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Everything posted by pruttm

  1. Here is a non-spoiler example of one of the maps and legends from the adventure. These maps will be present in the adventure section where the location comes up along with its legend. Like this example: They will also be available in multi-page cut&paste maps you can assemble to use as a combat map at the gaming table. Like this example: There may be versions with and without the large maps as they take up a lot of space and not everyone will want them.
  2. Check out the cover. I will work up some other previews in the coming days/weeks. Pete
  3. I've got a set of the printed books, but what I am kicking myself for is that I didn't buy all the pdf supplements.
  4. http://www.rpgnow.com/product/61342/Book-of-the-Destroyer-Character-Pack-for-Hero-Designer?term=book+of+the+destroyer+
  5. Did this hangout happen? I joined pretty late and there was no one on....
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_of_the_Incas
  7. The Ashen Whispers of the Old Gods The Ivory Cowards of Ancient Horror
  8. ok I pledged at CITIZEN OF EXTREME EARTH level Thanks!
  9. I sent him a message asking for Champions support.
  10. This is a neat idea. I don't remember why but I ran this series as an adventure: http://marvel.wikia.com/X-Men_and_Alpha_Flight_Vol_1_1 Also, I integrated a lot of characters and plots from the Gargoyles animated tv series into my game but mapped the characters to Champions Universe characters or made my own versions of them. Not much help maybe but a list of good comic book to adventures would be very cool.
  11. http://www.herogames.com/forums/index.php?/files/file/58-girl-pose-2-silhouette/
  12. 60 downloads

    Girl Pose 2 silhouette
  13. 269 downloads

    Star Trek: FASA Trek Hero Unofficial Resource Guide
  14. 275 downloads

    Star Trek: TNG Hero Unofficial Resource Guide
  15. pruttm



    Illustrator drawn vector image: Glass
  16. Version 1.9.5plus


    Java-based Hero Combat Simulator for Hero System 5e. Doesn't appear compatible with recent java versions. jre 1.6.0 does work: I just installed it and ran this from command prompt: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin\java" -jar hcs.jar
  17. I did consider having a public arm of CROSS that drops off medical supplies and other sorts of aid into warzones. Pete
  18. Yes, I was going for something that described CROSS's committment to being an active organization in the world vs. a passive one.
  19. Well, Burrito Boy, I should have some sample layout pages to display soon enough. Beyond that, I am hoping to begin some online playtesting as we head into winter. Pete
  20. That's so much more friendly then the real one.
  21. Illustrator cs6 experiment...
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