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Everything posted by Beast

  1. for me the Gestures and restrainable are pretty much the same thing so 1 has to go running is legs flight flapping arms or striding(ala Magneto) into the air first I would make the player buy 10m first for teleport as there is nothing in the rules about using fractions for distance so it is 1 trillion km or 100,000,000 km you cannot do 0.8 trillion km sfx would be tearing a hole in time/space and stepping through(also works for EDM)
  2. Saw it all I liked very much
  3. also posted to KS my only suggestion would be to have the cards either 4x6 or 5x7 or at least make the pdf so they can be scaled up
  4. probably cheaper and safer to build a nuclear power plant near the nearest ocean near the water problem to run a desalinination plant and pipe the water in
  5. I'd use Presence only to intimidate those coming into striking range (say 7m max range a 1/2 move + adjacent meter
  6. CC pg 150 GRAB AND MOVEMENT When a moving character is Grabbed, and his Casual STR roll for immediate breakout succeeds, he keeps moving; if it fails, he’s reduced to 0m of movement and remains where he was Grabbed. A victim cannot use any form of movement to keep moving while Grabbed (though Teleportation allows a character to escape most Grabs easily). The Grabber can move and bring the victim along, subject to normal rules of transporting other characters
  7. No is does not it just means that in 4500 they have not found a faster mean of transporting just information we may have with quantum string theory/entanglement they have not
  8. Less as DCV is a defensive stat/power so it is cut in 1/2
  9. Something has to inspire me, it could be a ..... picture miniture character from some form of media a theme or power set
  10. ok movie total ripoff of shadow run
  11. from what I understood from this discussion, was that fast comms where a lot faster than even jump 6 X-Boats routes this would also include in-system comms
  12. my guess is that it may come from or otherwise interact with it
  13. that was the way it is explained for ship movement and none other was given if you want a different method of communications be my guest to devise one for me the slow comms made pirating more realistic look at pirates now they are pretty much a non-issue with fast comms pretty much if you can keep the pirates not in control or even better off your ship for 2 to 3 hrs you are pretty much home in system SDBs will act the same ,but it will depend on how many jump points there are outside the 100 diameter limits and how many boats to patrol them instant comms just makes governments more centralized and wanted posters easier to distribute(ship and crew profiles) and pretty much anything moving faster than max ship speed may as well be instant comms the first thing I would do as a ships captain would be to make a profile of any ship near me and transmit it as soon as it went on an intercept course toward me before I reached my port of call there may even be data bases just to scan for pirate profiles like our subs do to ID possible threats doing instant comms pretty much negates pirates so for me it is more of a scenario enhancer(more a feature than a bug) you also eliminate mail as a source of income(info only but that will be majority of what was carried, not parcels)
  14. Traveller FTL requires a flow of hydrogen as a bubble to move into higher dimensions Kinda like a super cavitating torpedo ,like the Russian VA-111 Shkval https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VA-111_Shkval thus a vessel is required to bleed out hydrogen to complete the journey
  15. Str min should balance out weapon speeds but reach is still a major factor to overcome the way to get the upper hand would be to Parry/Block first, then you have the advantage on the next phase should your rapier survive the great sword hitting it
  16. I have not played in over 20 yrs But I do like the stuff Gypsy Knight Games has done with their setting using the Cepheus Engine version of Traveller rules here is the intro and rules I'd like to play in the Clement sector http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/182471/Introduction-to-Clement-Sector?src=hottest_filtered&filters=45550_0_0_0_0&manufacturers_id=3565 http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/186894/Cepheus-Engine-System-Reference-Document?src=hottest_filtered&coverSizeTestPhase2=true&word-variants=true&filters=45550_2140_0_0_0 http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207926/Cepheus-Engine-Vehicle-Design-System?src=hottest_filtered&coverSizeTestPhase2=true&word-variants=true&filters=45550_2140_0_0_0
  17. Beast

    Full Power

    just using blast you could also lessen the damage by the concept that the energy stored in the missile does multiple things 1 guidance using the spreading rules for better targeting(1 slot doing 2 things) 2 trade pinpoint kenetic energy poisoning for shrapnel/heat/concussive area effects 3 off axis attack(indirect)
  18. Beast

    Full Power

    what about 2+ slots that use the same amount of charges(rocket motors) and just swap warheads s1 12d6 s2 9.5d6 area cone 8m s3 4d6 rka
  19. Just saw JL I liked it compared to Avengers1 as a 10 only for Superhero team movies to compare to I'd rate it an 8
  20. costs will need to be adjusted and there is stuff in 6th ed GA that is not in 1st ed Champions why not use 6th ed?
  21. you could go with a base 11- roll with a +1 for every level of SA and get an "Bring Me the Pretty One"(this makes it an eye of the beholder choice) I saw nothing wrong Com as a stat just official guidance was needed in some edition 1-5 Bob Greenwade did a great 24 page example of a use for COM Here for 5th ed Based On COM.pdf
  22. Might need to use the +5pt doubling rule for multiple directions from all locations
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