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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


You know what would be cool?

I know Star Wars/Star Trek fans are infamous for dressing in costume when they wait for their movies.


Wouldn't it be cool if James Bond fans didn the same?

Just a huge line of men in tuxedos and women were dressed as femme fatales? it would look like a red carpet event.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm not bothering to buy a Blue Ray or HD DVD player, at least not yet. I'm fairly sure the technologies are both DOA; in five years or less, we'll be downloading all of our movies.


My two DVD cabinets are also dinosaurs at this point. All of those great films won't be watchable in ten years or so; I won't have anything left in my house that can play them. When the time comes, I hope I'll be able to transfer them to whatever we're using in 2018. I'd hate to lose all of that stuff.


I also wonder when printed books will finally die. It can't be that much longer.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Another head hangs oddly,

Brains are slowly taken.

And the violence done in silence,

Oh, their bones are breakin'


But you see, what's to be, they ate my family.

It's your head, it's your head they are biting,

With their teeth and their jaws,

And their jaws and their gums.

Eat your head, eat your head, they aren't dying...


Eat your head, Eat your head,

Zombie, zombie, zombie,

Hey, hey, hey. I'll eat your head,

Eat your head,

Zombie, zombie, zombie!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Had an idea for a Champions thread, and almost posted it. Fun potential discussion. Then I realized that it was exactly the kind of thread that always attracts geek rage. So, I considered posting it in NGD, but decided against that as well. Too much chance I'd have to spend time putting out fires instead of enjoying the conversation.


Part of me says post anyway, then infract those that start flaming; in the long run, that might be better for the boards. Still, doesn't seem worth the effort.


A few years ago, I was involved in a campaign where the GM stepped down, saying he just wasn't enjoying it any more. I may be near that point.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So I'm cleaning out my documents folder in anticipation for their move to the new computer and I come across my fiction.


I am not a great writer.

I don't suck at it either.


Most is fan Fiction for various video games, a couple unfinished. A bit o' racy stuff for me and the ex-wife; a novel set in a home brewed D&D world that I worked on almost religiously for the better part of two years...it's a curious mishmash of ideas with no plot.


I just start writing. I don't have a goal in mind. That could be why I am not great. ;)


Ah well, it was a nice visit down memory lane.

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