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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I got sent this in email. I'm not sure where its from originally, but it was sent to me by my brother Aaron.




Imagine, for a second, that you're Tucker Carlson. You know that, of the conservative pundits -- a group that includes such non-luminaries as Sean Hannity and your own colleague Robert Novak -- you are marginally the least loathsome. You are occasionally, privately, able to break from Republican doctrine (as he did in Vanity Fair this summer, talking some shit about the even more odious Karen Hughes). But on camera, you have an image to project, and that image involves a bowtie.


If you ever had any idea of being a respectable journalist, that was a long time ago, and you can never go back. You hear the things that come out of your mouth sometimes and you realize you sound like someone who's never known the touch of any woman, never mind unconditional maternal affection. You would hate yourself if you weren't already dead inside.


And then one day, you're sitting across the desk from Jon Stewart, who gets to say whatever he wants about politics. He doesn't have to adhere to rigid party lines, because he's not a pundit; he also doesn't have to pretend to be objective on the candidates, because he's not a journalist. He gets to comment on politics to a tremendously receptive audience. He has an enormous amount of influence, and yet, because he's a comedian, he has no accountability. You're so jealous of him!


Then he starts talking, and it's like he's reading your secret diary. He's calling out every doubt you ever had about your career. He's got the crowd -- your crowd -- completely on his side. You can't argue with what he's saying because you know he's right, so you respond the only way you know how: barking weak put-downs and making straw man arguments. And since he can counter your claim that he doesn't report the news well by saying he has no mandate nor any responsibility to do so -- since he is a comedian -- your only option is to try to get the last word by saying he isn't funny.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


going to look at a house tomorrow, sounds very interesting, but...


one hour drive Each way to work, not the acreage we wanted, an hour or MORE from most of my friends, potential gaming group!



5 bedrooms

could have horse

could afford it

kitty corner from a good school.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Back in high school, a buddy and I lustfully watched a girl with DD boobs ride her bike down the street. After we made a few comments to each other, his dad who was washing the car sai, "You know, when she gets older, those tits are going to sag down to her belly button." Why do older people have to be right... :(

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Hopefully Monday or at the latest Tuesday I'll know if I've been sucessful with my job application. The interview went well, more like a job discussion.


The business manager said he was very impressed with my written application and the detail I went into. He said some of the questions were similar to the selection critiera. I said jokingly/seriously that I'll try to answer them the way I answered them in written form. :)


Part of the discussion aspect was that the panel was talking amongst themselves while I tried to answer a question, not once, but twice I was interrupted, makes for a disjoined answer.


So hopefully I'm successful.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've decided to go to church with the missus and kids today. This church is very progressive, seemingly not subscribing to the uber-tyrannical ethos of inflicting unending torment and agony upon me simply for not prostrating myself before a being:


A. With no discernable proof of its existence

B. that supposedly created me, yet did not give me the ability to believe in it

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Hello! Hooray! Let the show begin,

I've been ready.

Hello! Hooray! Let the lights grow dim,

I've been ready.


Ready as this audience that's coming here to dream.

Loving every second, ev'ry moment, ev'ry scream,

I've been waiting so long to sing my song

And I've been waiting so long for this thing to come.

Yeah - I've been thinking so long I was the only one.


Roll out! Roll out with your American dream and its recruits,

I've been ready.

Roll out! Roll out with your circus freaks and hula hoops,

I've been ready.


Ready as this audience that's coming here to dream.

Loving every second, ev'ry moment, ev'ry scream,

I've been waiting so long to sing my song

And I've been waiting so long for this thing to come.

Yeah - I've been thinking so long I was the only one.


I can stand here strong and thin.

I can laugh when this thing begins.


God, I feel so strong.

I feel so strong.

I'm so strong.

I feel so strong.

So strong.

God, I feel so strong,

I am so strong

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I am officially lazy.


I should be outside right now (sunny in the 70s F) doing some work on the roof or any of a dozen other things I need to get done. But here I am lounging around posting on the Hero boards and otherwise puttering around in my game room. I'm not even working on my next DC campaign, which I always lament that I don't have enough time to work on. Apparently I do have enough time to sit about typing randomly and doing nothing productive.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Wolf's (roommate, female) mother just called. She wanted to know if Wolf's Aunt Jeannie cancelled her weekend in enough time. I told her she cancelled the day before, but that was enough notice, anyway. Our apartment complex is very understanding, I told her.


She was satisfied with that answer, and I got off the phone with her in record time.


Maybe I should answer the phone more often.

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