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Everything posted by bluesguy

  1. I don't think the VPP will accomplish anything. 1d6 for those powers won't even impact a typical animal. If they were cumulative then maybe it would have an impact. Without knowing what the other characters & opposition looks like it is hard to tell if this is a viable character or not in a fight.
  2. Hi - glad to see I was wrong about you 'trolling'. Good luck with your efforts to get HD to generate 4e characters. You have gotten some recommendations & even offers of help on how to take your 4e characters to 6e. I know you think 4e was perfect but you just aren't going to get much support for 4e because it is defunct. This is kind of like me saying "I think programming in Assembly, using Emacs on an VAX running Unix is the only way to develop code. That was the perfect way to do things. The people who developed these IDEs and high level languages really screwed up a perfect solution. They should change what they have done and make it like the way I want it." BTW: How do you know that search.com doesn't direct your searches to whomever pays the most? They are owned by CBS ;-)
  3. Glad to have you with us. Character sheet in the download section http://www.herogames.com/forums/files/file/7-hero-system-6th-edition-character-sheet/ As for creating character costumes you can point your players to http://www.heromachine.com/heromachine-3-lab/ which is pretty nice for creating characters/costumes.
  4. I have looked at the 6e VII book on Abort Action and I have a few scenarios that I need to ask about. Let us suppose the character in question ("David) is a SPD 3 character. Scenario 1: In phase 3 David decides to abort to a dodge because he doesn't want to get hit by the mace of death. In spite of dodging, David gets hit and is Stunned. What phase can David act? He aborted his phase 4 to dodge - so he can't act then but being stunned means he needs to use his next phase to recover from being stunned. Does that mean David can't act until phase 8? Scenario 2: In phase 8 David decides to abort to a dodge to but is hit anyway and not only is he Stunned but he is Knocked Out (-1 Stun). What phase can David act. So he didn't act in phase 8 yet (the attack came before he could act), so the abort means he can't use his phase 8. But he is also Stunned, so does that mean he can't act until phase 4 because he needs phase 12 to recover from being stunned. I love abort but I am not enjoying writing the code for it
  5. I feel like we just got trolled since the original poster has not posted a response.
  6. The mechanics of setting up and running a low magic world are not that hard. It sounds like you were headed down the right path IMO. My last campaign was a low magic world as well. I think there are two things that really define a low magic campaign. The first is how powerful magic is compared to the mundane approaches to deal with things. A low magic world the "sword" will be more powerful than a spell. Especially at the beginning of the campaign. Here is a link to a description of how magic worked in that campaign and the specific schools of magic. The second aspect is the frequency of magic being used in the campaign. For instance I can't imagine there would be very many, if any magic items in the game. In my game the players didn't find any magic items until the last 6 sessions of the campaign (that was after two years of playing). Also people who use magic should be very rare. Most of the opposition won't have magical abilities. The harder part is making sure your players are prepared to play in that kind of world. In the above game one player was a sorcerer (mental magic) and because of the nature of magic in the world he had to be very careful about using his magic - both from a meta-gaming POV and a campaign setting POV. He actually had a secondary set of skills as a bounty hunter. Another character was a reluctant priestess who eventually got divine powers (reluctantly at that). The PCs knew they were facing a big time mage and his apprentices but that person used his mundane allies to deal with the players for as long as possible. We probably played for six months before they ran into someone who could directly use magic against them. You really have to bring your players along. Weaning them off of D&D style magic might be really hard.
  7. Version 1.0


    I found this hdt file at some point in the past. This limitation is applied to real armor which protects only part of the body. It must be cleaned and maintained, or it begins to fall apart on him, providing less and less defense until it becomes completely ruined and useless. This Limitation should only be used in campaigns which use the Hit Location optional rule. Helmet (Protects Locations 3-4) Full Helmet (Protects Locations 3-5) Short Vest (Protects Locations 12-13) Standard Vest (Protects Locations 11-13) Full Vest (Protects Locations 10-13 Jacket (Protects Locations 7-13) Body Suit (Protects Locations 7-16)
  8. I hope you can recover from this very negative post. If you really want 4th Edition rules I suggest you go out and buy those rules. Uncle Google found a set of them at http://www.nobleknight.com/ViewProducts.asp_Q_ProductLineID_E_160_A_ManufacturerID_E_39_A_CategoryID_E_12_A_GenreID_E_
  9. Kind of like that old Kenny Roger's song - The Gambler: You've got to know when to hold 'em Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away Know when to run Its the knowing when to run that can be the hard part for some people to deal with.
