable money system instead of resource points" then I will pay more. If $200 gets me even more opportunity, great. I think you might be surprised to find out how much some people will pay to help shape a product, especially if those people help get the product out the door with your core idea intact.


It's absolutely true that this is a possible reward I could offer. However, I'd never, ever offer as a reward "you get to make the rules decisions for how this genre will be presented." I don't think that's the proper way to create a Hero (sub)genre book, where there should be discussions and options.


OTOH, depending on the contents of a given book, I could see offering such opportunities as:


--help me define the parameters of a mini-setting (this is where something like your definition of cyberware could be implemented and used)

--name a character

--include a specific event in a timeline/history of a character or organization


That sorta thing. For example, in STORMlords, where there are lots of conspiratorial groups operating behind the scenes, I have ideas for lots of groups (in fact that's the main stumbling block for producing the setting, writing up all the daggone groups!). One possible reward might be that you could suggest a group for me to include. Something along those lines.


These sort of Kickstarter rewards are great, since they (a) give the backer a significant "stake" in the product, but (B) cost the developer (in this case me) no money. ;)


The one caveat is that you can't offer too many of these sorts of rewards, because (a) too many reward tiers causes decision paralysis, and (B) too many cooks spoil the broth. But I'm sure it's possible to balance all the considerations and work out something fun!

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


It's absolutely true that this is a possible reward I could offer.


--help me define the parameters of a mini-setting (this is where something like your definition of cyberware could be implemented and used)

--name a character

--include a specific event in a timeline/history of a character or organization


That sorta thing. For example, in STORMlords, where there are lots of conspiratorial groups operating behind the scenes, I have ideas for lots of groups (in fact that's the main stumbling block for producing the setting, writing up all the daggone groups!). One possible reward might be that you could suggest a group for me to include. Something along those lines.


I would be willing to put more $s in the pot if I could submit a group - name, history, main NPCs, motivation, goals, and maybe some mini-plots/scenarios for GMs to use - and my name as a major contributor in the source material. Name in print is pretty cool.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


$50-$100 easy for a CyberHero book that covers everything from Gibson to pink mohawk to Shadowrun to R. Morgan to Eclipse Phase. Throw in some mecha goodness as well and you can almost name your price as far as I'm concerned.


I've KS'd several board games and it's nice when they include upgraded components to increase the level of support. If you can make this happen, I think including some Hero Dice may entice people to up their support level. I would much rather have these than a T-shirt. Regardless I will support you no matter. Good luck.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


$50-$100 easy for a CyberHero book that covers everything from Gibson to pink mohawk to Shadowrun to R. Morgan to Eclipse Phase. Throw in some mecha goodness as well and you can almost name your price as far as I'm concerned.


I've KS'd several board games and it's nice when they include upgraded components to increase the level of support. If you can make this happen, I think including some Hero Dice may entice people to up their support level. I would much rather have these than a T-shirt. Regardless I will support you no matter. Good luck.


I'd think that Hero Dice would make for a better independent Kickstarter from Hero Games. I'd definitely be in for multiple sets. I don't think that it should be combined with any of the book Kickstarters, however, as it will drain resources that are needed for writing and publishing. Not to mention the amount of time that it would take Steve to carve each die. ;)



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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I'd think that Hero Dice would make for a better independent Kickstarter from Hero Games. I'd definitely be in for multiple sets.


If you want multiple sets, Kickstart multiple books :)


KS is the new pre-order. The idea is to sell books. Lots of books.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I'd think that Hero Dice would make for a better independent Kickstarter from Hero Games.


It may be, but please let's not talk about this here. This is a thread regarding Kickstarters from me, not Hero Games. ;) The topic of what KSs Hero might want to consider would make a good thread for the Company Questions board, though.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


In order of preference:


Mythic Hero

If I understand correctly how Kickstart works, I would pledge $25.00 for this one,



Maybe, depending on personal finance and more information. I find the title undewhelming, but the description interesting.


Cyber Hero

Maybe, depending on personal finance,


Dark Champions for 6E

No, Sorry.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


$25-50 for both Mythic Hero and STORMlords. Both sound like a lot of fun.


Cyber Hero isn't my cup of tea. A straight-up 6E conversion for Dark Champions wouldn't be either, as I already have a lot of the supplements from previous editions.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I'm going to go against the flow here. I am most interested in Dark Champions for 6E. We have genre books for fantasy, scifi, and supers and I think having a modern-day action genre book for the current edition would nicely round out Hero's selection of genre books especially considering Hero System's big selling point is its ability to run any type of game.

I would easily do $100 to Kickstart Dark Champions. I would probably go higher if there was even a remote chance of having it be the same quality as the other genre books (ie. hardcover, colored, or both like SH, FH, and Champions).


My second pick would be Cyber Hero. I love Kazei 5 but would really enjoy seeing your take on cyberpunk in a setting neutral genre book.

I would put down at least $50 (more depending on the incentives) to Kickstart this.


