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    bluesguy got a reaction from frostylives in What is Hero Combat Manager?   
    I am the developer of Hero Combat Manager.  The purpose of the program is to help a GM manage combat.  Here are the specific things you can do with it:
    Using Hero Designer (HD) - you can export characters you have created using HD into a format that Hero Combat Manager (HCM) can use HCM will track when each character can act depending on their Speed and Dex With HCM the GM can: Handle all dice rolling and damage management for NPCs.  This includes Normal, Killing, Mental, Presence, Flash, Entangle, etc. and apply the damage to the player character information.  You will always know how injured your player's characters .  The players still have to keep track of the damage which the GM will provide Handle all damage that the NPCs receive when the player character's hit an NPC Handle held actions Buff/Debuff per Aid/Drain or the GM can adjust.  Be prepared this part of the application has always been a bit flaky (sorry) What can't be done with HCM: You can't create a character on the fly in HCM.  You have to use HD and then export the character It doesn't interface with the Hero System Mobile (we have talked about it but I am too busy and technically not savvy enough to figure it out how to do that - yet) Quirks and issues When I was a full time paid developer I worked on embedded software systems.  A UI was the raw data being dumped out an RS-232 port to a dumb terminal.  We didn't need no stickin' UI.  So that means HCM's UI is primitive I haven't done an update in a while.  Too busy.  I will answer questions and I am going to set aside time in 2020 to do some major bug fixing. This project grew out of my need for a tool to help me track combat.  I have done it with pencil and paper and real dice in the past.  That worked but in a big fight someone would get missed.  I tried doing this with a spreadsheet and a fancy VB macro but that failed pretty quickly.  The program grew out of my own needs.
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    bluesguy got a reaction from otudor in Combat Tracker   
    Shameless plug:  Hero Combat Manager which I wrote and you can purchase here.
    I think there is a export (on the site) that lets you use a Hero Designer export to create a simple spreadsheet.
  3. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in What is the difference between the limitation 'gestures' and 'complex gestures'?   
    Using guitar playing as an analogy:
    Horse with no name is a very simple song to learn how to play.  It is two chords that are in the same position on the neck and are easy to switch between.  The strumming pattern isn't hard to learn.  I think it took me about a day or so to learn it.  See this Youtube lesson I found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2OCGN6AspY
    And then you have Flamenco guitar playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv2Fyjk0GGM which takes years of constant practice to learn how to do.
  4. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Panpiper in Hero Designer   
    Hero System has been my favorite pastime for several decades, just to put the following into context. That said, I consider Hero Designer to be the best $25. I have ever spent in my life. No exageration.
  5. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Lord Liaden in Fantasy Villain ideas   
    To make Deimos a longer-term fixture in your campaign, it could be helpful to craft a series of adventures he could send them on with a benevolent pretext, but which actually advance his hidden agenda; but leave clues your players may start piecing together. For example:
    Deimos tells the PCs a local government official is corrupt, and wants them to steal records from his home that will prove it, so that Deimos can expose him. The official is indeed corrupt, but Deimos wants the evidence to hold over him to force his compliance. The players may eventually notice that he was never removed.
    A local woman has been sentenced to be burned alive for witchcraft. Deimos assures the PCs the charge is false, and sends them to break her out of prison before the sentence. She actually is a witch who works for Deimos and knows who and what he is, and he wants her out before she tries to buy her life with what she knows. But she won't live long afterward -- her sloppiness in getting caught means Deimos considers her a liability.
    A plague is sweeping the PCs' home city. Deimos says he believes the plague was deliberately introduced by malevolent forces, and they must retrieve rare herbs/a hidden artifact/etc. from a dangerous place, in order to break it. Everything he says is true... but he omitted mentioning that he's the cause of the plague. After the plague is lifted rumors spread from unknown sources that Deimos was responsible for curing it, which greatly enhances his reputation in the city.
  6. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Fantasy Villain ideas   
    In my current campaign (and a previous one) the player's provided very detailed backstories.  In the current campaign one of the character has a kindly grandmother, the only one in his large family that encouraged him to become a bard and learn to weave magic with his spells.  I immediately decided she was the villain and most of the rest of the family were villains as well.  The character's father was a piece of work, but he was trying to get his son to escape (run away) because he knew about grandma.  Grandma is a high priestess of one of the evil god's in the world.  It took almost a year for the players and their characters to find/figure out who was behind all the troubles.
  7. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from jfg17 in Experiences teaching people Hero Game system   
    These are all good conversations.  Keep them coming.
