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Everything posted by JohnTaber

  1. Re: I don't quite grok the Multiform rules. Hi Folks, If this already mentioned then sorry...my bad...if not...good. To help maintain play balance I make the player consider the HIGHEST point form their base PC. The lower point form is what they buy with multiform. Thus if Billy B changes into Captain Marvel the PC builds Captain Marvel with a lower point multiform of Billy B. Just a suggestion...
  2. Re: Silver Avenger Write-up? You could get the Primus PDF too.
  3. Re: Culture Shock: Slightly less 'cuddly' STAR HERO equipment
  4. Re: Purely Positive Thread I'm having fun with Hero! I'm running a great Star Hero game in my own megaverse. The rules seem to be holding up fine. I also got a LOT of great advice from the Star Hero book. I'm also playing in a great Hero game that Derek is running. It is really fun to play once in a while. Huzah!
  5. Re: Old School Hero Newsletters Re: Old Hero Stuff From The Site. AH...that stuff! I remember that stuff now. Re: Airacobra. He was played by Mike Gray. Sadly Mike passed away several years ago. Here is information from Bruce on Airacobra... Re: Old Hero Crud. I talked with Ray and I might be able to get some stuff that was never released or was pulled from an older product. If I can get some of this stuff I'll get copies then see if it is ok to post. Hang in there gents...
  6. Hi Heroes, Do folks know that there is a wikipedia entry for the Hero System, Hero Games, Champions, and Fantasy Hero!?! I didn't until I stumbled onto it...here is a link... Hero Wikipedia Entry Sorry if this is old news...
  7. Re: Old School Hero Newsletters Airacobra is Mike Gray's character. (Mike did layouts for the first Viper book along with some other older D&D stuff as I recall.) I'll get in touch with Bruce or Ray to see if I can gather more info on Airacobra. Re: Older Digital Hero stuff. I'll also hit up Bruce on this stuff as well. He might have it archived or something.
  8. Before Adventurers Club and Digital Hero there were Hero Newsletters! Never heard of them?!? Well you can download them from my website! Go to the File Downloads page. Here is a link to John's Hero HQ. There are four newsletters, an old letter from the original Steve at Hero (aka Steve Peterson), and an old mailer. They are all worth a chuckle or two. The prices on the mailer are great! FYI. I asked Steve and Darren...they said it was ok for me to post these. Enjoy!
  9. Re: RIP: James Doohan Very sad. I saw James at a couple of conventions and he was a very very funny man. I'll always remember him that way...
  10. Re: The Ultimate Steve Long You forgot some abilities... KS: Hero Rules 18- Create Large Manuscript Really Fast (+1 Speed, Only For Completing Manuscripts, RSR: PS: Game Designer) and one disad... PL: Secretly Manipulated By Osiris (i.e. his cat)
  11. Re: hit location We use hit location for weapons but not for magic. I think this rule started from the 1st edition FH book and we never dropped it...
  12. Re: Multiple Attacker Bonus Very nice Derek! Some comments... I agree with BigDamnHero and Derek in that I do not require the Teamwork skill to have the DCV penalties apply. If there are many things attacking it should be harder to dodge them all. (Note that this is the same reasoning why I give autofire an OCV bonus...but that is already overly discussed.) I think the distribution idea is neat because smart agents who are coordinated could use it to suit their weapons OR the target. For example, 5 pointy eared hair dressers...I mean elves...are going up against an ogre. The ogre has a low DCV so three of the elves decide to split the +1 OCV giving them more chance to roll higher damage. Later the elves fight a band of thieves. When they surround the leader they decide to give one elf +3 OCV so they can hit fast bandit leader. Interesting...
  13. Re: HERO System Vehicles Wait a sec...I don't agree with ALL points...I just read some of the "hotter" posts. I am a Hero guru from old. I love the game I just think the current vehicle rules need help in a couple of areas to make them readily useable in my games.
