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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. The only one more destined would be Samuel L Jackson and Nick Fury. After the incarnation that was "David Hasslehoff" (it is one of those movies we no longer talk about), Marval asked to make Fury look like Samuel L Jackson. So yeah, the role was literally made for him. You can not have a role made for you more then that. They make the Role fit themself in very subtle ways.
  2. Yes, from a certain point of view. In all seriousness, usually you can get around any such issues by saying "willfull lie". That excludes the cases where a person has fallen for a lie themself. A lot of our laws actually focus on what the intent was.
  3. It is said "the early bird catchers the worm". But that is propably not what was meant: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6494365/Parrot-placing-orders-owners-Amazon-account-talking-Alexa.html
  4. I just remembered, the Avengers (2010 cartoon) interpretation of Vibranium had acoustic/sound properties. At one point their version of Ulysses Claw turned into a...sound giant? Acoustic Elemental? Season 1, Episode 11: Panters Quest Generally panthers Vibranium weapons had a certain sound effect. They also seemed universally usefull against Desolidification defenses (Malekith, those Asgardian Ghost things during the finale few episodes).
  5. Just came out of Aquaman. It suffers the usual DC issue of being "so long, it could use a break". The Visual effects and the introduction of Atlantean culture(s?) are good and show a lot of thought went even into small details. The story reminded me in large parts of "Throne of Atlantis", but with a unique take. But afaik that is the new 52 Storyline. Way more focus on the whole "feudal society" part, however.
  6. None taken. It is only natural to inform your family before random people on the internet.
  7. If you do not know people in high enough places Always remember: Know the right people before oyu violate the law in opressive governments!
  8. As I said, the Maestro was based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin. His primary power was Mind Control. he could easily controll masses of people. At one point he had a spy place a receiver at a resident superheroes head, to get lasting mind control (something on the Transform level?). Now his abilities were not limited to Mind control however. At one point he created a golem or two. A form of summon I would guess. Turning that Superhero gave him de-facto her water control abilties. Also the flute was not strictly required. He could do lesser effects with his voice alone. Any instrument could work, apparently. He of course had Sonic blasts, Sonic NND attacks, etc. A ancestor of him fought the Arch Angel Gabriel (or at least the comics interpretation). Mind Control did not work against that one (Only the lord can control my powers). However the ancestor Maestro was able to effectively "cancel out" the Trumpet of Jericho power (a sonic based blast). So a supress/drain/contest of power vs Sonic. The ancestor was also somehow capable to stand on water, IIRC. Something about soundwaves changing the support ability of water? So their sonic powers were rather freely applied.
  9. I rememebr reading a Webcomic a while back. It did have a master villain based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin. I just can not remember the name. And I am unsure if it is still online. Edit: The Webcomie was Dark Wick. Unfortunatley it is no longer online. So I have to go from memory.
  10. Did you swap them by accident or intentionally? Donner is the word for Thunder Blitz the word for Lightning
  11. And you see them everywhere, right?
  12. I just recently lost an Aunt to cancer. So I can relate. The sad truth is that suicides tend to make a upturn over the hollidays. In cheerfull times depression become all the more pronounced.
  13. In germany we just recently classified a baby doll (Cayla) as "Surveilance Equipment": https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39002142 Meaning only spy agencies are allowed to use it. However the claims it has to be "destroyed" is not quite true. The plastic parts are not the issue. As long as the espionage capacity is properly disabeled and you got the proof (yes we have a formular for "was de-spied"), you can keep the otuside. I guess it is lucky that there are a few "save for civilian use" solutions comming out of the woodworks now:
  14. Well, Mace Windu is a bit "Sith Curious", so... Propably. Audiofiles usually are among the first things you need to localize. So if anything is on a easily acessed writeable memory, they are it. I give it a 90% propably that the reader Software is just a really small Linux with Speakers. The same kind you find on Routers. With my old taling clock I would have doubted it. But that thing is so last milennium.
  15. I think we might have a disconneect here. 1D6 KA, Penetrating has a way beter change to get "1 BODY past defenses" then 1D6 KA, AP. One will deal 1 Body on a 3 or more, regardless what defense the enemy has. The other is still stopped by 12 resistant PD. And the Focus "Power Armor" get's to use the rDefenses it provides the wearer, or the "Focus AP derived defenses", not both.
  16. Just to make certain I do not come across as talking out of my behind, I want to quote this part of Stealth: " Stealth typically applies to all Senses, including Combat Sense and Danger Sense, unless the GM rules otherwise in a particular situation based on considerations of game balance, common sense, and dramatic sense. For example, an ordinary human probably couldn’t use Stealth to avoid the Normal Smell of a dog, since there’s no real way to “hide” body scent. However, the GM might allow it if the character could, for example, rub himself with something to disguise or conceal his normal body scent." So as long as the sneaking Character is aware he needs to hide from a certain sense, he can do so. The perfect example has to be Batman pulling a "sneak up on Superman". Superman, whose hearing is so good he can detect lies by the heartbeat. And who has senses in every single sense group.
  17. You do not get to add your TK STR to your normal STR. you use either one or the other. Keep in mind that with 40 STR would cosdt you 4 END to use, 60 AP of Telekinesis (40 TK STR) still cost you 6 END to use.
