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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Re: Giant Ant Lair Or this could be designed as scenerio with the incredible shrinking species too. The heros are shrunk, and the equipment used to reverse the effect is in the ant lair. Which of course is now GIANT sized ! Or is this the death trap of Dragonfly ! (Ok this is alittle off topic.)
  2. Re: Expanding the Root manuever This is fine except, what I am looking at is making it a martial manuever -not just a power that works as a skill. And as I said, isn't interesting that shove has a counter move, but throw doesn't ? Now I can be wrong, but I always viewd shove as a horizontal throw. Also by making it a manuever it keeps everthing together. Bear with me. Another use of the root could be used for resisting disarm techinque. Consider that Steve has mentioned that you could possibly use the disarm manuever bonus to resist being disarmed. (I'll have to look up the specific reference.) If you use the root manuever mechanics, as a resist disarm technique, this would accomplish the same thing, plus it will help distingush character better.
  3. Re: "The Inquision Is Come" Yeah I realize that it may not be Terror Inc. It could just as well be Black Paladin. But I couldn't resist using the phase the hand writing is on the wall.
  4. For awhile I've been looking out how to have a counter manuever for the throw moves. I know that you can use breakfall, acrobatics, and the clinging power to counter throws, but they didn't seem right, because they are not "martial manuevers" per se. I've even considered creating a new set of manuevers. The other night, I was playing around with a pakua character, when I noticed the root manuever. What I found is interesting. A) The shove manuever has a counter manuever, which throws do not. Which I find odd because, you'll find throws more often than shoves, at least in my experience. The Root manuever works similar to the use of clinging, they both have a str contest. The exception, is the root manuever has the block element attachted, where clinging doesn't. Frankly I don't like the block element added to it. C) The cost is about the same. Consider: Judomaster: Clinging (10 pts.) only vs throws (-1) real 5pts *Note I would allow someone to abort to this power Judomaster: Root -ocv -dcv STR +15 to resist Shoves (Throws) Block, Abort Anyways I'd thought I'd bring this up for discussion. All comments are welcomed.
  5. Re: Movement Multipowers I agree. This isn't anymore abusive than some attack builds I've seen. And I can't figure out where the "double dipping" comes from ?
  6. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? Just thinking about luck and inherent. Perhaps the God of luck cannot boost the character if its made inherent, because once given, it cannot change. The Gods can only change so much. (Not very powerful eh ?)
  7. Re: Discussion: Taxonomy and Pathology of Halloween Monsters Not just in werewolves either ! Also Sean, I think in Vampire the Masquerade, the Antidulvians (sp ?) needed the younger vampire blood to live. That would also keep down some of the vampires.
  8. Re: Density Decrease Curious, could you explain alittle bit what the options are ? Cause I'm wondering if it is like the original verison of desolid. That is where you by body to go through stuff, kinda like tunneling.
  9. Re: Give Tanks to the Lord You know who is driving this ? Its the Pale Rider!
  10. Re: Creatures from Skull Island Well obvisously with China's record of pollution, the vampire panda is nature gone wrong !
  11. Re: The Incredible Shrinking Species If you don't mind, I think I might "borrow" this plot. I like it Though I might change shrinking Ray to Shrinker and make this a revenge plot. Oh thought, maybe Shrinker seduced Shriking Ray for this very purpose ! He thinks he is helping humanity, and she can wreak revenge to all ! Bwhaahaa ! Oh I digress.
  12. Re: Lock-On System Since cover is a manuever which seems to do what you want to do, this suggestion seems to work the best.
  13. Re: Give Tanks to the Lord If this tank was set in the warhammer 40k world, you can bet that it would be workable. Surprised they haven't made a model like this yet.