  10. Property damage is part and parcel for my Champions games. If the villains aren't trying to destroy something the players generally trash something around. The brick likes using manhole covers, dumpsters, and occasionally a parked vehicle. The character with telekinetic powers likes to find chain link fences or chains to use as a way to entangle her opponents (that is the special effect of her entangle). She also likes picking up big things and dropping them on the bad guys. Insurance covers most of the damage - that is why they work for Primus.
  11. See my answer in your other thread on the same topic.
  12. I disagree with @Ndreare, Fantasy Hero is necessary. There are examples in the book that are helpful. I don't have the equipment guide and I am not sure what is in it that I would find useful. Here is the recommendation I gave to someone in my gaming group who wants to start running but doesn't own any of the Hero Material Bare minimum Must Have:Fantasy Hero 6e PDF Hero Designer - This is the software that makes creating characters much easier Fantasy Hero Hero Designer (HD) Pack - Templates, prefabs, etc for creating Fantasy Characters Bestiary - Hundreds of monsters and animals; from the mundane to the truly weird/otherworldly Bestiary HD Pack - Saves you a bunch of time reentering them Good to have because it would make setting up the magic system/spells easier.Fantasy Hero Grimoire book Fantasy Hero Grimoire HD Pack - Hundreds (maybe 1000) of spells Nice to have: Magic Items - Hundreds of Magic items Magic Items Hero Designer Pack Fantasy Hero Grimoire II Book Fantasy Hero Grimoire II HD Pack - Hundreds of spells Shameless plug (I am the developer): Hero Combat Manager can be a help when running combat.
  13. No you sound like you know a lot about the Navy (your sig indicates you ought to know that well)....
  14. I would just make a 2d6 RKA Auto Fire (2, 3 or 5 shot max) and these limitations 1 Charge which Never Recovers, OAF (missile), Requires A Death Rune Affinity Roll, and Incantations A couple of things I don't get: Conditional Power cannot roll more damage than original missile - Why? I don't think this limitation is necessary unless the purpose is that if the first shot (2d6 RKA) does 7 Body then the second shot can only do 6 Body or less. Lots of extra book keeping IMO. Time Limit - Are you trying to make it so the spell can be cast ahead of time and only goes off at a certain point in time? If so I think you want Delayed Effect and Trigger.
  15. Tasha has created a nice blog on this topic and then there is the amazing My Character building technique thread, also started by Tasha.
  16. In my new campaign world one of the ways I am distinguishing between the magic that anyone can cast vs. someone with a talent for magic is the element of components. If you are someone who wants to learn a spell or two you can do that but you are stuck with components (and some other restrictions). But if you are someone with a talent for magic then you can't have any components - except for one main focus (staff, rod, wand, etc).
  17. It depends on the components. Some components are no big deal to get and so I 'hand wave' it by basically telling the person playing the spell caster they can have # of components for X amount of coin. Some components are hard to get and expensive and so they have to take the time to get them. Some of the components are expensive, hard to get and expendable and I will make the player track them. If they can't show me a current list of how many they have then 'oops you must have lost, misplaced, or they were stolen'....
  18. KISS is the way to go.
  19. Extended use of Magitech power causes the dimensional 'wall' to weaken. Possibly allowing much worse things to come thru.
  20. FH pg 174 has pricing for armor piercing arrows, pg 194 describes a way to build them and how much they cost in active & real cost, and pg 195 has a list of bows & crossbows. I would just apply the AP advantage to the arrows for each kind of bow and call it good. In my campaign that is what I did. I just said if you bow does 1d6+1 RKA and you want AP arrows you pay for them, a lot more expensive and harder to find, and the damage is then 1d6+1 AP RKA. There was one character in the campaign who was the master archer, she could put Legolas and Robin Hood to shame with her skills and she was always looking for AP arrows. I think each AP arrow cost the same as a dozen regular ones. Plus they were very hard to find. She would save those AP arrows for the big bad nasties :-) or anyone wearing lots of armor :-).
  21. I do mention Hero on some of the Google circles I am in.
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