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Bad Ass Powers


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so was reading the Gestalt book and was wondering about how you might write up a quirky Gestalt of bad assery... 


suppress striking good looks triggered by punch? 


Transformation attack adds the "distinctive features strong reaction complication- beat ugly" triggered by doing body with hth? 


Healing triggered by... (causing con stun/body, KO someone, head shot, etc)


Added PRE only for intimidation/defense? causes knock back? 


PRE drain damage shield? 


what other powers would you give the ultimate bad ass? 




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How do you define "bad ass?"


Impressive as hell? Then yes, PRE with "Does Knockback."


Able to take a pounding and not fall down? Cannot Be Stunned and some high defenses.


Able to take out something tough with one shot? A high damage output attack.


All the above? More points to spend than anyone else gets.



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suggests


+5 to EGO rolls to resist Animal Handler and Riding rolls.


Complication: Stubborn.


Some Damage Negation to just stand there and bray when the rider gets fed up and starts beating you with a stick.

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Bad ass: think of any great semi-antihero action hero... Get beat up but never quit, when they are getting the tar beat out of them, when it seems like they are gonna drop they get pissed and erupt with energy and violence. When that happens they don't just knock people out, they beat on them till their faces are brushed bloody and missing teeth. They are vengeful, intimidating, darkly funny, and endlessly determined.


I could easily just give him 50+ resistant defenses, 80 str etc... I'm looking for those nifty gimicy powers I see in so many write ups.


Without getting specific, here's an example...


The "you're pathetic" look... 2d6 aid to PD&ED, delayed return 5 per min, no concious control, triggered when an attack hits but FAILS to cause any effect. Requires eye contact.

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Strange that the ultimate bad asses noted, above, seem to entail brick-like chartacteristics.  I can also see badassery in terms of Bruce Lee (high speed, high dex, insane DCV) or Clint Eastwood's characters in spaghetti westerns (high dex, high OCV, insane DCV).


Some heroic level thoughts that could be scaled up for supers:

  • Three For All: +3 SPEED when facing four or more attackers
  • Sun at Your Back: +9 DCV due to instinctive positioning of one's body with a light source at one's back such that opponents' abilities to properly target are hampered
  • Eagle Eye: No range mod naked advantage for all man-portable ranged weapons that use 'iron sights' (i.e. that do not use telescopic or computerized sighting systems)
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You could also build a set of "Better than You!" Powers, mostly stat boosts...



Example: "Stronger than You!" + 30 to 50 Str, only to have a ST  higher than and foe in direct conflict with...+5? -1?...+10? -1/2?

                " Faster than You!"  +3 to 6 Speed, as above, +1 than highest


Might even be a Unified power, I'd lean towards a Multi power...maybe NCC? Kind of a weird power copier power set, with a spin....

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I started thinking about this when I heard Bruce Willis will be staring in the Charles Bronson roll in the remake of "Death Wish" I'm an old fart gamer, I remember being in awe of that movie as a teen. It wasn't about justice really, more about the difference between justice and vengance. The antagonists couldn't just be killed, they had to suffer... A lot.


How bout +4 dc only to the last person who attacked him, or anyone who has made a PRE attack.


"shaking hands" +6 dcv, only vs people who have been transformed by his "beat ugly" power, or watched someone be transformed by "beat ugly" power.


Damage shield or link to all attacks Transformation attack major grants limitation "bad ass attacks cause target to be subject to limb disablement/destruction rules"




Entangle based on con one limb/body location at a time, based on last hit location hit/targeted.


"your not going anywhere" Martial throw linked to suppress any movement power, triggered when opponent attempts to leave base to base contact.

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Action hero powers


All covered

Force wall OIF object of opportunity (any opaque physical cover) . Duck behind a table car door file cabinet or cardboard box and bullets just blow holes around you.

Drive hard

Flight must land at end of phase no turn radius extra mass to cover up to 4k tonnes. (basically get in any vehicle and hot wire it then use the flight to move it in ways that no car semi or bus ever should including leaping impossible gaps)


Do you feel lucky


RKA 2D6 +1 no endurance OIF fire arm of opportunity, (possibly with a roll to see if you finally run out)


Power shower


Healing 4D6 extra time oif shower of opportunity (get in a shower and suddenly all those wounds dissappear.)

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so was reading the Gestalt book and was wondering about how you might write up a quirky Gestalt of bad assery... 


suppress striking good looks triggered by punch? 


Transformation attack adds the "distinctive features strong reaction complication- beat ugly" triggered by doing body with hth? 


Healing triggered by... (causing con stun/body, KO someone, head shot, etc)


Added PRE only for intimidation/defense? causes knock back? 