  18. I did not quote you because I do believe you let it work by RAW too. This was a general clarification for everyone. Both cases seem proper application of the rules. But both cases could also be a cautionary tale against allowing Penetrating RKA's. Because then everyone has to start a armsrace (or armor race?) to disable the option running too rampant. However, a few caveats: I am not 100% certain about the EMP shielding module. I think it should have entirely replaced the normal armor vs EM attacks. You do not get to add Defense Powers on Foci and Penetrating does "Penetration damage or anything that got past defenses, wichever is higher". So a low ED, Impenertable might have let more damage through the other way. While a Robot is not a Focus, "Take no STUN" (wich I asume those had) does work very similar to teh Focuspower loss. Nor am I 100% certain Penetrating should work that way against Foci. 1 Guarnateed body against a Character is 1/20th of the damage needed to defeat someone at 10 base Body. 1 Guaranteed body against a Focus would be 1 Focuspower lost. That is quite a differenec ineffects.
  19. No, I did not. At no point in fact. Wich is why I explicitly prefaced my participation in this thread with a IF. And frankly I am unsure what the distinct of a "Skill" and a "Sense" is anyway. Or a "Sight vs Stealth" vs a "Detect Lies vs Liying" test. Senses and Skills use the same base roll, the same cost structure for increasing the roll and just about anything else is equal too. "We have not figured out the formula for it yet" != "It can not be measured." We are actively working to get computers to understand speech. We are activtly trying to figure out that formula. The "lie formula" is just another part of that deal. After all Sarkasm and Irony do overlap with a lie to a large degree, and both are very important to understand speech. Meter jsut recently got a new formula. It is a simple formula (X nanoseconds at c), but a formula none the less. It is also telling that you did not adress "Perfect Pitch" at all
  20. Ah. That explains it. I was wondering why I had a Video about "Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap" video in my Youtube suggested videos for a few updates. Particulary the one in the Article. Must have been the NASA/Space connection.
  21. I think there is some serious amount of missasumptions and miss-applications regarding the Focus rules in the room. Especially when breakabiltiy is concerned. I think we should clean that up before we continue: " A Breakable Focus has PD and ED equal to the (Active Points/5) of the largest power bought through the Focus; the minimum PD/ED is 3 (unless the GM rules otherwise). For instance, a gun with a Blast 10d6 has a PD/ED of 10; if the gun also had 50 points in Flight and 20 points in Life Support, its PD/ED would still be 10. A Breakable Focus that provides PD or ED to the character in any way (such as Resistant Protection or other Defense powers) can use whichever defense is higher (its own or the one it provides to the character) to protect itself from damage; the defenses never add. (If a Breakable Focus has two or more Defense Powers, calculate its PD/ED from the largest of the Defense Powers, not by adding them together.) A Breakable Focus doesn’t normally possess exotic defenses such as Power Defense, though it does if it provides such a defense or the defense is bought specifcally for it (usually with a -2 Limitation; characters can also buy ordinary defenses, like PD or Resistant Protection, for Foci using this Limitation)." So a Power armor is at least as resistant to damage as it makes the wearer. Wich can be rather important: " Any Focus that provides defenses to a character is automatically hit by any attack that hits the character based on a successful Attack Roll (or that hits the Area in which the character is standing, in the case of powers with the Area Of Effect Advantage). (Defenses on a Required Roll that don’t “activate” wouldn’t be hit by an attack they don’t provide protection against.) Of course, the Focus gets its PD/ED or the defense it provides to the character (whichever is higher) against the attack. (To speed game play, and avoid breaking Foci on a regular basis, GMs may choose to ignore this rule. In such a case, Foci are only hit and damaged by attacks that specifcally target them.)" As for Powerloss, Multipowers, VPP's and Unified powers: " When an attack hits a Breakable Focus, each attack that penetrates the PD/ED of the Focus and does BODY damage destroys one of the powers bought through the Focus. Te amount of BODY done is unimportant — one power is destroyed whether the attack did 1 BODY or 15. Te GM should determine which power is destroyed; usually it’s the largest one in the Focus or one chosen randomly. Te special effects of the attack or the Focus may help the GM decide which powers are affected. For this purpose, a Multipower counts as one power (with Active Points equal to the value of its reserve, +1 point for each slot); and a Variable Power Pool counts as one power (with Active Points equal to the value of the points in its Pool). All the powers with the Unifed Power Limitation bought through the same Focus count as one power (with Active Points equal to the value of the Active Points in the largest power, +1 point for each additional power); A Focus is destroyed when it loses all of its powers, or when any single attack against it does two times (2x) its PD/ED in BODY, at the GM’s option. If a Focus provides a Defense Power, that power should be the last one lost by damaging the Focus; it only goes away when the Focus is destroyed. In the case of a Focus which has multiple Defense Powers, once the non-Defense Powers are all removed due to damage the GM should treat the weaker ones as non-Defense Powers themselves, removing them one by one when further attacks penetrate the Focus’s PD/ED. Te GM decides in which order they’re lost" So by default you only loose one Focus power per attack, regardless of Body it did past defenses. That you could loose the entire focues requires 3 times the PD/ED in body damage. And the GM allowing it. It does indeed go from highest to lowest AP power. With defenses tending to go last. And on a tie, GM decision or randomization. Multipowers, VPP's and Unified Power (I did not had those on my screen either) count as one Focuspower for all Focus Calculations and Focus Damage. With MP and Unified counting has "highest AP power +1 AP per slot/power".
  22. Perfect Pitch is a human definition. Range is a human defition. Or several ones, as we can not even agree on one measurement approach (Imperial/Metric) to use. So both are as subjective as "Detect Lie".
  23. It is plastic man. He needs to actually try to be serious. As is the Batman TAS version of the Creeper. Dangit, why has nobody invented lids for chemical tanks yet? And why is ace chemicals still open?
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