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Everything posted by Kaeto

  1. Re: The Lovestruck A.I. Anne McCaffery dealt with something similar in her "Brain Ship" stories. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ship_Who_Sang
  2. Re: Medieval Diet As I understand it the typical tavern mug also known as a 'Leather Jack' was made from leather, boiled in oil to harden it. Then was coated in tar to make it liquid proof. The resulting vessel wasn't very breakable. And I'm sure the tar imparted an "interesting" flavor to the contents.
  3. Re: Clyde Barrow's Sawn-Off BAR Actually Clydes' having cut it down made it where Bonnie could use it as well. Before it was just too big for her.
  4. Re: Superheores with Disabilites, a thought experiememnt I had a character who's powers (massive Transmutation abilities) caused her disability. Every time she used her powers her bones would get more and more fragile. When she finally retired from heroing you could shatter her arm with a gentle touch. Made things a real problem with her significant other.
  5. Re: 15 Da Vinci War Machines Well the traps were little things that could be avoided with use of common sense. Like on the tank if you followed the plans exactly the front set of wheels and the back set would turn in opposite directions instead of the same direction. Kind of like the trap might have been an intelligence test.
  6. Re: 6ed terminoligy From the sounds of it the changes in teminology were just for the sake of making it look different, not to improve the gsme system.
  7. Re: 15 Da Vinci War Machines Actually there was a show on tv here where they built some of Da Vinci's ideas and one was the tank with primitive breech loading cannon from the period that it was designed in. And the Tank worked after they avoided some of the traps the Da Vinci put in his designs.
  8. Kaeto

    Pulp Holmes

    Re: Pulp Holmes Looks interesting. I just hope Downey Jr. can pull it off.
  9. Kaeto

    G.I Joe

    Re: G.I Joe If something happens to his command no matter who is at fault the commanding officer gets the blame.
  10. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Session has expired
  11. Re: Make a Green Lantern Oath At justice's call I take up this lantern. For honor's sake I wield it's light. Let those who follow evil's might fear it's power ... GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!
  12. Re: Susano's Song-Based DC NPCs How about the Arizona Ranger from 'Big Iron' by Marty Robbins? Or the Blacksmith of Brandywine?
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I don't put any sauce on it. Just the meat and the bread make a BBQ sandwich for me.
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My food passion is for Tenn Barbeque. You take a pork shoulder, slow cook it in a closed barbeque pit over hickory wood coals for about 10 hours. And when it's done enjoy! Last time I did this I removed the bone from the shoulder after cooking by grabbing the end of it twisted a little, pullled and the bone came out clean. Unfortunately BBQ don't last long around me.
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Ewwwwww! Yuck! Where's the brain bleach to get that image out of my head.
  16. Re: Beware the churck tank I take it out with my Cathedralpult.
  17. Re: Sailor Sun, formerly Solara Yeesh! I post in a thread and it dies. Come on now. The pic aint that bad!
  18. Re: Sailor Sun, formerly Solara I tried to do a Sailor Senshi outfit but havent come up with a portfolio for her powers. Ideas anyone?
  19. Re: Shadowcats Vehicular Insanity Shop: Grumman XP-50 Skyrocket Hawkaaaaaa!
  20. Re: shadowcats vehicular insanity shop: F-104 Starfighter You forgot the inability of the pilot to eject from the plane when below 100 feet altitude. (Due to the ejection seat going out the bottom of the plane.)
  21. Re: Happy 31rst Anniversary Traveller You could say the same thing about Hero System Egyptoid. It's not much younger.
  22. Re: Blade-Class Tanks for Alien Wars Actually I would be interested in seeing your write up of the Mk XXXIII Bolo. If you need the data on one I can provide.
  23. Re: Blade-Class Tanks for Alien Wars Don't forget the ultimate in Land Based combat. The Mark XXXIII Bolo.
  24. Re: Odd Costume Designes Wonder if they will have custom insignia?
  25. Re: Hypothetically and unofficially, what would you like to see in a Mecha Hero book? All these examples of mecha shows and nobody mentioned Armored Trooper VOTOMS ? As well as Aura Battler Dunbine, or Combattler V.
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