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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I forgot how much I loved having a dog. After only 2 days with my new Rott I can't imagine ever going for so long (6 years) without one again.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Empire - Queensryche
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Exceptional pics yet again, Storn. The "It's About Time" pic is awesome! Most definitely repped!
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings My g/f called me. Apparently court was slow, or out, or something (she's a sheriff, works at the juvenile courts), so she and a couple of other guys walked over to the animal shelter, which happens to be one block over. I’m apparently getting a dog, a female Rott, about 6 years old, super mellow, relatively well-trained (in terms of “sit”, “stay”, etc.; she’s apparently well-behaved). The Rott has a fondness for smaller dogs, probably because she’s born several litters (according to the vets) and was likely used solely for breeding purposes. The Rott stuck her nose up to a cat’s cage and promptly got her nose swatted; she sat down and looked puzzled. That sealed the deal and my g/f laid down the money. But the dog is coming to my house in a couple of weeks (after shots, after getting fixed, etc). I wanted a dog, sure, but this is rather sudden. I feel a bit like I’d expect to feel if I was suddenly told my g/f was pregnant. Not as poignant, of course, and much milder, but similar. And the dog comes with a 30-day return policy, so I got that goin’ for me.
  5. Re: Post padding? This is one of the sillier threads we've had in a while, and I for one am against post padding in any manner.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You're out of memory because the 80 gig harddrive is filled with Avril Lavigne videos. NT: Signs your oldest living relative has been playing with your computer.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm a rocker from way back. Cut my teeth on classic rock: Skynyrd, Styx, Rush, VH, etc. Moved into harder stuff later on; Scorpions, AC/DC, Metallica. Nickelback, Three Doors Down, Crossfade...I do so love a good buzz on my music. I love oldies, Motown and alternative--80's stuff, too!--but I still like a good guitar when I can get it. But man, some of them country folk can sing!
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings It's odd, by I'm not all that worried. I mean, I probably should be, considering that if I don't find a job that pays pretty close to what I'm making now then I might lose my house, but there are two important factors to consider. One, they've dragged this contract thing out for about 5 months longer than they were supposed to. I knew in advance that we probably weren't going to get it if only because of the politics and bull**** of our relatively new management. I figured they'd screw it up and lose it, and sure enough that's what they did. Second, I'm done here anyway. I hate this job. I hate the people I work with. I hate having to get up and come here every day. Okay, maybe not hate, but it's an oppressive feeling. So I won't be sorry to see it go no matter how it turns out. Besides, one door closing usually means another opening, right? This might end up being the best thing for me in the long run. So yeah, it sucks, but I'm okay with it. I'll probably feel differently the closer it gets, though...
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just found out we're not getting the contract here at work. By March I'll need to be employed elsewhere. I need to be really careful about that whole "I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow" kinda thinking. Apparently sometimes you get what you wished for...in spades.
  10. Re: For you gun nuts, a question Okay, the first picture is the McMillan 87R, as used by the US Navy Seals. The second picture is the M88. (still looking for a pic of the M89...it's hard to find).
  11. Re: Fantasy Adventures Or Why are we always underground...again Aah, I miss those days....
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I'm Going Slightly Mad - Queen Seemed fitting...
  13. Re: Mythos of the Werewolf Just a few thoughts on the subject... This sounds like you're mixing vampire lore with werewolf lore, but I could be wrong. Lycanthrope should be treated as a disease, IMO, albeit one with special and magical side effects. The point being, I don't think killing the 'parent' werewolf should prevent someone from turning. My opinion only, though. Consider having an 'accidental change' disad on the human form, triggered when facing imminent death. This might take a little GM discretion, but perhaps a person taking more than 50% BODY automatically changes regardless of time of day or time of month. If, by chance, the person is killed outright, trigger the change as they die, if only for a moment. Again, just some ideas. It's a fun idea to play with.
  14. Re: Champions Jargon Was goin' through some old campaign notes and came across one more. Left Thumb It - it's kinda silly, but in the movie "The Presidio", Sean Connery (an army Lt. Col), says he's gonna use his "right thumb" to kick this guy's butt, cuz the guy couldn't handle the left (it was "too powerful"). Except I misremembered the quote and constantly said "cuz you can't handle the left thumb" in my best Connery voice. So, when a PC is told to "left thumb it" it usually means to tone the power back a bit or to use a secondary attack cuz the person couldn't handle the main one. I know, I know. A lot of explanation for little payoff, but we enjoyed the quote at the time.
  15. Re: "This is Aleph, and you're on the Global Frequency..."
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I probably shouldn't have bought it just yet, money being a little tight and it being close to Christmas and all, but good gawd almighty do I love my iPod Nano
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Tush - ZZ Top
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The blood pounding in my ears cuz I let stupid crap get to me. And Tom Sawyer by Rush. But mostly the pounding.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings AAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Lighten up, people! Gosh darn golly gee whiz and a good gawd almighty on a pogo stick. Some people need to learn to just shut the **** up.
  20. Re: Endurance question. It was always my opinion that any hero who couldn't go two full turns in combat because of END issues wasn't built correctly. That meant ungawdly high END scores back in the day. These days it's much easier, and of course I don't plan on using max END powers each and every phase. But you might have to, so it's nice to know it's there. 1/10 is the way to go.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Grey Matter - Oingo Boingo
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's been three weeks since I last heard from Thrak. He's in a PBEM of mine, and I in one of his, and I've sent a couple of emails and one PM from here, but no response. I now begin to worry and can only hope it's just a Real Life thang and not something Bad.
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