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Under the Trophy Room

Lawnmower Boy

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I think I was unclear. 70s outfits and pictures from the 70s of the teen characters doing the searching wearing them.


The advantage of fan fic, as opposed to a roleplaying scenario, is I get to plot some stuff well in advance. I am sending the group to the Old West, so the pictures angle works. Unfortunately, that loses the fashion angle. 


On the other hand, this is the fourteenth iteration of the Tatammy High freshman superhero class. The first was in 1999, and it might be something for them to see a picture of ther older siblings/cousins in their Nineties outfits. (Unfortunately, Tatammy has a school uniform --classic X-Men togs, only in white and black-- so I'm not sure how to get the Class of 2003 into pouches, glowing eyes, very big guns and mullets-with-rat-tails.) 

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Alternate reality HItler, who is actually the custodian down there, terribly pleasant man who is kind to all, but he's constantly putting objects right after the players disturb them.


"You young people have not learned the value of order."


The worst part is, no one at all realizes he's down there, or knows when he got there, including kind custodian Hitler.


He could occasionally dish out wisdom to the characters to everyone's chagrin.


"Entropy Lass, inspiring others isn't everything, perhaps you should consider what you inspire them to do, eh?"

"Please, alternate reality Hitler..."

"No need for formality, my friends call me Adolph."

"No...Adolph, um, you're really nice, just, um..."

"Ah, this old man has created an awkward situation. I must apologize. Still, if you should ever need a willing ear to hear your troubles, I will be down here cleaning. You know, you are such a talented girl. I once longed to be a painter. did you know that?"

"Uh, um, I think I heard that..."

"But alas, I never had the courage to try to enter the academy to study it further. I sometimes wonder, if I'd only had the courage, what could have been?"

"Alternate reality Hitler..."

"Please, Adolph!"

"I have to, um, I've got to go."


"Alternate reality Hitler, we need to talk about, about your uniform."

"Ah, it is in such disarray today, I truly apologize for my lack of discipline."

"Um, no, it's not that. It's just, we've all talked, and we really want you to change it."

"But it is the proper uniform for a custodian on my earth. Do you see these, they are Buddhist symbols, they remind the custodian that the disarray of the world mirrors the disarray of his or her own mind, and if my mind is in disarray, and I allow my responsibilities to also be in disarray, then I am choosing to allow you to potentially suffer the same."

"I think it's the boots."

"Oh, I'll polish them immediately."

"Um, okay. Uh, thanks."

"No thanks are necessary. Even the smallest of things can cause the suffering of others, ah, how my old heart cannot bear to lead the young to suffering."

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A refrigerator just for soda.


Which if you use the ice maker dispenser in the front activates a portal to an alternate reality.

. . . Soda, in a room full of records? An old-timey coffee machine, please. And it's tricky, because if you select extra sugar, you get sent to, well, it's got ponies. And if you don't select sugar or cream, you get sent to an extra bitter reality. 

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. . . Soda, in a room full of records? An old-timey coffee machine, please. And it's tricky, because if you select extra sugar, you get sent to, well, it's got ponies. And if you don't select sugar or cream, you get sent to an extra bitter reality.

Ah...does that explain Pinky Pie?

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. . . Soda, in a room full of records? An old-timey coffee machine, please. And it's tricky, because if you select extra sugar, you get sent to, well, it's got ponies. And if you don't select sugar or cream, you get sent to an extra bitter reality. 


Did I mention it's Diet Dr. Pepper?


Oh, and the ICE in Ice Machine stands for Inter-Connecting Extradimensional for those trips to alternate realities.


My point is, I like soda.

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I appreciate this thread, as it will help furnish the Trophy Room for the base Avant Guard is about to get.


The team hasn't kept trophies and mementos from their adventures, but the company they hired thinks major bases should include trophy rooms.


The company -- called The Landlady -- normally builds bases for villains. When the villains are captured, it quickly cleans out the bases and holds stuff in storage for a time (in case the villain gets out). So The Landlady has a bunch of odds and ends with no owners and that it couldn't sell, even on eBay. The Landlady sees a chance to get rid of some of it. Let *them* figure out what to do with the giant penny, or whatever.


Dean Shomshak

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A first edition copy of your campaign setting (the one the heroes are actually part of), with full stats and information on what might be coming up. The only problem is that the page count keeps changing, as if it's still being created.  

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How about a mint-looking comic book starring the old team and one of their greatest enemies that people have long since forgotten about? And it can't be destroyed or even damaged in any way.


A pair of odd-looking bookends that have a random collection of exactly six books between them, a selection that seems to randomly change on its own every few hours, and the titles are weird. For example, would anyone care to read a collection of sappy love poetry written by some guy named Zerstoiten?


A Barbie doll that's life-sized and stored in a box, but seems to be breathing and deeply asleep.


A Green Lantern ring in a small jewelry box.

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A handwritten master plan of a mastermind from the 60's or 50's. And when the PC's look through it, the last ten pages are missing.


Well, that's pretty much what you get in any archive. There's lots of reasons for the last ten pages to be missing. For example, someone spilled Diet Pepper on them. (Or coffee, to be fair.) You'd have to be pretty paranoid to read too much into. . . 


Sorry, just remembered that you're the guy who wrote Imaginary Friends ;-)

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Just thought of an awesome plot invisible blackmail a villain with invisibility powers like Sue Richard's makes famous works of art invisible then extorts the museums to make them visible again how much would the louvre pay to have the Mona Lisa visible again. Technically you haven't even committed a crime if someone else does it then offer your services as an expert in visibility.

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More seriously, lots and lots of film footage, tape recorder reels and filing cabinets full of paper. Piles of computer printouts.


And yes, quite possibly a copy of Mechanon's source code. Or something comparably dangerous.

On punch Cards! Or 8 track tapes!


What is this Vacuum tube apparatus that takes up a 100 X 100 ft room?

Is that a platform? What are these strange symbols on the Nixie tubes?

Should we shut it down?


May be they find this?


or this?





And they are stronger and tougher than they should be.

And what about this  Copperish  necklace that has strange energy readings?

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