  8. Thanks
    bluesguy got a reaction from Gandalf970 in Fantasy Villain ideas   
    In my current campaign (and a previous one) the player's provided very detailed backstories.  In the current campaign one of the character has a kindly grandmother, the only one in his large family that encouraged him to become a bard and learn to weave magic with his spells.  I immediately decided she was the villain and most of the rest of the family were villains as well.  The character's father was a piece of work, but he was trying to get his son to escape (run away) because he knew about grandma.  Grandma is a high priestess of one of the evil god's in the world.  It took almost a year for the players and their characters to find/figure out who was behind all the troubles.
  9. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in Signature Question   
    If you click on your name, top right corner and then select Account Settings you should see where to create an Signature
  10. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from DoctorImpossible in Signature Question   
    If you click on your name, top right corner and then select Account Settings you should see where to create an Signature
  11. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Brennall in Tabletop Simulator   
    With regard to the Mini-Hud update .. it is a component from another mod that I put into mine. 
    Click the power button in front of it
    and then look in the top right hand corner of the window that pops out
    click on the cog and follow the instructions it shows

    With regard to 5e, it is not the primary thrust of my work. There is an 5e version of the exporter that is behind the development of the 6e version.
    Please note the 5e exporter is not actively supported. 
  12. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Brennall in Tabletop Simulator   
  13. Haha
    bluesguy reacted to Greywind in what kind of GM are you?   
    I am a Barbarian GM. I revel in crushing my players, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women. It is what is best in life.
  14. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Scott Ruggels in Combat Tracker   
    I have used a corner of the battle mat and a Pente stone as a move able marker.  Just list the participants in order of dex. And put their phases after their names. Move the stone from top to bottom. Calling out who moves. You can use a non cubic die, or a different colored stone to indicate a held action, or an abort. 
  15. Haha
    bluesguy got a reaction from Gandalf970 in New to Hero: Poisons   
    Hero doesn't have a concept like 'saving throws'.  If you have the defense against the attack it will apply and if you don't then you take it full on. 
    For instance if PC hit bad guy with their sword and the bad guy has no resistant defense the bad guy will take all the body AND all the stun.  Their natural PD won't block any of the stun from a killing attack.  The same applies for the Death Adder's poison.  If the defense is LS:  Poison and Arrogant the Ranger has LS: Poison then he will take no damage.  But poor Frito the Hobbit has no LS: Poison and so he is slowly dying.  (I had to use those names since your user ID is Gandolf970 😁 )
  16. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Simon in Possible to Import Characters?   
    Sounds like the characters you are viewing have the HDC file linked - your browser is rendering it rather than saving the file...so just right-click on the link and select "Save As..." or the equivalent.
  17. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Riggs18 in Possible to Import Characters?   
    Ah ha! It worked! Thank you so much! You just made my life 50X easier!
  18. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from Khas in What is Hero Combat Manager?   
    I am the developer of Hero Combat Manager.  The purpose of the program is to help a GM manage combat.  Here are the specific things you can do with it:
    Using Hero Designer (HD) - you can export characters you have created using HD into a format that Hero Combat Manager (HCM) can use HCM will track when each character can act depending on their Speed and Dex With HCM the GM can: Handle all dice rolling and damage management for NPCs.  This includes Normal, Killing, Mental, Presence, Flash, Entangle, etc. and apply the damage to the player character information.  You will always know how injured your player's characters .  The players still have to keep track of the damage which the GM will provide Handle all damage that the NPCs receive when the player character's hit an NPC Handle held actions Buff/Debuff per Aid/Drain or the GM can adjust.  Be prepared this part of the application has always been a bit flaky (sorry) What can't be done with HCM: You can't create a character on the fly in HCM.  You have to use HD and then export the character It doesn't interface with the Hero System Mobile (we have talked about it but I am too busy and technically not savvy enough to figure it out how to do that - yet) Quirks and issues When I was a full time paid developer I worked on embedded software systems.  A UI was the raw data being dumped out an RS-232 port to a dumb terminal.  We didn't need no stickin' UI.  So that means HCM's UI is primitive I haven't done an update in a while.  Too busy.  I will answer questions and I am going to set aside time in 2020 to do some major bug fixing. This project grew out of my need for a tool to help me track combat.  I have done it with pencil and paper and real dice in the past.  That worked but in a big fight someone would get missed.  I tried doing this with a spreadsheet and a fancy VB macro but that failed pretty quickly.  The program grew out of my own needs.
  19. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from Hugh Neilson in Character creation: Narrative or Numbers   
    The rule in any campaign is the GM has the final decision on whether or not a character will work in the campaign setting.  If someone came to me and said I want to play an elf (blah blah blah) I would say no because there aren't any elves in my campaign world.  Any counter argument from them about being the one elf in the whole wide world and they were accidentally dropped into the world would end with no you can't play an elf.
