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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. Re: Ape Name Needed How about this one: "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" Kinda has a nice primal ring to it, no?
  2. Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth. If I may add one of my creations: BOA, acronym for Bastion of Autocracy. It originally stood for Bastion of Anarchy, but I decided anarchists aren't this organized. A paramilitary force, it gains recruits by kidnapping homeless people and brainwashing them to their way of thinking. One of my players stumbled onto one of their "training camps." Me: You see sign on the wall. It says "BOA." Player: What does that stand for? "Bums of America"?
  3. Re: Enterprise, Inc. Here's an old thread I started with some new technology being developed. Perhaps you'll find something you can use for your game.
  4. Re: Urban Fantasy: Warnings And don't forget your towel.
  5. Re: Odd Champions campaigns That sounds like a lot of fun. I'd like to play in a game like that.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Moody Blues Clues
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Roderick Spode from the Jeeves and Wooster books/TV series. Not a major threat to superheroes, but he can be quite a nuisance.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Jack Bauer and the Beanstalk
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Your last set of pics won't load, Ssgt Baloo. Did you take them out?
  10. Re: S&S in Renaissance Florence
  11. tkdguy


    Re: Stargate I see, thanks. I didn't watch Stargate very much during those seasons, so I missed a lot.
  12. Re: Jokes An English Literature professor noticed one of his students sleeping during the lecture and threw a copy of The Canterbury Tales at him. "What was that?" said the student. "Oh, nothing," replied the professor. "Just a flying Chaucer." *** Old Testament Joke: Q: What was Boaz like without his wife's calming influence? A: Ruthless.
  13. tkdguy


    Re: Stargate Interesting, but what happened to O'Neill?
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine All right! A new mascot!
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Seven Brides of Chuckie
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I pity the poor fool who tangles with the A-Team!
  17. Re: Possible Character(s)/Species -- The Phthoang Or they need mercenaries to do their dirty work. They'd rather buy their way out of situations, but sometimes, a show of force is necessary to close a deal. And they can play off Earth's leaders against each other by promising "exclusive" access to new technology in return for services rendered.
  18. Re: Possible Character(s)/Species -- The Phthoang Interesting. What do they plan to do with the Earth after they've taken over? Also, will this be a present-day or futuristic setting?
  19. Re: Urban Fantasy: Warnings I used Wolf as a basis, although I modified the rules so that the werewolf became stronger and more bestial as the moon's phase waxed, then grew weaker and more human when the moon waned. So the werewolf was at maximum power at full moon and couldn't shapeshift during new moon. I had originally thought of using Kindred: The Embraced, but I didn't know much about the WoD vampires, and the show ended too abruptly (My questionnaire for the players included some of the V:TM clans). And since one of the cable channels showed Highlander and Forever Knight back to back, I got more exposure to it. Edit: I almost forgot. Other available character types included psychics, bionic men and women, ninjas, Shaolin priests, and paranormal investigators. One of the players asked what special abilities the investigators had. Since Mulder and Scully regularly got backsides handed to them in the early episodes, I said they get beat up a lot, but they're very hard to kill. The player, who had chosen to be a paranormal investigator, was less than thrilled to hear that.
  20. Re: Urban Fantasy: Warnings Interesting. I GMed a game years ago that included the Highlander, Forever Knight, and Wolf (the Jack Nicholson film). I hadn't collected the World of Darkness books yet, although they were around. It was set in the modern world. I had planned to run a similar game set in the Middle Ages, but I never got around to it.
  21. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Awsome!
  22. Re: S&S in Renaissance Florence You can also find some useful information in GURPS Swashbucklers, although it's long out of print. It's set in the late Renaissance (16-17th centuries), but it has some useful information, including a timeline, some fencing styles, and different currencies.
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Almighty Dollar! Too bad they don't have other monetary symbols available. I could have also made his archenemy: The Yen.
  24. Re: Because someone had to do it... Got it. Thanks.
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Much love for the Good Boy! I think I might have known someone who looked like that sometime. Or was that a TV show?
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