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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. It looks like a Furby with ‘roid rage.
  2. Here comes a bold thought....Maybe players should try running something once in a while! I’m not saying that players should have no say in the games they play in, or opinions about what has gone by. But much like having a group of friends that you make dinner for every week they will be much more appreciative if they have to do the cooking sometimes. Whether It’s an episode in the same game or something new of their own, nothing shows players the difficulties of running a “tropeless” game better than trying to do it themselves.
  3. Actually the character of Dr. Lazarus was supposed to be pretty good. However, the actor Alexander Dane who played Dr. L on the television series Galaxy Quest would be a different matter. How meta do you wanna get on this? OTOH, if you’re going to go with Dr. Lazarus, I don’t know why you wouldn’t just choose Spock.
  4. The ratio of food being raw or cooked would be the opposite of The norms of our world. Most food would be eaten raw, though not unprepared (think sushi). While some special treats are cooked on or near hot vents.
  5. Wind (although, some (many) other more crass things came to mind)
  6. I think since Champions uses a much smaller number of “alter-verses” than either of those companies they’ve always used names like “Nazi-World” or something. The game universe I started playing in long ago (A college strategic games society, it ran for a total of about 20 years with a roster of about 25 registered GM’s and around 10 to 15 games in a shared universe.) actually used both of the comic companies collected multiverses as possibles. One character on a team could come from the Kingdom Come ‘verse and another from the Marvel 616.
  7. I don’t have any answers for you but I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the site.
  8. Just make sure to choose character options that will appeal to first time players. Obsidian is a great character, with a lot of role play potential but Defender is an easier hand out to somebody who “just wants to play Iron Man”.
  9. The “OK” gesture—-Simple Gesture American Sign Language for “beautiful day”——Complex Gesture
  10. Perhaps this is off topic or has been proposed before, and of course it would have to wait until after the lockdowns are all said and done, but... What about Hero sponsoring game days at local game and comic book stores? Get a local volunteer (maybe pay him off in downloadable freebies) to GM a trial game using this new free version of the rules and provide him with a starter episode and a bunch of handout starter characters. It’s advertising for the entire line of books, hardcopy and otherwise. Building a new customer base and at the very least getting the name HERO Games out there.
  11. I agree with many of your main points, as you can see from a number of my previous posts.
  12. My two favorites are 1) The villain organization. Viper, Hydra or an original design. With these you get the familiarity of a constant recurring enemy. The players get the satisfaction of real progress prevailing over a given evil plan. And by introducing a new commander or division of the group, you can keep your campaign from getting stale. One commander may rely heavily on high tech, another super mercenaries and a third on pacts with creatures from beyond. 2) The long range planner. Not necessarily a heavy hitter like Dr. Destroyer, but someone who knows what he wants to accomplish and how to make it happen over the long run. A little of these guys goes a long way and can be ruined by overuse. But putting the pieces together slowly can challenge a team and it’s players in ways no single episode can.
  13. Short, hard weapon. You can catch the premier on PornHub.
  14. Yeah, yeah, I was trying to avoid the term “loser’s table”. That’s what I came up with, it was late.
  15. I usually try to give a show a better chance than that but from the previews I had the feeling that the JSA costumes and identities were going to be given to to her outcast friends without any real training powers or reason. At least Courtney was picked by the staff. Not a real reason but an acceptable one in genre literature. The Green Lantern ring choosing its next wearer for example. If people tell me this didn’t happen or that the show was really good I’ll give it another try later in the season.
  16. I tried, but I only got about 15 minutes in. As soon as she got dissed by the cheerleader and sent to the “loser table” I pulled the ripcord.
  17. So was Iron Fist that’s why they paired so well together. Most of Marvel’s “Kung-Fu era” characters work . Shang-Chi, Sons of the Tiger, Colleen Wing & Misty Knight. Also the Daredevil & Black Widow team of the ‘70’s are good examples.
  18. Now you need a hero with sonic powers...the Howling Commando!
  19. In another thread I commented on internet posters annoying habit of when being given a choice between A, B & C, they will fight to the death (of sanity) their right to choose D through Z. For myself I’ll choose 13 because it has special meaning in my life.
  20. It sounds interesting, I don’t suppose you remember the name by any chance?
  21. Curses!! My evil silly sarcasm foiled again by the chubby cheeks and big eyes of Cute Baby Man!!
  22. It’s “Eyes Wide Shut” Man! He possesses the super power of voyeurism. He appears at the scene of combat any time a female paranormal wears a costume that’s not merely impractical but could be worn during a full physical. This is not a real entry.
  23. While here in the U.S. Asians are going through the same kind of discrimination. Ignorance, fear and stupidity know no borders.
  24. Tjack

    Bonnie and Clyde

    “Lucky”? All things considered, not so much. If you want to pump them up to fit your campaign, go right ahead, but in real life they were both a couple of ill educated borderline sociopaths. The Great Depression brought out the worst in a lot of people and the best in many others. When you look at B & C just think of two high school dropouts pulling into a highway gas stations, robbing the place and killing everybody inside. The guy at the counter, the mom getting a soda...whoever. It is said that “comedy is just tragedy plus time.” Maybe brutality plus time equals fame.
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