PRE drain damage shield? 


what other powers would you give the ultimate bad ass? 



Well, I mentioned in the dream thread, but I have had dreams where I was badly wounded, but got better apparently by willpower, because best guess my dream self just wasn't going to let himself die.   Healing through willpower?

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Gonna Knock you into the Middle of Next Week!: (Total: 70 Active Cost, 19 Real Cost) Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Point in Time, (next Wednesday) Physical Location Same As Starting Location), Does Knockback (+1/4), Usable As Attack (+1/2), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used, Grantor can only grant the power to others (70 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Extra Time (Extra Segment, Only to Activate, -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Inaccurate (1/2 OCV; -1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 19)


Lucius Alexander


Knocked back into a palindromedary

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Muscle through


Aid stun or just plain more stun with a con ego or str roll


Cool guys don't look at explosions


Flash defense linked to bonus Pre SFX always facing the other way and looking cool


Killer one liner


6D6 RKA variable SFX only once per combat player must deliver a suitable one line to use.

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"Beat the living cr@p out of you" = Autofire punch, target must be on the ground(-1).

"Sh!t eating grin"= Mind Control set effect "You want to beat me up." telepathic.

"One liner morale boosting speech' = Healing Area of Effect selective, incantations.

"Now you've made me mad" = Aid to everything 1 Charge triggered when (dog kicked, ally falls, etc.)

6d6 Luck as perfect timing.  Comes in at the last possible moment, enters when someone is talking about him.  etc.

Change environment and transform cosmetic Area of Effect to make him look better.  Light shines on him and a breeze blows back his hair and cape while everyone else is covered in sh!t.

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Like BOMA's change environment suggestion above, "impressive entrance" +20 PRE only for attack, only upon entering scene, Lightning strikes, all conversation ceases, everyone knows a true bad ass has arrived and the beatings will soon commence.   


"Second wind" +2dc HtH, +10 PD/ED and 6d6 aid, stun, body, end, only to starting values, triggered when stun body or end reach 25% or less. 


"the hulk hogan effect" Desolidification 0 end, not to move through solid objects, invisible power effects, Triggered: when taking full recovery, useable only when taking full recoveries. link to +1 DC for every consecutive full recovery taken on these actions, or every opponent's attempt to damage during full recoveries, up to +6 dc, usable once per combat. 


"Is that the best ya got, ya friggin pansies?" +10 to ego roll only to resist interrogation. 


"MORTAL KOMBAT!!!" + 1 ocv, +1 DC each phase where a single opponent has remained in base to base, been struck and damaged by HTH. up to +5 ocv/+5 DC


"FINISH HIM" 4d6 HKA only after reaching +5 ocv/dcv, if opponent killed by attack +20 PRE (from ripping spine through stomach, etc) 

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Bad ass: think of any great semi-antihero action hero... Get beat up but never quit, when they are getting the tar beat out of them, when it seems like they are gonna drop they get pissed and erupt with energy and violence. When that happens they don't just knock people out, they beat on them till their faces are brushed bloody and missing teeth. They are vengeful, intimidating, darkly funny, and endlessly determined.


I could easily just give him 50+ resistant defenses, 80 str etc... I'm looking for those nifty gimicy powers I see in so many write ups.


Without getting specific, here's an example...


The "you're pathetic" look... 2d6 aid to PD&ED, delayed return 5 per min, no concious control, triggered when an attack hits but FAILS to cause any effect. Requires eye contact.

that ought to do it

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Thinking about that 6d6 luck as perfect timing power... Man that would suck for an eddy haskill type rival... Always shows up at your weakest point, always hits on your girlfriend after your worst fight, is always first to the hospital with flowers when your mom gets sick, always drives by in a shiny new 100k audi when your 93 minivan breaks down...


And a few more...


"Hits harder than you'd think" +6d6 hth damage, does no actual stun,body,or knockback,only to increase likelihood of con stunning.


4d6 mental illusion based on con, 0 end cumulative. Linked to punch causes little yellow birdies or stars to fly around head. (little too comedic though)


"Beats you stupid as well as ugly" 2d6 int drain, delayed recovery 1 week, linked to punch, triggered by being knocked unconcious by bad ass.


"ass thoroughly kicked" add +2 advantage all stats/powers to above.

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Bad Ass:  Summon 100-point Mule (20 Active Points); Strong-Willed +4 on EGO Rolls (-1/2)


Lucius Alexander might rather summon a palindromedary.

Technically, a mule is an ass on only one side of its family.



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says sometimes half-assed is still better than what Lucius Alexander can do

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