The other two both sound interesting but are not priorities for me. I would gladly do $25 for either, $50 if my finances permit.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


STORMlords sounds delicious. Would love to put down $50 on that, but depends on work hours.

MythicHERO also sounds great. More likely $25 tho.

I already have 5th Dark Champions, so I'm not really sure how much added value there is to an update on this. On the flip side I think 6th Fantasy HERO was totally worth it, so i could be wrong. I'd have to know more about what was actually "different" before I could really decide.

CyberHERO doesn't really interest me much. I'd only get it if I suddenly start getting paid a lot more and thus have more disposable income.


Of course, I truly hope that you can end up getting enough support to make ALL these books. Then people with tastes other than mine can rejoice as well!

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I would probably go higher if there was even a remote chance of having it be the same quality as the other genre books (ie. hardcover, colored, or both like SH, FH, and Champions).


That would depend largely on the amount pledged, since color art is more expensive, color printing is *way* more expensive, hardcovers are more expensive, and shipping heavier books is more expensive. What would likely happen is this: I would ask for $X to fund the project as a softcover, black and white book. If that target goal were reached in time, I could then establish a new goal: reach $X + Y (where Y probably equals an additional $10,000 or more) and I will instead make the book a hardcover full color. Asking for $X + Y to start means the whole project is likely to fail; saving Y as an "extra" makes it more likely the book will eventually appear in some form.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I am curious about one thing n a new Dark champions, would it actually be called that? Believe it or not, one of my biggest issues in 6th was the name (I know it is stupid, but it was)

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I am curious about one thing n a new Dark champions' date=' would it actually be called that? Believe it or not, one of my biggest issues in 6th was the name (I know it is stupid, but it was)[/quote']




I've long thought that a Hero System book encompassing "the modern-day action-adventure genre" (from the back cover of the Fifth Edition Dark Champions) would sell a lot better if the book's title better reflected the contents. Hero Games's flagship product is a superheroes genre book called "Champions", and thus, to a casual observer, a book called "Dark Champions" would be limited to the dark vigilante sub-genre of superheroes. (In fact, that's what the first release of Dark Champions really focused on, IIRC.)


Somebody wandering into a game store looking for an RPG to use for a campaign based on espionage or solving murder mysteries, etc., would likely walk right by Dark Champions, not at all suspecting it would be appropriate (much less awesome).


Maybe the Sixth Edition version should be called Danger International! :)

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?




I've long thought that a Hero System book encompassing "the modern-day action-adventure genre" (from the back cover of the Fifth Edition Dark Champions) would sell a lot better if the book's title better reflected the contents. Hero Games's flagship product is a superheroes genre book called "Champions", and thus, to a casual observer, a book called "Dark Champions" would be limited to the dark vigilante sub-genre of superheroes. (In fact, that's what the first release of Dark Champions really focused on, IIRC.)


Somebody wandering into a game store looking for an RPG to use for a campaign based on espionage or solving murder mysteries, etc., would likely walk right by Dark Champions, not at all suspecting it would be appropriate (much less awesome).


Maybe the Sixth Edition version should be called Danger International! :)


I know you're right--I love Champions but never even considered "Dark Champions" because what you described ("dark vigilante subgenre of superheroes") is what I thought it was for, and I hate the Punisher, the modern interpretations of Batman and Daredevil, Wolverine, and all the rest of their ilk. I passed by "Dark Champions" on many occasions without even looking inside it.


I do have "Danger International," though, and that's a great name they really should use. I probably would have bought it for 5th edition Hero System.



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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I have been awaiting a Cyber Hero for either 5th or 6th edition for ages. I would happily put down $50.00 for that one.


Mythic Hero is a likely one for me to.


I have a Dark Champions book and have no interest in another of those.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I know you're right--I love Champions but never even considered "Dark Champions" because what you described ("dark vigilante subgenre of superheroes") is what I thought it was for' date=' and I [i']hate [/i]the Punisher, the modern interpretations of Batman and Daredevil, Wolverine, and all the rest of their ilk. I passed by "Dark Champions" on many occasions without even looking inside it.


I do have "Danger International," though, and that's a great name they really should use. I probably would have bought it for 5th edition Hero System.




My objection isn't my personal like or dislike for the dark vigilante archetype.


I just feel that the "street level superhero" is a sub-genre of superheroes and NOT a separate genre.


Mixing it in with the modern Action Hero genre dilutes - or subverts - that genre.


Costumed vigilantes should be in a separate book from cops, detectives, soldiers, spies, etc.


I think Danger International is a bit too espionage specific sound-wise.


I'd go with ACTION HERO.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Action Hero would be a good title. Modern Hero was the name I thought of, but probably Action Hero has more shelf appeal.

Which reminds me....a Military Hero book, covering WW2--modern era military PCs, would probably have a strong niche market appeal, and if it included rules for modern mass combat, and various military weapon and vehicle systems, could sell pretty well.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I'd probably pledge $50 for Mythic Hero, but I'm not sure that I'd pledge anything for any of the others. If they ended up being produced anyway, I might pick them up but I really have little or no interest in any of them.

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