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Everything posted by gamerz123

  1. Re: The things I learned playing a ninja! 15-7-1-8 2-3 5-18-9-18-14-15-11 4-8-15-11! "I'm sorry. I can't tell you, else I would have to kill you." (I'm certain Ask a Ninja has used this line before.) Okay, Okay. From The Tick People will believe you if you hold up a twig and say, "I'm a shrub. Nothing to see here. Move along."
  2. Re: mr. MONK gets statted up I haven't seen a lot of episdoes, but from the ones that I have seen, he is often without the revolver. Operating as a Heroic character with equipment would definitely work better than an Independent focus. I'd give him 2 Psych Disadvantages: 1 Total, 1 Strong Ahh. Monk. Nobody does germophobic neurosis better...."You, know. Bleach. The Great White God!"
  3. Re: New Liquid Armor (for real) Gotta rep this one!
  4. Re: Review of Chasing A Golden Buck Cool!!!
  5. Re: Review of Chasing A Golden Buck Thanks for the glowing review, Secret Master (Nice Avatar, BTW ) The module is indeed in the online store under the "Licensed Products" tab. Unless some unseen misfortune occurs between now and the show, this particular module will be available at GenCon Indy at the GPA Showcase Booth in very limited hardcopy (100 were printed. The price of the hardcopy will be, by necessity, more than the .pdf version, but still reasonable at $7.00 + tax.) I know that several Hero System licensees are members of the GPA, but I don't know which ones will be at the Showcase and which ones will have their own booths. What I would like to clarify is that I check the boards for feeback on both my products and .pdf products in general to improve my modules (I occasionally create a poll, such as asking whether or not pregenerated PCs are useful.) Darnit. I thought triple-checking the thing with two different program spellchecks and two manual reviews by two separate persons of a print-out of the final module would catch every typo. While I do everything I can to prevent typos, I've come to the realization that a 100% typo-free product more than a few paragraphs long is rarer than a 5-leaf clover. p.s. I'm not really that clever. Living in the land of the taxed and the home of the sued, I felt it necessary to start an LLC instead of operating as a much easier-to-manage proprietorship. California's business laws aren't so bad once you translate the legalese; it's just that having to decipher the vast majority of them on your own can lead to caffine addiction, migranes, panic attacks, and/or a rather large tab at the local pub (Ever get 5 sheets of paper as notification of the 'Paperwork Reduction and Environmental Protection Act?' )
  6. Re: How effective do you feel weapons should be For people-versus-people, I'd say that depends upon what type of game you want to run: If one shot is certain to kill a person (the classic example of this is the Star Trek Phaser), then you generally get a game with less combat ("Can we solve this without violence?") and when there is combat, it's standard for it to be thoroughly planned. If one shot is deadlier than a modern firearm but not 90%-guaranteed-insta-death, you end up with a 'normal' amount of combat with modern weapons, although certain tactics would have to change with the nature of the weapons. If most weapons aren't that deadly (say, for example, just about everyone carries a stun blaster, but few carry plasma weapons), then you might get MORE combat. ----- I like the approach you're taking with the ships. The various ways of doing this that I can think of off the top of my head depend upon which person-to-person approach is taken. Anyway, my 2 cents. CT
  7. Re: Scenarios for Alien Wars Have you checked out Rescue at Karadonna?
  8. Re: Prescription Hero Didn't see one in TUV and there's none listed in the Ultimate Index. (For monster: http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/hero5docs.htm ) None listed in 5ER, Sidekick, or Pulp Hero. Psst... Do we bug DOJ to make The Ultimate Forklift? Or do we just request it in Horror Hero? (An appropriate genre, I think ) Carnivorous "All thmbs typing toay" Tofu
  9. Re: Prescription Hero But how do you carry 5ER without a forklift? (Just kidding... ) Welcome to the board, Monster!
  10. Re: New Fantasy Module For Sale In the Online Store In the News For those of you who don't like .pdf or prefer a print edition. I'm having a micro-size batch of Chasing A Golden Buck (BhMHERO-MOD02) printed up for sale exclusively at the conventions I'll be able to attend this year and maybe a couple of my local gaming shops. I will be at GenCon Indy (Arriving on Thursday afternoon) in the GPA Showcase booth by the Hero Booth. Price will be $7.00 + tax. DISCLAIMER: It is a tiny print run that is based upon what my company can afford and the best possible guestimate as to the usual sales of a product of this format and there is a possibility (admitedly very remote) of the entire print run being sold at Indy.
  11. Hail, Intrepid Adventurers! Chasing A Golden Buck (BhMHERO-MOD02), is now on sale in the Online Store for $3.50! --------------------------- Last week you pulled off an incredible heist of valuables from an estate in Gold’s Reside. While relaxing at the local pub , a man approaches you with an offer of employment. He wants you to steal an idol from a secret temple to one of the new gods. His upfront payment is acceptable for a quick grab-and-go operation. * 5 Pregenerated Player Characters Provided * 2 Full NPC Characters Provided (One template, One Unique Character) * 2 color maps (1 Player, 1 GM) This module for Fantasy Hero is written using the Valdorian Age© setting, but is in no way part of official Hero Universe cannon. It may be played using either the Sidekick© light rules or the full Hero System™ 5 Edition Revised rules (Slight adjustment to the pre-generated characters will be necessary for Sidekick).
  12. Re: Space Hotel Sounds like a Mightybec quote In all seriousness, I think the first people to do space tourism are going to make a fortune... of course, you have to have a fortune to start off with to get it going...
  13. gamerz123

