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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. I Think the issue you're having is that Gravity is thought to be instant, ie if I create/move mass here the whole universe notes that, but gravity waves are waves, so they behave the way waves do....though the instant notation may be outdated. I am way out of touch with current physics.
  2. Yeah, I'd likely have gone with El Congrajo del diablo
  3. I think you should go with Bad Tribble, sounds kinda cool, and mysterious...
  4. If you want to go full on weird how about the weakness fields from Hancock? Her children are litteraly her weakness, in their presence she's just a well built, very healthy woman, when seperated she becomes Super. She bears the seperation soley to create justice in an unjust world...?
  5. It Should be named for the Premier in power at the time of discovery, or someone else who can control funding. Maybe it was named after a certain super spy...?
  6. Maybe they can work a trade? Raiders to LA, Chargers to Vegas, Rams to SD? After all nobody cares about fans, just Brand right...?
  7. OMG! and Pam Grier could be his mom! Dang! There's a whole movie in that cammio moment. "I'm just saying these motherf###in politictions..." "You do Not use that language in My House!" "Sorry momma"
  8. Yeah, no need to lose hope...they May be stashed someplace. But, if nice things are invovled, and people get all scetchy, Then they may have "grown legs" and wandered off. Lets hope they show up though.
  9. Well...on the "plus"(?) side a decade plus of war is giving us a much better understanding of brain injury.
  10. From the makers of the Pet Rock, comes. Box of Sand(TM, Pending)!
  11. "Crew" sounds just fine...Zero Gee training seems like a good one, for both. Maybe add some high tech training like System operations, repair, and damage control. How about interaction skills? Maybe the "Space Navy" cares about relations so much they give training to everybody?
  12. Cool, it's a fun hobby. Just be careful with metal casting it can get fierce.
  13. I dunno I think a "Dark shadows of Trek" thing could work...Barnabas Collins cursed with vampyrism, forever to pilot a Star Ship, but never to go on an away team!
  14. Yeah, I'd suggest starting out with a MP, then "upgrading" with eps. Pools can drag the game, so experience in playing the character makes that less likely.
  15. Huh, and I was going to buy TF: Falling Elevators...because I ride them so often...
  16. There's a start up called Desktop Metals it's not practical now but if they take off it is the future. It seems like you're interested in complex materials for their flight and impact characteristics. You should find a unemployed physics student as that looks like something math can do for you, making testing simpler.
  17. Sounds like a fun project. I expect there is a Lot of literature on forging and other industrial techniques, Heck personally I expect Maker Box tech to become the "go to " home loading solution in the next decade.
  18. Well, looks like I got out just in time, I'm now on Medicare, so I'm "OK" till next month at least....
  19. Yep, thats my solution as well, but I didn't want to suggest rewritting the character just for this encounter.
  20. Thats what I've heard...the 6.5 Creedmoor or something much like it.
  21. Well...sadly you can't put a framework in a framework...unless 6th changed that. I'd "wing it" by letting him/her copy actual powers the Cosmic Dandy uses, and call it "good".
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