    I have provided my players with a set of parameters for building characters in my campaign (see here).  It covers races, min/max characteristics, OCV/DCV, overall combat abilities, magic, etc.  Over the years we (players and myself) have had to tweak certain aspects because my initial concepts didn't work.
  20. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from theinfn8 in Character creation: Narrative or Numbers   
    The rule in any campaign is the GM has the final decision on whether or not a character will work in the campaign setting.  If someone came to me and said I want to play an elf (blah blah blah) I would say no because there aren't any elves in my campaign world.  Any counter argument from them about being the one elf in the whole wide world and they were accidentally dropped into the world would end with no you can't play an elf.
    I have provided my players with a set of parameters for building characters in my campaign (see here).  It covers races, min/max characteristics, OCV/DCV, overall combat abilities, magic, etc.  Over the years we (players and myself) have had to tweak certain aspects because my initial concepts didn't work.
  21. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from Chris Goodwin in Character creation: Narrative or Numbers   
    The rule in any campaign is the GM has the final decision on whether or not a character will work in the campaign setting.  If someone came to me and said I want to play an elf (blah blah blah) I would say no because there aren't any elves in my campaign world.  Any counter argument from them about being the one elf in the whole wide world and they were accidentally dropped into the world would end with no you can't play an elf.
    I have provided my players with a set of parameters for building characters in my campaign (see here).  It covers races, min/max characteristics, OCV/DCV, overall combat abilities, magic, etc.  Over the years we (players and myself) have had to tweak certain aspects because my initial concepts didn't work.
  22. Like
    bluesguy reacted to drunkonduty in Equipment for characters in Fantasy Hero   
    Here's a list or equipment and trade goods I knocked together for my (wholly theoretical at this point) low fantasy game.
    I should point out that I've applied a few whacky house rules. Most notably Armour Piercing is based on a suggestion here on the forums, it is a simple negative number applied to armour values, not a %. I've also renamed OCV, DCV, PD, and ED as Attack, Defence, PA, & EA, respectively.
    Weights are based on a bit of googling. Money values for things are based on some vague aim of "game balance" and should be considered suggestions only. :-)
  23. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from Trencher in In your campaign setting, how do dragons perceive those that wear dragon-hide/dragon-scale armor?   
    To answer the question initially asked, in my campaign world of Nyonia - "How dare you?  Take that off right now and I will give you a quick death.  Don't take it off right now and you will wish I had killed you quickly."
    Dragons in Nyonia were created by one of the gods.  They are intelligent and live family groups.  They have servants - lizard people who serve them.  Dragons trade with other races for things they can't make.  There use to be more dragons but there was a great war between dragons and all other intelligent species on Nyonia.  Although the dragons caused great destruction and the fall of some nations, all other intelligent races reproduce and mature at a significantly higher rate than dragons that in the end the dragons lost because they lost enough of their 'mature' (prime time for being fertile) members that it is going to take a long time for them to come back.
  24. Like
    bluesguy got a reaction from Steve in Roleplaying in the Age of Covid-19   
    You will need to purchase a license (or set of them) for Tabletop Simulator.  Steam often has sales on multi-pack licenses.  Here is a link to TTS on Steam
    Once you have installed TTS on your computer you will need to get the Hero System mod for TTS.  This is in the Steam Workshop.
    If you have a copy of Hero Designer and characters that were built in HD, you can use an export that Brennall created.  He has those on GitHub here.  This part is not 100% necessary - it makes playing easier.  The table comes with good dice rollers that are Hero specific.
    As for creating terrain/scenes you have many options:
    Something like the marker maps and you just quickly sketch something up Pre generated digital map that you put on the table Take a pre generated digital map and make it look 3d.  I would recommend subscribing to the Murder Hobo Show on YouTube Poke around on the TTS Steam Workshop and find scenes other people have built and take them - they are free.  Build your own scene using models that are available via the Steam Workshop.  You will literally find hundreds of figures (90% are for fantasy characters).  There are hundreds of models of everything from rocks, trees, hills, torches, castle parts, buildings, towns, ships, etc. Does this all take time to do?  Yes.  I was building 2.5d terrain for my face-to-face game and that took more time/money to do than TTS has taken.
    My group has 2 active GMs right now and two more getting ready to run.  When we finish the current season, we will return to my campaign.  I have spent the time building up the overall plot for the middle part of the epic story they are in.  Which helped me put together an appropriate set of scenes.  Along the way I have 'overbuilt' scenes because I know my players will go wandering a direction I didn't consider.
  25. Like
    bluesguy reacted to Amorkca in Playing Hero On Line?   
    Have you looked at Tabletop Simulator from Steam?
    There is a Hero Mod (Beta) that is pretty cool!
    Check this out!
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