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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. In UXM the President (Bush?) sees Xavier as much, if not more a threat even to the point of disliking Frost when the met, simply because she was a telepath. I hated what they did with Jean and a lot of them near the end though.
  2. That and Apple Dumpling Gang came up with "I spit on your grave" and American Mary next. I'm wondering about my feed....
  3. I'm curious how people have their setups for HD. USB stick? HrdDrive? Keep your files in one big directory or sort them out? Any special way you name them? I'm running mine on USB, sorted directories and named with date at the end (IronAvenger20211220), with save as and new date when I update the file. Allows me to keep track of where players are spending points or I can introduce past versions.
  4. This...came across my movie list today. Outside of it being Disney i have no idea why.
  5. You have to forgive @Tjack , he's a real nowhere man.
  6. HeroGM


    Put the code into the file you're trying to use and attach it here, please.
  7. Champions Complete -- https://youtu.be/l3HCE3lOBb4
  8. RoleMaster -- https://youtu.be/8VZpzMWGmoo
  9. Namor was also a part of the whole X-Men deal during the Dark Avengers days. One thing I liked about the Ultimate X-Men was the throwaway line Xavier gave one time "Magneto and I have the same goals, just different ways of achieving it" (or close). They showed how manipulative he was in that universe.
  10. Was going to say that or Circle and METE.
  11. It also run on anything Java does, do don't worry if you're on a PC or Mac.
  12. Hero Designer character files. https://www.herogames.com/store/product/1-hero-designer/
  13. Thanks. I miss him and Parobeck. Gone way way too soon.
  14. Photon by Brett Booth. Roy Clark.
  15. Older (shudder) Hero players will remember this.
  16. I just wanted an excuse to post this.
  17. Love the humor in this....


  18. Correct, though output may be different depending on content and the template involved.
  19. Hawkeye, ST: Discovery, Yellowjackets, and Willey's Wonderland.
  20. Loved Yelena talking to Kate. "You were taking so long and I was getting hungry"
  21. Right now I'm doing it separate - mainly because on the superhero side I'm doing more of a four-color style game and it wouldn't mesh well.
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