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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. I think it was left vague on purpose, basicly it boils down to "If the Presidents best buds, and supporters say so" I am happy with that. It even remove the politics to some extent. If there is an "issue" Congress settles it. Just too bad that Congress makes its money by Not settling things these days.
  2. Or how one movie changed peoples swimming habits...Dun dah! Dun dah!
  3. That is one of Larry Nivens concepts as well. Insane luck Is our "alien super power"
  4. And that is the problem with "fixing" it...everybody has a dog in the hunt.
  5. I dunno...I think it falls into the "I laugh, so I won't cry" cat...? I am sad that a billionaire is too cheap to get a pro when producing false documents.
  6. I've never tried either one...but I do prefer a mustard base for BBQ.
  7. Thanks! I can run out and buy a trucklod, then clean up when the shortage hits!
  8. Yeah, Wynona Earp could be good, but...its not. I can imaging the pitch.." Its Supernatual, including a magic revolver, but with Sisters!" "And! it all happens in a small town, so lowered production costs!"
  9. Very cool! I think I could see a grim avenger type using this.
  10. Sadly its an underpinning of much of human behavior. We're a herd animal, we want to fit in, I used to call it "In crowd, out crowd conditioning". I've known many a person who goes to church not for the spirit, but to feel superior to others. "Why did you stop being a vegan?" "I didn't, not really...I just got sick of being so much better than meat eaters" Moby? Etc...So threats to our image are very serious, thats why people fear maiming more than death (often) that turns you into somebody else. I know from my own sad story that shooting at me makes me angry, embarassing me fills me with Hate.
  11. They simply don't see anything wrong. You can't feel shame if you are simply using your "god given" aristo nonsense powers.....
  12. OK, I've read a bit...I don't think it was Murder, or even Manslaughter. It Was a case of somebody in uniform, who never should have been. How the heck are we choosing officers? If you're that scared of getting shot, you're in the wrong line of work. (And the chances of getting shot are Very small) So, I'm just left with Dang. It is a tragic occurance, but I don't know who exactly to blame.
  13. I'm going to need to process before I can say anything. But dang, we seem to have too many nervous people wearing badges....
  14. Thanks! Yes I was noting what a Utopia would look like, any party that wants to gain support, will ask for less than Utopia. As a Starting point. Communism also seeks a socialist Utopia, but so far setles for something less. And that exact senario was one I read many years ago, during my readings of various philosophies, and political theories. Like most, if not all Utopias it sounds hard to make work. But when I read staements by libertarians, I often feel that it boils down to exactly that, a State without a State. Only Citisans.
  15. My understanding is a libertarian utopia has no military, no police, no "laws" exept the honor, and judment of individguals. So if "Mr. "X"" sells stock in a fraud, a concerned wronged citizen points a pistol at him, and walks out onto the street, calls the passerbys as a jury, and a finding is reached. If the passer bys declare it was his own fault for not doing due dillagence the "fraudster" walks off...if the agreived party shoots him anyway...well thats murder! Of course it will be up to a concerned party to repeat the process etc... Which part of this senarios is without both of our views being "correct"?
  16. Well..you know maybe someday they will get their dream, a society that will have no problem with gunning them down like mad dogs if they do anything goofy. I've noticed a lot of persons that think that a libertarian society would be a utopia, fail to consider their own likely fate in one.
  17. Lots of good ideas. Do they have a known base? With defenses? Fatal to outraged normals breaking in to find "proof"?
  18. Its been a Long time, but I was under the impression that Wakanda was not isolated, they just did not allow outsiders to visit. I think the current Prince, now King studied in America (NY of course!) and they were so severe about outsiders because of some bad experiances in their history...?
  19. Also, Reagan never presented himself as a "hands on" guy, so when he said he had no knowlage, folks were inclined to believe it. Trump likes to shout "I'm the Boss!" so it's less likely folks will listen, even it's true (to some extent). In the end, time will tell.
  20. Very nice! I like the end/wrap up, it ties off threads, while leaving enough dangling. I agree that Lady O seems to be grooming FG to "take the reins" someday. He'll even have a strong connection to Dr. S's student, and he may have made a break through with Ice princess. Maybe he can head up a team of all power up'd Partials. Good luck with getting published, I know nothing about E-pub but it might be a good way to start.
  21. Yep, its just too bad the Death Star didn't "Look like a Skull!" But the whole world seems very "dark ages" No real police, absolute rulers, personal armies...etc.
  22. Sounds very cool, hopefully a "doable" expirament can be designed. Maybe negative curvature, negative energy, and "dark mass" can be bundled up based on the outcomes. And yeah Phase changes are a wide spead effect, that I at least find very mysterious, a fundamental quality found all over the place...the whole of reality may "simply" going through the equivelent of an ice cube melting. It's just hard to see from the inside.
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