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Everything posted by MorpheousXO

  1. Re: A Torch is a Torch? This thread is now officially made of 100% Pure Win, and is thus fully backed and supported by Make Mine Tuna, Ltd. a subsidiary of Pork Filled Sporks, LLC. Please make all checks payable to Joe's Diner and Casino.
  2. Re: Buy Fantasy Hero Now Bought mine (along with several other things that were on sale)! Can't wait to get everything!
  3. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters The w00tness continues to w00t my w00ted head!
  4. Re: Rolling mechanic question Okidoki, found that old post. Hmm... ok, on skills it was set up as all modifiers affect the roll, both positive and negative, and you always want to roll 13+. Changing that to a 10 would mean just having a basic -3 on everything, I think. My brain isn't at full functionality at the moment, takes a bit to warm up to this kinda stuff since I don't do it very often. In any case, I think I'm gonna try to write up the rules for this (and create the table for Succeed/Fail by Half). I'll post them here when they're done since things are a bit spread out in the last thread. I'll also work up a few optional ways, which basically is just deciding where and how to work with the modifiers.
  5. Re: Rolling mechanic question It's been a while, but the last thread of this I took a part in I believe I figured it out using 10. I'll have to see if I can track that down since it seems like this thread is actually talking about rolling high again
  6. Re: Rolling mechanic question This right here is one of the main reasons I endorse roll-high.
  7. Re: Susano's Guide to Adapting Fictional Characters to HERO OOH!!! Can't wait for that!
  8. Re: Another VPP Question That actually sounds pretty nifty, but still pretty limited. That's about all I can add as this is outside my general area of studies.
  9. Re: [Killershrike.com] Vancian Spell List Revamp Not yet.
  10. Re: Magic Items for the Holidays Dreaming of a White Christmas A little box that you wind up, which then spits out snow and holiday tunes! Covers a wide area.
  11. Re: D&D twists on Fantasy Hero Ok??? Question, generally the suggestion for moving diagonally on a square is that it's 1.5" (rounded down), would that also work for moving corner to corner on a hex? If so, then I like hexes just fine. If not, then I'd prefer squares cause you'd have 8 directions of movement without having to think TOO much, while with the 12 you'd have on a hex, half of the calculations required might take too long (I generally underesitmate peoples ability/want to do math at a game table). That's my oppinion anyway, though I would like the question answered since I can't wrap my brain around hex corners.
  12. Re: [Killershrike.com] Vancian Spell List Revamp Keep up the good work, KS, I love it when I CAN'T give you rep, means you're doing even more good things than usual
  13. Re: Whats your view of PC expiry? What's your in-game mortality rate? I'd rather not kill the characters in a random way. If they are stupid and piss off the uber-dragon when they KNEW it was the uber-dragon, then they get what they deserve. Only had one accidental PC death and it was my fault. Vampire: The Masquerade. Misjudged an opponents health levels and combat skills in a one on one fight. Fortunately the player was getting bored of the character anyway (which reminds me of another player who got bored with his characters quite often and did things to get his character killed so he could make a new one...). Anyways, would never be adverse to a PC making a sacrifice. He most certainly would be getting to make a new character at his old one's level of experience (unless he wanted a lower powered one for some reason). I've learned from my own playing experience that the threat of death and almost dying is quite fun and exhilerating... and odd sometimes... when the party sorcerer is somehow the only one standing at the end of the fight (with 1 hp) and has to make a bunch of Heal rolls with only his Wis mod.
  14. Re: Malazan Books of the Fallen HERO Finished the first one and liked it so much I bought the next four (amazon's 4 for 3 deal helped with that too), and am currently in the middle of the second book. Loaned the first book to my mom and now she's bugging me to finish the second one cause she needs it. Not sure if my fiancee would like it, though... In any case, gamable completely in my oppinion, just have to let your players get some super skills (and maybe even some just totally exceptional abilities). That is all. Go read the books now... NOW!!!!
  15. Re: Assassin's Creed: Altair I'm very glad that it's coming out for PC as that means I don't have to buy the currently overpriced (for my budget) PS3 (won't get x-box). Anyhoop, looks neat, gonna look deeper into the sheet later to see what might be "inspirational" for my game world.
  16. Re: Minotaur Racial Package I certainly would not be adverse to you adding any number of racial package deals as your packages always seem to make me think a little deeper about what a race should be... stupid d20 racials
  17. Re: Mounted Combat, and a Question of Historical Accuracy ... was that an exalted reference? OMGWTFBBQ!!!!
  18. Re: How much XP per 'level' I highly recomend KS's site. There's a lot of very good info there, just browse around. Have fun!
  19. Re: Conversion and System Flexibility Just wondering, will any of this be getting posted/linkied? (or have I just not browsed over to the FH forum to see it's already there...)
  20. Re: Master Lists in Danger Sweet, glad to hear someone in the family now has control of it. In particular glad it's GA.
  21. Re: Yet another Star Wars topic.... I would think you'd just have the Lightsaber Contruction skill as the complimentary, and leave out the hypermetabolic physics or whatever. That means they learn advanced physics as it relates to lightsabers, but don't have the grasp to understand how to create a quantum flux field, or what have you.
  22. Re: Star Wars - The Jedi Academy Campaign: The Final Chapter wow, this is old, how have things be coming along?
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