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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. Heck Ive used Viper buying out Blockbuster, and using the empty stores as safe houses, and meeting places.
  2. Phantoma could have a desendant as a secret crime boss/supa genius...
  3. Moriarty was a Maths prof. Secret master of social media?
  4. Kale is Health food...if it does not Kill you, it makes you Stronger!....right?
  5. Dang! I was hoping it was something "healthy" like Kale...?
  6. Yeah, but it should have been "Evil McEvilface" right??
  7. During WW2 one of the weird concepts was an artificial ice berg as a unsinkable aircraft carrier. Add in a comic book power source, and the built in refigeration units make for an awesome mobile base.
  8. I fore see this being used in upcomming elections (LOL)
  9. You could look at Starfinder the sci fi Fantasy in Spaaace version...?
  10. Gruden was replaced by a pod person! They seem human but they can't play ball! Warn the others!
  11. Speed. stealth. and plenty of realatives (that can be trusted).?
  12. Saitama, Thanos snaps, Saitama's clothes vanish...Saitama hits him.
  13. Pathfinder started out as D&D 3.75 but since then it has grown in it's own direction. Totally familiar, yet somehow strange in relation to D&D.
  14. Yeah, I think a mistake that often occurs is thinking in logical terms. By that I means things like +10% smarts, must equal +11+% or else. Evolution is more random, one day an organism developes a weird modification, it may be a benefit, a problem, or not matter. A super smart mouse might gain no advantage in normal tasks, but succeed wildly at say mating, or invent specialisation with its self as "High priest". Some selection is slow and steady, but plenty is wildly odd.
  15. In Oregon it used to be 450$ Differant state though. It would have been fun to stop by the shop, "what'd you find today?" "Wrote one driver for Improperly securing his balls"..."OK, I need more context..."
  16. I thought it was because the soul reapers were "purifying" the spirit ream through their efforts.
  17. Well...If you wanted to give credit, playing Russia off China, and vise versa is old school diplomacy.
  18. Yeah, they did get better, but it still wasn't Good. 2 seasons is pretty good for a show that didn't work though.
  19. Holy smoke! A great person, and a titan in gaming. Met him few times, played board games with him. He will be missed.
  20. I'll agree, but also disagree....then one thing that Might unite the earth is threat of alien invasion. But outlawing the one thing that can protect you is rather daft. I see the civil war story as the classic society vs the individual. Cap embodying the individual, and Tony society.
  21. I'm not allowed to like, so I'll just say nicely done.
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