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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Well, he'll have stunt doubles for most of the martial arts sequences, just like every other show with martial arts has for its star(s). Daredevil and Into the Badlands come immediately to mind as examples. After all, Daniel Wu isn't buff, and he doesn't have to be in order to come across as the most lethal clipper in the Badlands. The actor playing Iron Fist will have to be in shape, sure, but he won't have to look like Capt. America just to portray a convincing martial artist whose most devastating attack is a mystical, energy-infused punch.

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After all, Daniel Wu isn't buff, and he doesn't have to be in order to come across as the most lethal clipper in the Badlands.


But Daniel Wu is built like a martial artist. The actor playing Iron Fist is not. I never said he had to be "buff" or built like Captain America, just that he looks like a twig. There's a space between twig and Captain America, you know. I'm not too worried about it. As I said, they'll probably have him hit the gym a little before the show and it'll be fine, and the guy's a pretty decent actor. I'm more concerned about him selling the character than his physicality, as I've said before. It was just a casual observation that the guy needs to work out a little before filming, nothing more.


As an aside, how's Badlands? I was thinking about checking it out if it ever hits streaming.

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Into the Badlands is the martial arts show for the 21st century. The fight sequences are beyond incredible. Immense creativity, with the occcasional choreographic homage to fight scenes from famous movies. The story and setting are fun and the villains are truly villainous in a wonderfully pulpy kind of way. It has its (very minor) flaws, but overall it is definitely worth watching if you are a fan of martial arts action.

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I would have had no problem with Danny Rand being cast Asian-American. I also have no problem with him being cast caucasian. I am also a big fan of adding Shiang-Chi to the show and casting him Asian. Basically I don't care how it is cast as long as it is as good as DD and JJ.


And how fun would it be if Shiang-Chi was depicted as the pinnacle of martial-arts fighting prowess, even putting DD and IF to shame despite being a secondary character. It would make sense that they would do that given that, according to rumor, Marvel is considering spinning the character off if he proves popular with viewers. Imagine the Marvel equivalent to Into the Badlands!

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Yeah I don't really associate Danny Rand with anything in particular.  He's a blonde California like guy in the comics, but whatever, its the concept of the character that works for me.  He's a martial artist without that martial artist persona.


I would love to see Shang-Chi, he's great, but he doesn't really stand out particularly as a character.  I'd love to see White Tiger (the hispanic guy version) though, he's kind of interesting and distinct.  Especially if you start him out as one of three guys with the amulet who eventually learns how much powerful it gets with all three.

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History lesson


Dany Rand is a blond haired caucasian in the comics. No need to change especially if  Misty and Colleen are cast according to comics and Shang-Chi is included.


Shang-Chi is better than Dany and Daredevil by skill, but their powers give them an edge. Again according to comics canon.


Look up the old Moench/Gulacy run on Shang-Chi or the old Deadly Hands of Kung-fu magazine to see the best runs of these characters and White Tiger's origin.

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I think the PC crowd still feels Danny should be Asian because it's the title/starring role and starring roles are desperately in need of diversification. Filling out the secondary characters with racial diversity doesn't really satisfy the PC agenda.


I'm excited to see Shang-Chi because he was the first martial arts oriented character I remember seeing in the comics as a kid. I loved the idea that his proficiency in kung fu was so high that he could hold his own in adventures starring superpowered allies. We get a lot of hand-to-hand fighting in the MCU, and while it is all very cinematic, very little of it looks like traditional kung fu. I'd love to see the choreographic energy and inventiveness of Into the Badlands but using traditional Shaolin techniques for form.

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A couple of articles from last year (cross posted with Doctor Strange thread)


‘Ant-Man': How The Quantum Realm Will Influence Future MCU Movies



Kevin Feige:

…the truth is, there is so much in Ant-Man: introducing a new hero, introducing a very important part of technology in the Marvel universe, the Pym particles. Ant-Man getting on the Avengers’ radar in this film and even – this is the weirdest part, you shouldn’t really talk about it because it won’t be apparent for years – but the whole notion of the quantum realm and the whole notion of going to places that are so out there, they are almost mind-bendingly hard to fathom. It all plays into Phase Three.

