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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance So how is the above questions different from striking appearence? Do you not define what the striking appearence is when bought, such as beauty or fear? So it doesn't work all the time either, only in a predefined situation. So to answer your question, if the COM is based on beauty, thenit only applies to those situations and if its based on cool personality, then it only applies to those situations.
  2. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Opale, I'm not saying that you in particular are doing this. This is another chuckle of mine. The "I want to build a character to conception, unless it interfers with my combat (or insert other) ability".
  3. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Excatly! Hopefully that is what my original post portrayed. I don't get that people would argue that COM as a stat wasn't reflective of 'beauty'-you know, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', yet they'll accept that a sword does xD6 of killing or flames and lasers both do 'energy' damage and by default can resist them at the same rate.
  4. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy That's what I think too. And half-arsed in saying.
  5. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance No this is what I was thinking about: COM: The average person on the street has a 10 COM. This is highly variable, since COM is an amalgam of appearence, manner, speech, dress, style, etc. A person's COM can increase although their physical appearence has not changed. A COM of 14 or 16 is not unusual, and very beautiful or hansome people will have a COM of 20 (movie stars, for example). Champions II pg 59. I erred by thinking that this was the same as Champions I.
  6. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Well lets not forgtet that COM orginally wasn't purely about physical apperence but overall personality. Which through that lens makes it easier to use as a complimentry skill.
  7. Re: NBC Revolution That theory sounds fine but I've seen too many science programs and heard the phrase "We didn't believe that would happen to..." to trust the flipping the electromaginetic poles not to have a derisive effect.
  8. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Never understood the argument about COM being arbitary when you have a stat like PRE, which is arbitary too. (Though it does have more of a combat mechanic than COM did)
  9. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy And how big of a problem is it really? In theroy the only adventures that shouldn't need any adjustments would be ones that were built specifically for a specific set of characters, say the Flashing Blades for Fantasy HERO. Even then, that isn't true because you may not be using all or the nessecery characters for that adventure. What I'm getting form your posts is the feeling that a premade adventure doesn't require GM oversite at all. Which I tried to point out before that any adventure has assumptions built in it and a good author recognizes it and at least points out the assumptions so that the GM knows upfront what he has to do to adjust it. Fwiw in one of my old Star Wars rpg adventures, the author has an aside on how the scenrio went way of course because of players actions and how he corrected it.
  10. Re: Do any of you still play 4th edition and FH Circa 1990? Right now I'm using Fantasy 4th and companion books for a Keep on theBorderlands Hero I'm running for my brother. Why reinvent the wheel?
  11. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy Good point as usual. I would like to point out that in any premade scenerio from any game system, there are defaults which the scenerio is written to or types of characters best suited for it. Most scernerios, the authors recognize this and give suggestions as what is expected of the players and how the gm can adapt it to specific player groups. I don't see how a fantasy hero scenerio would be any different. In the front you would explain what the power level the game was designed at.
  12. Re: What have you used? I'm using Fantasy Hero for 4th with Fantasy companion I & II. Also using Ninja hero 4th/Ultimate Martial artist 4th & 5th. I have a bestriary for 4th but so far, the bestriary in Fantasy companin I is all I use, as well the Asian bestriaries I & II.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The picture above explains why stormtroopers couldn't shoot straight in the original movies!
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Star Wars crossed with Pigs in Space!
  15. Re: Champions 1st edition I totally get that too! I hate 1/2 rolls also.
  16. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy What about The Western Shores default of Fantasy Hero 4th? It had stuff in fantasy companion I & II.
  17. Re: Under the Agony Star: a sword and planet campaign If you have a smart phone, you can get a free copy from Kindle. Well at least I got the first 3 John Carter bools from there.
  18. Re: NBC Revolution I read a book called Solar flare and why all the electrical systems died is that with a strong enough solar flare, it fried all the unprptected eletronics and then it flipped our magentetic field which really messes up things. animals can't migrate correctly, in order to get some mototrs to work, you had to rewire everything.
  19. Re: Turakian Age: A not-evil god of the dead? Is there a reason why you must use a official god from Turkian age? And you could always have a different order that worships Almandre more like you were looking for than what how its listed. (and you have a reason for rivalry, or hunted, or a few other disadvantages)
  20. Re: Rings of Power Hope you were refereing to Marvel's Thor! http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/text/Thor-ms.txt http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/text/Thor-sb.txt http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/text/Thor-mi.txt These Thor are taking from the Great Netbook of superheroes. And they are written up in 4thed. They should give at least a starting point for you power level, DC, and defs Enjoy!
  21. Re: Rings of Power Ok let me try this angle, what supervillian or hero the character can take on? Or like to emulate?
  22. Re: Champions 1st edition Cassandra if I remember correctly, Green Dragon had a STR of 15 in 4th ed. Just wondering why he got bumped up to 20. And why are UNTIL agents 15 STR? By the way, I like the builds, I just figured that if everything else was lowered, why not STR? That is speaking of UNTIL.
  23. Re: Two handed punch. I've seen that defense and practised it. But some instructors feel that this method is also mechanically weak too since your fighting against a naturally strong position of the arms and gravity to boot. Oh and given the plethra of varied techniques of the martial arts, I think it rather good odds that you could eventualy find an art or system that had Hulk Smash in it.
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