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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. This one disturbs me a whole passel. It works to undermine All photo evidence.....
  2. Yep, I'm gonna miss bananas. Unless they manage to pull a rabbit out of their hat.....
  3. Is that an alligator in your pants, or....
  4. This is also a Huge blow to future games design! Supposedly Champs was born during one such lecture! Personally I did all my "homework" during lectures. I read the book, so I seldom heard something worthwhile. I only payed attention to math written or projected on the board/screen.
  5. Travelin Dan, LS: No need to eat, No need to Sleep Dan just likes to travel, he has no home, but being homeless is little bother. And when he need to get some cash he can work several jobs part time for several weeks then go back to traveling...
  6. But I have to be "that guy" and point out sweden has had mass shooting incidents Anyway.....
  7. Dave's seagulls rest. Fearful and superstitishous crowd. 10/10 would terrify again.
  8. I've also purchased comic collections based on Pathfinder adventure paths. Not Superhero, but still comics.
  9. I'll also toss out Jawbreakers. I haven't read any as the preview left me uninterested, but using kickstarter to "presell" physical books looks like a possible model. And the creater is a veteran.
  10. Just my impression, but they are "top heavy" too many strong editors, not enough young wild goofball artists and writers....
  11. Yeah, for me it's not so much the cost, as the Value. X dollars might seem well spent on this "cool" comic. But most of it is dreck...they used a differant "value model" of "you can Collect" and that turned out to be a bunch of nonsense. Comics are only have value if nobody collects them! Otherwise you get a glut and they put their effort into appearance rather than content. (Glossy paper! Multiple covers!) Now the new wave of comics is trying to gain traction by insulting their customers...dunno how well that model will work out....
  12. This generation...shows up and disrupts an important meeting, turns out he was stoned....
  13. Maybe it's an isekai story Loki and his "harem" of Sif, Jane, godess of thunder, and Valk, Queen of new Asgard....wacky hijinks follow...?
  14. I am a veteran, from a family of veterans, and I am glad your local VA is a good one. But going to see the VA is considered a last ditch effort for my whole family.😥 When I became disabled, I had to sue the SS to get coverage (wait till he dies) and my lawer suggested the VA both I and my brother started giggling because it seemed so crazy a suggestion. I then horrified her with a story or two of "The VA" in action. Maybe the VA has gotten better though....
  15. Golden ticket: Beyond the Wonkaverse!
  16. Nah, it'd have "foo*'in in front if it was a scottish noun...?
  17. Gotta laugh...only farmers wear hats indoors...Lol. I am so out of touch with what is 'hip".
  18. Ah, my mistake then. Sorry for any offense.
  19. Thanks, Saved me saying it. The "real" differance is back then people Saved to buy a house. Now days folks borrow, so they end up paying around 8 to 10 times income.
  20. I don't think this is a new concept. Though they may have some new views on how it went. When I last read this theory it was a roughly "moon sized" object crashed into the earth causing an ejecta cloud of moon like size to shoot off the other side...etc. Heck I think "worlds in colision" was the first try of this idea....?
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