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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. True dat, but if we have anti grav why the heck do we (in universe) still have airplanes? Like time travel often is, it's just bad writing...even if its anti grave why do they have so much excess lift? (i.e. Night monkey can stand on them...etc, etc...Lol
  2. I enjoyed Spiderman: aka best friend of Night Monkey. But the wacky antigrav drones bugged me to no end. Ignore that and it was a fine superhero film.
  3. The importance of being Ernest, of Gor?
  4. H.P. Lovecrafts "A tree grows in brookland"..? Also showing "The rocky horror last picture show"
  5. Also things like being "official" can be added if wanted...
  6. One I've used that has gone well is "fame" as in streets and buildings on the map get named after characters. The street fronting the government offices is named after a character. A park built from the wreakage of that epic super fight gets named after the team. That sort of thing. I leave those changes in future games as "call backs" and back story ala Astrocity.
  7. Godzilla,the King of the monsters and I?
  8. Now I can mix "madness" honey with Corpse Honey(tm) and gain super powers!...???
  9. Thank you for this reminder of the glory of nature.😁
  10. One "hidden" cost with those licenses is creative control. From what I've heard DC in paticular is super micro managey with their IP. (Not that I blame them much)
  11. The streaming has been a major part of it, it is a form of guerilla marketing. Pax is a very big billboard as well. WOTC found a small group of passionate, and talented folks, and gave them a budget.😲 so they could back the Aquisisions Inc brand, and hook into cosplay etc...
  12. I've only been there once, and my only clear memory is finding a very cool comic book shop...😁
  13. Also Lots of fart jokes...😥
  14. Tonight on VH1, the new tell all docudrama, "A song of Vanilla Ice, and Fyre Festival!"
  15. I think there was a girl Robin for a while...then she changed her hero name and went off on her own. Much like Nightwing.
  16. Yeah, I don't Know if UBI is the "right way" but I think it is the way to the future, and the long expected "post scarecity" economy. What else? Just let 90% of the populace starve? I think it is worth a try anyway. removing the fear factor of paycheck to paycheck can only improve peoples levels of stress.
  17. I remember thinking she was "da bomb" in Mod squad. Sad she is gone, but glad she had a long and happy life.
  18. "Eyes on Cap" +2 Overall, UBO x "lots" Mega scale" Requires incantations "Cap is depending on me" or "Cap is still standing!" etc...? Lim: must have met Cap in person at some time....?
  19. I went to a golden corral last week and I found it a pleasant experiance. I thought it would be a economical way to feed a growing family.
  20. To be perfectly honest, if she had just asked for permission to use the image. It would likely be yes 99% of the time. But photogs get bullied by the folks they help publisise all the time. Some have had enough of that. just adding more context. I agree with you.
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