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Everything posted by Bengal

  1. Mine has a bit of General's Chicken sauce on it, so it sometimes makes me hungry, but other than that, it's in perfect shape, Lo These Many Months later. And yeah, it's my wife's fault it got dirty.
  2. Bah! Don't share anything for free! WE WANT ROYALTIES! I'm the kid that prayed for my toys to break should I die, so none of the other kids could use them.
  3. We're playing a game unlike the dungeon crawling she's used to is all. She can't go to the store and buy herself a 2d6 RKA without paying points for it, she can't loot and permanently add to her arsenal a force field belt, she's having trouble undterstanding why she shouldn't just kill the bank robbers... and so on. We're just working on genre conventions and game mechanics differences.
  4. You know, while I understand the need to ret-con certain origin tales, such as the FF blasting into space hastily to beat the Russkies, or whatever, I don't think I'll ever read an Ultimate tale as long as I have a choice to read the regular kind instead. Go ahead and blow it up. And yes, at least at some point in the past, Professor X had vast telekinetic abilities. Around the mid-80's, Claremont decided he wasn't powerful enough... or some execrable nonsense typical to Claremont.
  5. Oh, I thought it was Xavier who stopped the bullets, on account of it looked like he was going to have an anyeurism due to sheer exertion when the guns went off, followed by a look of grudging admiration from Gandalf. My mistake. It would have been easier for Magneto to stop the bullets anyway since they're made of metal. That's another thing that bothers me- why would Colossus even try attacking Magneto? He's so slow and cumbersome and metallic, it would just be silly.
  6. Wealth is a justification. Joe Cardboard Box would need another IG justification besides wealth. Maybe he won it in the Thunderbird Hummer Giveaway. "Great vinatge on this Thunderbird, man." "Thursday?" "Yup. Hey, lookit this, says I could win a Hummer." "That would sure beat sleeping in a cardboard box." "You're right, I could even change my name."
  7. I think this sort of construction would go right over the heads of most of my players. Interesting, but more of a "back of the notebook" sort of character, someone to write up just so I can go back and remind myself of how to do it in case I ever want to run him myself. I wonder? I have a character who uses Multiform to simulate the fact that he has several crime-fighting outfits, each with its own gadgetry in it. Is it necessary to take IPE even if it's clear which suit he's wearing, with that suit's attendant powers, since he looks identical underneath the costume?
  8. Yes, letting someone play Xavier is tantamount to letting them play God, since Xavier can do pretty much anything to anyone's mind with his telepathy/mind control/Cosmic VPP SFX: Mental Powers Only and anything to them physically with his vast Telekinesis skill (witness him stopping dozens of bullets shot at point-blank range in the first movie, for a start). The only two things he probably can't do are grow hair on his head and stand up and walk around. But as far as "Marvel-style" psionics go, I don't think you need too many changes to the system to simulate it. Just limit the PCs to choosing, say, 75% of their powers from the list of Mental Powers, and make them take BOECV on anything else they take.
  9. In the Gotham Knights book they have a back-up story thing where it's mainly Batman versus organized crime. So there must still be some in Gotham City, MD
  10. The way Monolith put it seems right to me. It's up the GM to manufacture reasons why the characters can't keep the cool loot if the players of those characters won't gve it up on their own. Malfunctioning technology, equipment (even universal foci) attuned to the lifeforce of a certain character ("It just stopped working moments after the Mandarin died. No idea why."), the authorities wanting to examine this particular WMD or whatever... but certainly, even an Insta-Kill Death-O-Matic SuperGun wrested from the grasp of the Supreme Serpent himself would make a better trophy than weapon for most superheroes.
  11. I think they mainly stay inside because they're not very superpowerful. Besides one or two odd supermetahumans, they're basically only as tough as the sheep, cows and chickens they were created from. And no smarter on average.
  12. Huntress is still around, but she's using that crappy Birds of Prey outfit, and therefore has not the same gravitas that she used to have. She'd be lunchmeat minutes after the next Arkham breakout. edit: I therefore vote for Streaky the Super-Cat and Matter-Eater Lad.
  13. Bengal

    CHAR: Focus

    One way you can correct the problem with the large active point cost is to make the naked advantages only affect a part of the EB power. Without using an advantage, he throws 10d6 or whatever amount is appropriate. With a naked advantage, he can throw 7d6-1 plus a +1/2 advantage for 49 and change active points, or whatever. This will allow you to save some points in the MP too, which will give you room for another couple abilities. Even though 7d6-1 is no great shakes in a campaign with 10-12 DC as an average main attack, your versatility will make up for that. My favorite brick character only had 50 strength, with a multipower of naked advantages to put his use of strength in the 75 AP range (with one attack being 100 AP, an AoE: Any). He wasn't knocking people into orbit, but he was as versatile with his strength as Batman is with his gadgets and intellect or a mage might be with a magic VPP.
  14. Bengal

    CHAR: Focus

    It's the active points of the attack, not the fact that there are naked advantages in a MP that bothers me. None of the attacks seem unbalancing, nor particularly interesting to me. He's fine.
  15. Hm. "What if" there were no superheroes?
  16. Perhaps build the character as a follower of the sword or vice-versa, depending upon which has more character points.
  17. Now my wife wants to know how many points to have a costume that sticks to her, so she doesn't fall out of it when she's slugging it out with some bad guy. Which is a less dumb question than it seems, since one of the NPC vigilante anti-heroes in the campaign has an attack that shreds clothing.
  18. Re: Re: Two Characters, One Body I think it's wrong of you to say that only Korea is a peninsula. There are plenty of places in the world surrounded on three sides by water. Are there different Multiform rules for those places?
  19. Milk & Cookies. Mmmm Mmmm good guys
  20. Deadpool also regularly broke down the fourth wall in his own comic book. But unless it's a one-shot, or a short campaign, I can't imagine this running gag running for too long.
  21. the only three things that jumped out to me are: 29 Dex. I don't know what your campaign limits are, but three times the normal human max is a hard one to explain without some sort of enhanced metahuman nature. Not impossible or clearly wrong, just put up a stop sign to me. 30 End. You're going to need at least 40 to get around and do the athletic things you want to do, especially with a 6 speed. I would shoot for 40-50. 75 arrows. Do you really think you will ever need more than 10 or 12? 24 to 36 (depending on the writer) Is how many Hawkeye and Green Arrow carry, and in Hawkeye's case, that includes his trick arrows. Out of the three, I think that the only one which is going to cause you a headache in play is the 30 End. My suggestion is to sacrifice 3-5 points of Dex in favor of Con. The other two won't cause you any game issues, but you'll have to come up with some metagame answers as to why he's quicker than Batman and carries about three quivvers around with him. As far as the pictures go, I like the second one marginally better, but they're practically the same.
  22. Kind of reminds me of what they do in Mayfair's DC HEROES game, where you can get a point break by linking a power to an attribute- except each power has a specific link attribute. Linking a power which is defined as a mental power to EGO makes sense.
  23. I think what Vandie is talking about is about right for Charles. Your "basic" psychic may have most of these skills, but probably can be built on more like 100-125 points. Remember, Mind Scan and Mind Link have a sort of built-in megascaling, and once you establish LOS with these you can make other attacks- so Megascale and Mega area are not necessary for every power for every psychic.
  24. It's kind of funny, my wife and I laugh about the amount of "justice" some woman superheroes and villains carry around in front of them. Their first superpower must be Super-Strong Back, and their second must be Super Double-Sided Tape. The fact that ol' JJ has so much of it just makes me laugh. Or retch, not sure yet.
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