  14. Re: "The Inquision Is Come" Well the hand writing is on the wall. And it is obviously Terror Inc. behind this nefereous scheme. Onto things for your PCs, well they could be recruited by the Inquisition. The real reason could be they were killed because they wouldn't join. Or the heros are the targets and the villians are expendale to keep up the charade of an inquistion. For some good roleplaying, have a person who has been vocal against mutants and such and have him mobbed. Also make the person innocent from actually doing anything. Will the heros save him ? Just because he says things that are offensive, doesn't he have first amendent rights ? How is that going to play out in the public eye? What about the churchs ? Some people will use any excuse to justify the actions. So now thugs might vandal, and steal from the church because they are the inquistition, even though there is no proof.
  15. Re: Mini Settings "Too Short"? Also Susano your Asian Bestriary Books were great ! Any chance of a oriental fantasy mini-campaign ? A setting with alittle Chinese, Japanase, and Korean analogos ? Hey while I'm wishing.
  16. Re: Martial Artists STR Thanks for the replies. I did notice something on wikipedia on the Marvel Universe: Unversal Pscionic Energy. THat is something that I'm leaning towards. That in a minor way super martia artists manipulate chi as a cross between a mentalist and an energy projector. And as I said, I wish I could just ignore it, but everytime I see the maximum str level I cringe. I just seem to want to make them "real" for some reason. Must be a psy lim. Oh wait, not the right term, now.
  17. Okay he is the deal, I've always hought that martial artists str score have been too high-mainly because of the lifting capacity. I am planning a video style ma campaign-because it is similar to a regular champions campaign. The one thing in my mind that stills causes me headaches though is why would a normal, i.e. Seeker or Crusader have a high str score ? (Note their scores are 25 and 20 respectively). Also I'm not looking at reducing their scores. For years I have been trying to do that, and well the hassle is not worth the reward. So how about it, what sfx should I give guys like this ?
  18. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? My point about hte bear is that the way inherent is described, I think that certain things should then be included; i.e. claws. But mechanically speaking they cannot be made inherent. So now its messy. I think that if he would have called it a variation of hardened and stated that this causes the same effect and the sfx could be that it is intrinsic to the pc such as a ghost having desolid, then there would be less confusion. I think
  19. Re: Mini Settings "Too Short"? Sounds like my birthday wish is coming true ! But, 2011 ?
  20. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) I just saw the limitation does no stun -3/4. So Im going to allow my buddy to by it UAO only vs bullets!
  21. Re: 5ER: The "Disable" element from UMA and disabling generally Eightiesboi, when I get a chance, I'm going to runa couple of battles with disable and see how it goes. If you want, I can pm you the results if and when I do it ?
  22. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? Also, I think wings are mentioned in the text as a canidate of inherent, yet I see no examples of it being used.
  23. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? Thanks Hyper-man, but what confused me is the term "inherent". Claws on a bear is inherent to the bear, but mechanically speaking, they cannot be because they cost end. Unless of course you bought them 0 end . So to be clear, I think one reason this is confusing is the term itself. P.S. It may be just me, but I would have never have thought of draining someone's tail or claws until this issue of inherent came up.
  24. Re: fair cost for strength that isn't strong I always like the way in Star wars 2 ed (WEG) on how they limited damage and to hit by scale. What they did was put a cap on the d6. How it worked was if you were on the same scale then you get the full value of the d6. If you thried to damage something in the next class then the d6 would be limited to 5. So even if you roled a 6, you only got the value of the 5. And theis went on for several levels. I wonder how to implement something like this for Hero. Say norm str vs super str. For argument norm and super have same str of 20. Declare that any six by normal is considered only 1 body whereas the super rolls per rules? Any thoughts?
  25. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? Here is something else which has me befudled with inherent. I get that it is appropriate for extra limbs i.e. tail, I get that it could be used for desolid, i.e. ghost body. but what confuses me is that one person said claws should be inherent, yet because of cost end rule - it shouldn't be. Also Ij justed got to say, that I've been a lurker on these boards for a loooong time. And I don't recall drain extra limbs as being an issue before. Its seems to me that Steve came up with a solution to a (at best) trivial problem. But with the limited explanation of the new defense, opened up a bigger problem than its creation solved. Anyways my 2 cents also
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