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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Less than 4 months in the new apartment, and I gotta move again. My roommate owns the lease, which is up on Dec 1st, and she's not renewing it. Alas, I can barely afford the portion of the rent I'm paying now, so no way I'd qualify for being the new lease-holder anyway. Ergo, I'm out looking for a new roommate again...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Here's fourteen shillings on the drum

For those who'll volunteer to come

To list and fight the foe today

Over the hills and far away




O'er the hills and o'er the main

To (through) Flanders, Portugal and Spain

King George commands and we obey

Over the hills and far away



Through smoke and fire and shot and shell

Unto the very walls of hell

We shall stand and we shall stay

Over the hills and far away


Now though I travel far from Spain

A part of me shall still remain

For you are with me night and day

*And* over the hills and far away


So fall in lads behind the drum

With Colours blazing like the sun

Along the road to come-what-may

Over the hills and far away


When evil stalks upon the land

I'll nyther hold nor stay me' hand

But fight to win a better day

Over the hills and far away


If I should fall to rise no more

As many comrades did before

Ask the pipes and drums to play

Over the hills and far away


Let Kings and tyrants come and go

I'll stand ajudged by what I know

A soldier's life I'll ne'er gainsay

Over the hills and far away


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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The sound you hear is the anger of a 1,000 screaming members of the board descending on Narf the Mouse to rip him apart for relpying in this thread again instead of putting the reply in the Musings on Random Musings thread.


Meanwhile. Up before 6:00 am on Friday so I could get a delivery to the storage people. Home after work and off to Sainsburys to get food for the weekend and into the week.

Up after 6:00 am today to do the same thing. Picked up boxes for the stuff to go into, Back to the flat and then to the bank to put protection on the loan.

Then back an forth to the storage place several times. More boxes to make up and put things in plus one mega load of boxes to ship there.

Tomorrow also the laundry and a damn good shower.

Monday a disciplinary meeting which will be nice. Most they can do is put a letter on my file. And the flat is being redocorated/painted before I leave.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


After a concerned couple weeks and a very scary couple days, our Elizabeth cat is doing better.




While we were on vacation, our cat sitter thought she was acting odd and took her to our vet who found symptoms of renal failure. She seemed to be doing better, but some of the symptoms were not the same that we've seen with other renal cases. When we got home, we continued with fluids, but on Wednesday when I woke up, I found her huddled in our luggage, and cool. I picked her up and she screamed and convulsed. I put her down, and she was having a seizure, we called the emergency number, and rushed her to the clinic. We thought she died a couple times on the drive. When we got her there, Dr. Mike met us and immediately put in a catheter, and got a warming device as well. Blood work showed that her blood sugar had dropped to very low levels, which could of caused the seizure, but the seizure could of caused the low blood sugar.

With her under the care at the clinic, we went home and awaited news. That afternoon we had to bring our foster cat up for an x-ray, so we dropped by to see how Elizabeth was doing. She was sitting up in her bed and yelling at everyone and otherwise, acting normal. We took her home later with some meds in case she had another seizure, but no worries. Though one of the other cats decided to have a hairball which instantly woke both my wife and I. Elizabeth slept thru it. We took her back to the clinic for tests the next two days, but nothing odd has been found. After we brought her home last night, she's been racing around like she used to. (Once she took her bandage off that is. She didn't like it) It's very bizarre, but she's alive because of our cat sitter and vets. (And I can't imagine what this would of cost in the real world.)


I think my wife and I are completely exhausted by the experience.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Sometimes, watching atheists and believers argue is like watching the bickering of an old married couple at a family dinner. There's a strong sense that both parties stopped listening a long time ago, and that the argument is about something that has nothing to do with the words being used.


I may think that one party is right, but I still want them to shut up and let me finish eating in peace.

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