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Everything posted by Tjack

  2. I just did this thing three times and got George Weasley each time. 82% once and 83% twice. I didn’t even pick Harry Potter as a reference. I don’t know how I feel about this
  3. I don’t want to take this thread off topic, but to merely broaden the subject. While I haven’t done much Fantasy gaming, I have been either a GM or player in a number of Science Fiction games. (Star Wars, Star Trek, Far Future etc.) and the nature of this discussion lends it self well to the subject of alien races in games as well. I think the main idea has to be the need to keep some sort of balance between these basic points. 1) The inherent block of information a player brings with them about a race, whether its Elves & Dwarves or Klingons & Twileks. 2) Someway of giving a player leeway to make a static racial description into a fully fleshed out character of their own. 3) Allowing the GM enough room to create a world of their own. Nothing kills the mood of a game faster than a players cry of “But they don’t act like that!” If you can pull all that off, you could have a really good game on your hands. How to do it is the question.
  4. Nice, you don’t see a Mr. Mom quote everyday.
  5. Only in the dugout. Not on the field, just like his prostitutes and hot dogs.
  6. I don’t remember who said it but I do like the rule of thumb “If you can smoke while doing it, it’s not a sport.” And yes, there goes golf, bowling and darts. That stuff is better categorized as a pastime or a game. Rounders is a very good movie however.
  7. At least this guy actually did something. Take the millennial in the song, drop him back a generation and he’d be wearing a flannel shirt drinking coffee and talking about his band....even though he can’t play his guitar worth a damn. Go back another generation and replace the flannel and coffee with tie-dye and a joint and you get the same deal. The one before that were just too busy getting shot at to be useless. When you get to the twenties and “the lost generation” you’re back in business. The world doesn’t change, it just gets different. I just proof-read this and I’m not sure if this all makes me hopeful or despondent. Oh, well. I’ll let you all think and decide for yourselves how you feel about it all. That’s how I’m not going to be like the internet.
  8. Hmmmm....Take one part Arim Zola, (ghost in the machine version)from Winter Soldier. Add one part automated Iron Legion construction lines from Age of Ultron. Season with images of the droid army from Star Wars Ep.1 goose-stepping. Shake well, bake at 350 while watching a Terminator marathon....and you have The Steel Reich!! Combat mech’s, Infiltrators, Drone Tanks, Computer programs manipulating the ‘net to incite racial and class warfare, all dedicated to the rise of the Once and Future Reich! Anybody wants to use this, have fun. I think I scared myself.
  9. Jack Webb. I flashed on the packs of Chesterfield cigarettes featured in early black & white episodes of Dragnet. They were the sponsor.
  10. If we’re going to break out to other sports already I’ll go with... Football — Brian’s Song. The original with James Cann & Billy Dee Williams. This and Old Yeller are the only movies a tough guy is still allowed to cry at. (And I do...like a Girl Scout who had her cookies stolen) Basketball— The Fish that Saved Pittsburg . An odd call but a good one. Dr. J stars as a pro player who’s entire team is chosen because they were all born under the astrological sign of Pisces. Co-Starring Stockard Channing, Jonathan Winters & Meadowlark Lemon. Hockey—Mystery Alaska. A local boy turned sports writer for The NY Times claims that his hometown amateur team could beat the NY Rangers. Now these ordinary guys have to decide whether or not to answer the challenge to prove it. Russell Crowe and too many other good actors to list. Track— Chariots of Fire. For the scene running on the beach with the music alone. The fact that it won multiple Academy Awards is icing on the cake. Boxing— Rocky & Rocky Balboa. Forget the rest of the foolishness. The first and last of the series will make you cheer and break your heart at the same time.
  11. The gaming group I played in was part of a college so it had around forty members, most of whom had Champions characters in the same shared universe. To encourage longtime players not to just keep running the same old characters because nobody wanted to start from scratch they set up the house rule that you could “crash” a character, permanently retiring them and take half of the accrued EP’s to jumpstart a new character. This way the universe had a kind of Justice Society built in. Former heroes who were extremely powerful but who were now retired, who sometimes interact with or train emerging heroes. A nice set of NPC’s to use as background as long as you cleared it with the previous player.
  12. Well, Grailknight, beat me to the punch on Bull Durham so I’ll go with Major League. Young Charlie Sheen and Wesley Snipes.(Just try telling him “shut up, Wesley!” I dare ya.) It also gave Bob Uecker (I had to go to IMDB for the spelling) and Dennis Haysbert their big break in TV & movies.
  13. To everyone who’s still responding to the whole use of the word “millennial” thing. I’ve already said once that I only picked that word because it started with the same letter as the word maggot. Personally I thought I might take some heat over the maggot part, but once again the internet has proved that context of a thing means nothing. So raise the banner high and let’s bitch and moan over the overuse of a dopey word instead of just admitting that different generations have had the same opinions about each other since the dawn of time and either discuss that and whether or not it could ever be solved or here’s an idea....we could maybe just get back to the original topic?
  14. Speaking for Old Farts, we throw around the word “millennial” the way forfarters (yes, I spelled that correctly.) used the word “hippie” or theirs used “commie”. It’s just a convenient derogatory term for someone younger with ideas and opinions we don’t really understand, but don’t like. Later generations will decide whether or not those opinions were actually good or bad. All we as OF’s know is that they challenge the order of what is and that said youth seem full of both useless entitlement and derision of things we enjoy and hold dear. Both are symptoms of being young and have been remarked upon in ancient Roman writings. Nothing ever really changes but the players. The game goes on.
  15. Millennial: (noun) A word used by grumpy old farts like me meaning “Get off my lawn you damn kids and stop playing that loud crappy music of yours!” Actually I just liked the alliteration of “millennial maggots”.
  16. The strangest thing about all this for me is that due to long time health issues, I really don’t get out of the house more than once a week to ten days at the best of times. Also I have to be cautious about anyone around me who might have a cold or flu. Everyone all around me is moaning and wailing about having to keep themselves occupied for two whole weeks straight, and “Oh no, it might be up to another month or so!” WOOSIES!!!! Try it for the last five years!!!! Complaining millennial maggots!!!! Trust me, it could be sooooooo much worse.
  17. This sounds really good, but I don’t speak 5e. I stopped at the big blue book a long time ago and I’m too brain damaged to start learning something new now. (That’s not just a figure of speech.)
  18. I like versatility. Strength, invulnerability, psionics, teleportation and other assorted powers. No glaring vulnerabilities. I’ll take being one of the Eternals, probably Ikaras. Plus, now I get to live in the MCU and hang out with Angelina Jolie.
  19. Is he related to Dash Riprock? Sorry, I’ve still got Beverly Hillbilly’s on my mind.
  20. If you die, can I have your books? Everyone of you was thinking it. I just said it out loud. Feel better soon.
  21. If it’s college work done by grad students would that be thesis for feces?
  22. You have to ask FOX News for that. They handle all Cuthullu’s press releases.
  23. The magic word in that sentence is “reported”. If North Korea was a smoking crater from which the Anti-Christ and Cuthullu rose and did the Lambada (The forbidden dance of love) their national news would report “the nation celebrates our Great Leader with festive celebration.”
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