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Godzilla, King of the Monsters

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32 minutes ago, slikmar said:

I am sorry, there was a 1998 Godzilla film? I thought that only existed in the same universe someone thought Highlander 2 was a good idea, ie a dark universe.


It did spawn a pretty kick-ass animated series, though.


4 minutes ago, Dr. MID-Nite said:


That's an understatement. LOL



I'm not even getting into the utterly indescribable creatures like Hedorah and Biollante.

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Except for Mothra and Hedorah, I still consider Japanese kaiju primarily lizard-based. Even when fused with other things, be they plants or mechanized parts, they are still mostly reptilian or saurian in appearance. King Caesar has fur, but they just couldn't resist the temptation to give him reptilian/saurian skin.

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9 hours ago, Dr. MID-Nite said:

I'll also note that Godzilla is more popular than all of Harryhausen's monsters put together. (I love Harryhausen's films as well).


I agree, I was just playing around. I've yet to actually find that movie on streaming and it only ran once on the Creature Feature when I was a kid that I caught it, near the middle-ish. I'd love to give it a watch sometime. Just waiting for it to pop up on something I already subscribe to.

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15 hours ago, zslane said:

Except for Mothra and Hedorah, I still consider Japanese kaiju primarily lizard-based. Even when fused with other things, be they plants or mechanized parts, they are still mostly reptilian or saurian in appearance. King Caesar has fur, but they just couldn't resist the temptation to give him reptilian/saurian skin.


This may be true of Toho, but beyond that...the sky's the limit. Tokusatsu TV has given us every type of kaiju imaginable.

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On 2/18/2021 at 11:23 PM, Lord Liaden said:

Which movie are you referring to, PG? Several kaiju and Harryhausen films are on reputable online hosts these days.


4 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:

The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, that I linked above.


If you don't mind Spanish subtitles, you're covered. :)



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On 2/18/2021 at 9:37 AM, Spence said:

Nor does inflating King King to many times his height and pasting him into a movie with a Kaiju suddenly transform a standard animal monster into a Kaiju.


While I think that, in at least a very literal sense, inflating King Kong to many times his height does indeed transform him into a kaiju, I'm beginning to sorta see things Spence's way. I've been thinking about the latest trailers wherein we see Kong punch Godzilla in the face and swing his 'zillaxe and so on, and the image of a 300+ foot-tall ape is looking, well, wrong to me. It is one thing to have saurian/alien monsters of that size--as they are all creatures of complete imagination--but apes are actual creatures that we are accustomed to only seeing as roughly man-sized. Even scaling King Kong up to a mere 50' or 60' (as in the original film) is a disbelief-suspending stretch, but the more I think on it, 350' looks completely incongruous. I guess I prefer my kaiju to not look exactly like a real-world animal in every way except for size, which as I think on it, also applies to Mothra. But even there I think if you design Mothra to not look exactly like a moth, but like a mutated alien moth-like creature, then it works better, IMO.

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6 hours ago, zslane said:


While I think that, in at least a very literal sense, inflating King Kong to many times his height does indeed transform him into a kaiju, I'm beginning to sorta see things Spence's way. I've been thinking about the latest trailers wherein we see Kong punch Godzilla in the face and swing his 'zillaxe and so on, and the image of a 300+ foot-tall ape is looking, well, wrong to me. It is one thing to have saurian/alien monsters of that size--as they are all creatures of complete imagination--but apes are actual creatures that we are accustomed to only seeing as roughly man-sized. Even scaling King Kong up to a mere 50' or 60' (as in the original film) is a disbelief-suspending stretch, but the more I think on it, 350' looks completely incongruous. I guess I prefer my kaiju to not look exactly like a real-world animal in every way except for size, which as I think on it, also applies to Mothra. But even there I think if you design Mothra to not look exactly like a moth, but like a mutated alien moth-like creature, then it works better, IMO.


It's an understandable perspective, but note that Legendary Kong doesn't look exactly like a real-world animal in other ways than just size. Unlike every real ape on Earth, Kong's locomotion is fully bipedal, although his legs are proportionately shorter and arms longer than human. His feet have much shorter toes than real apes do, and don't appear to be prehensile. Kong's torso and abdomen are built more like a muscular man's than an ape's. You could say he's like a giant sasquatch, but I will offer no opinion as to whether the sasquatch is real. :whistle:

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I guess that wasn't obvious to me, nor do I suspect it is obvious to most folks who aren't either well-versed in primate anatomical structure or looking specifically for such differences. To my mind Kong just looks like a really big ape, and not a kaiju in the traditional Japanese sense.

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Fair enough. Perhaps having viewed the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy, I was more sensitized to the differences than some. ;)  But Kong standing, walking, and running fully upright rather than on all fours struck me immediately, and led me to pay attention to other details. It's a distinct contrast to Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong, in which Kong is very clearly a giant gorilla.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I honestly can't believe that Godzilla never wielded katana during the Showa era. I mean, the movies got so goofy that he looked and acted less like a giant, menacing saurian and more like Jacky Chan doing Godzilla cosplay.

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The more I see, the more my expectations drop.


As much as I enjoyed the recent look and feel of Godzilla, this show looks like they have abandoned what they had and are going straight for kiddie absurd.   I know the all kaiju and monster movies are absurd, but the good ones promote a premise with a level seriousness.  Now we have a suddenly tiny Godzilla (compared to the carrier) and Big Ape with Axe that apparently absorbs atomic breath.


Really disappointing.....

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