  14. Re: HERO System Vehicles I really agree with you gents on all points. I am also not happy with the new vehicle rules. I think they really hurt when playing Star Hero...which is what I am running. To add to Fox1, here is another area where I think there is a problem with Hero vehicle rules. See this thread for details. Essentially I made the following changes to address these issues in my game. I'll let everyone know how it works. My players just got a ship so we have not had a ship combat yet. I'm gonna try to paste this in from a Word doc that details the rules for my campaign...I hope it can be read. 6.12 Vehicle Combat The current Hero rules for vehicle combat don't make sense to me in a couple of areas. To fix these issues we will make the following rule changes. 6.12.1 Combat Pilot In the current edition of FREd if a pilot does nothing but drive they can make a Combat Pilot roll to remove ALL Size penalties from their DCV. This does not make any sense to me. If I am piloting the Death Star and I make my roll my DCV is lower than an X-Wing sitting still!?! Instead we will apply an optional rule from The Ultimate Vehicle book. For every point that a pilot makes his Combat Pilot roll they get -1 to the DCV. Making the roll does NOT eliminate the Size penalty. 6.12.2 Going Below A Zero DCV According to the current rules a ship can have at most a 0 DCV. Again this does not make sense to me. So this rule is getting discarded. In other words, the Size mods on DCV can knock a ship to a negative DCV. 6.12.3 Range Adjustments Starships are large and fast. So that a detailed combat can be conducted on a battlematt I came up with the following change. When conducting starship combat 1 hex will equal 16" in Hero. To this end I will force starships to buy all of their movement in increments of 16". To find out how far a ship moves on the map simply divide the total movement by 16. This change means the range chart needs to be updated for starship combat scales. To simplify the situation we'll add +4 to the DCV of all ships then use the following range chart. This adheres to the rules and should make is easier to play. The chart can be extended as required. This chart has also been added to the vehicle Hero Designer Export Template. 0" - 1" 2" 3" - 4" 5" - 8" 9" - 16" 17" - 32" 33" - 64" - -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12
  15. Re: Is seduction all wrong? Hi Heroites: I have not read all of the posts but I wanted to post a use for Seduction that a lot of folks don't consider. In my games Seduction is not only used for male vs female guiles it is used to calm people or make friends. For example, in my games a little girl who smiles and always gets her way might have Seduction. A barfly who can walk into a room and make friends really fast might also have Seduction. In fact one of the players in my Star Hero campaign bought Seduction and is using it this way. It works great. Granted the name is not great but I thought I would throw out comments on how I use it.
  16. Re: Power Cells Hi Glupii, To be honest I didn't worry about it for my Star Hero game. I did EXACTLY what you describe. Some guns/shots use 1 charge and others use 2. If they are overloaded they explode. I just explained the effect using the rules but forgot about how to actually buy them with points.
  17. Re: Teamwork I add these to my game already.
  18. Re: Combat Skill Levels....how many should you have? The guidelines from Fox are not bad but it really depends on the amount of points in the characters too. If you are playing high fantasy with 200 point Heroic level PC then you will want more levels than someone in a low fantasy setting starting at 100 points.
  19. Re: Favorite Superhero Lines Bullseye to Elektra: " You're good lady but me...I'm magic!"
  20. Re: Review: Villainy Amok I just ordered mine too...lately my budget has been low so I waited for a damaged copy...I know that's cheap but at least I get the book finally! I love reading Scott's stuff.
  21. Re: scenarios wanted What genre?
  22. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly) I think Overall Levels are perfect. You could even throw a limitation on them like No Concious Control or something similar.
  23. Re: Fantasy Hero combat slower? I dunno if I agree with John...at least not in my games... I think FH combat is slower because of hit locations and damage figuring. Sometimes players are not as fast as I am with the details. Also defense can vary with locations so it can be more confusing for some folks. In terms of in game time FH combat is definitely slower as Heroic level PC have much lower speeds.
  24. Re: Mix'N'Matched Char+Skill Rolls Wow. I like this! I'm always adapting Hero to other games...this is one place where the other way around might be better. I like the idea of keeping two rolls when complimenting. That way the dice rolls are more important but the concept is neat.
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