With Strange, it is a classic Marvel origin story because he’s got one of the best origins ever. And it’s our opportunity to take that left turn into the supernatural. Now, what is the definition of supernatural? It varies. We like the idea of playing with alternate dimensions. The very sort of crazy – [steve] Ditko crazy acid trip way of traveling through dimensions and traveling through other realms is something that we think is very, very cool … playing with the perceptions of reality.

I just watched the Neil deGrasse Tyson ‘Cosmos’ series, which is amazing, and which may as well be an acid trip. It is mind-bending and it’s all based in physics and based in quantum mechanics. We’re going to play a lot with the notion of that as an explanation for how the sorcerers do what they do.


Benedict Cumberbatch:

…It’s very different, it’s an Astral Plane. There’s a huge new element to this Marvel universe that’s going to be employed in building this story and this character.


Doctor Strange Is an Origin Story; Kevin Feige On The Ancient One




“For some reason people sometimes talked about how we’re not doing an origin story, we’re bored of origin stories. I think people are bored of origin stories they’ve seen before or origin stories that are overly familiar. Doctor Strange has one of the best, most classic, most unique origin stories of any hero we have, so why wouldn’t we do that? That was sort of always the plan. How you tell that origin, perhaps there are ways to twist it or play with that, but for the most part, it’s a gift when the comics have something with such clarity of story and of character. That doesn’t always happen in the comics, and when it does, you use it.”

“She plays a very, very big part in the movie and represents a certain point of view of the worlds that we experience in that movie, but Doctor Strange, without a doubt, is the character we follow through the movie.”


Benedict Cumberbatch Teases Doctor Strange’s Visit To The Astral Plane




“I don’t think it’s a risk because of Marvel. Marvel is a stable of bringing out ordinary comic characters and turning them into screen-like gods. It’s very different, it’s an Astral Plane. There’s a huge new element to this Marvel universe that’s going to be employed in building this story and this character. But you know, I’m really excited about it, about working with Scott [Derrickson] whose imagination is endless, and all the boys and girls at Marvel who know what they’re doing. I’ve got a few things to get under my belt first. I’ve got to do that little stage production of “Hamlet” in the summer and the Christmas special of “Sherlock,” which we start shooting in about three days’ time – Whoops! Yeah, that’s there.”

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I really like Daredevil and Jessica Jones, but I'm getting fatigue with the spandex'd god style heroes and the movie released. I'm much more into "naturalistic" and "street level" heroes. I find those shows relatable and intriguing. Captain America, Black Widow, and Spidey are about as high-powered as I like to get. On the DC side, I like Arrow, but Flash while well done is too "out there" for me. I quit watching Agents of Sheild when they went down the Inhumans rabbit-hole.


Thor? Iron Man? Hulk? Fun to watch. Enjoyed 'em. But one of each was enough for me. Doc Strange? He's an AD&D wizard in a comic universe. When will Dungeon Master show up? Both Avengers were solid, but how many movies do I have to watch to keep up with the meta-plot? A big part of this is "enough already," though. Its just too damned much. Its comic overload. Its too many titles and heroes.


When I read comics, I didn't read freaking all of them and the universe-wide crossover craze is why I quit reading them altogether. I just wanted to read the ones I like. I guess that's what is really making me tired - they all tie into one another and set one another up. I don't want to have to watch them all in order to keep up with the one's I do want to see. I'm looking forward to Captain America. I'm looking forward to A3. I hope they make a Widow movies.


But, I have other genres I enjoy, too.


And, I'll say it again: Doc Strange is an AD&D Wizard living in Marvel York.

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Poor WB DC

Everything they did in their Batman v Superman trailers folks that folks hated, folks seem to love in Disney Marvel.

"Batman in a movie with Superman? Ffft. Figures, they don't trust Superman to carry it on his own."

"Iron Man in the Captain America movie? Yay!"


"WB showed Doomsday! They ruined the plot!"

"Marvel showed Crossbones, awesome!"


"WB showed Wonder Woman in the trailer? Damn it, they should have kept it secret nevermind the the fact it's been on IMDB for months"

"Marvel showed Spider-Man in the trailer? YES!"


and so on. ;)

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I have to believe that just shows how little good will WB/DC has generated with the fanbase compared to Marvel. DC does not have a good track record when it comes to their movie franchises which don't feature Batman. Whereas every movie Marvel has made since Iron Man has found a substantial following, and hence the general feeling is that Marvel can do no wrong, even when what they do matches something DC is doing (particularly in their trailers).

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