    Snarf Quest

    Re: Snarf Quest Haven't, but I remember it in Dragon and have an issue or two with Snarfquest in it. Am I supposed to reminisce or feel old?
  14. Re: Giant "comet" So that's what happens when Big Giant Mechanonhead eats a Galactic Champions Bean Burrito! The numbers on that thing are simply mind-blowing. Very cool.
  15. Re: Sidekick (only) with Fantasy ? I agree with Derek's assessment of using Sidekick and only adding the more advanced complete rules as necessary (Such as using the Hit Locations rules only when players want to do called shots.) My suggestion for people used to the D&D system (Borrowed directly from GamePhil's convention Fantasy Hero game he ran at KublaCon in 2005) : Use Charges for spells and ignore the Endurance rules for a little while (tell your players that you are doing so.) Once they get used to the Speed-Segment-Phase system and how maneuvers operate within the OCV/DCV system, then give them some spells that use Endurance and start implementing Endurance with everyone.
  16. Re: Who wants to hump..... Tina..... There's no charge for the , is there? http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/05/02/dominatrix.ap/index.html (Check the rates at the bottom of the page )
  17. Re: Who wants to hump..... I always go through the Civic Center BART Station It's 0.7 miles to the Hero Offices from there. Level walk the entire way. Muni #7 bus costs $1.50 if you don't feel like walking back. http://maps.yahoo.com/dd_result?newaddr=1150+Market+St&taddr=1+haight+street&csz=San+Francisco%2C+CA+94102-3804&country=us&tcsz=san+francisco%2C+ca&tcountry=us
  18. Re: Newspaper snippet generator That is sweet! Repped!
  19. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Don't allow people to use items such as: The Spatula O' Doom! (HKA 100d6, 10xArmor-Piercing, OIF)
  20. Re: Help with Alien Wars Hi Starblaze, Thanks for the favorable review. Actually: author, editor, layout, cartography, cover artist, etc..... Darren and I discuss the licensing contract, then Steve reviews the manuscript once it is finished and either suggests or requires changes, unless it's got real issues and needs a complete re-write. I'm hoping to publish about one a month once I really get the hang of it and work kinks out of my process. Various genres, but my personal preference as a GM is Science Fiction, so there will probably be more of those than others. I'll do my best to keep talents and skills to only 5ER and the core genre book for a particular module. (It's one of those things you only realize after someone tells you. ) Tom
  21. Re: Help with Alien Wars Agree with Ranxerox, would add. Characters in later-stage campaigns (such as the module Rescue at Karadonna) tend to be from the same service. That's why I put in as varied character backgrounds as possible. You're dealing with an area that was once occupied, so it's easier to use character histories as sub-plot hooks. I'd give characters access to heavier weapons, but make sure to pace it out and incorporate the occasional rank promotion to help justify access to the hardware. I do believe that the text already states militaries expand their numbers so much that an officer rank (such as colonel) who would never be considered "font-line" during peacetime could be commanding on-the-ground (as the colonels at the start of the war were promoted to general, the majors to colonels, etc....) In early Alien Wars games, you had major supply and production issues and characters are often in the situation where their firepower is significantly reduced for a time or even the rest of the campaign. In the later part of the War, you're looking at massive production capabilities with the main problems being transportation logistics and time. Another topic is campaign lethality. Sending characters on one 'suicide' mission after the other and all of the PCs survive (Most SF TV series which have a war plot) generates a completely different feel from a campaign in which a 'suicide' mission means many or most of the players will have to generate new characters for next week's game (ie. The Dirty Dozen, Saving Private Ryan). Either one works, but it's best to be consistent with it. Note also that the examples I could think off the top of my head of low-lethality are series where high-lethality are one-shot movies. Of course, if you know that a low-lethality campaign is truly coming to an end and the players are all in agreement that the campaign should come to a conclusion, you could always pull a switcheroo and get some great dramatic roleplaying out of it, but do that ONLY if you really know your group and know that they will be okay with it. In addition to the movies above, if you have access to Netflix, a few suggestions: Firefly (Excellent series, but the Pilot and War Stories in Particular. This is THE series to watch if you're going to run a campaign that follows the characters after the end of the Xenovore War.), Babylon 5: Season 2, "GROPOS" (Episode 32 overall, 10th of Season 2), "All Quiet on the Western Front," "The Pianist" (feel of someone in occupied territory), "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", "Kelly's Heroes," and of course, "Starship Troopers." "Titan AE" gives a view you don't see often and is appropriate for many situations: humans are on the bottom of things.
  22. Re: Darren's Char Tonight?? Ahh... But how do you know Darren doesn't have his own pocket time dimension?
  23. Re: Worlds of Empire In Online Store These boards need a 'smiling drool' avatar
  24. Re: No spaceship Even More Evidence of Xenu at work
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