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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. I’ve got to go with it being a general skill. You can be the smartest person in the world and not having the ear or vocal ability to be a good mimic. Presence is a good stat for acting but again, a certain range of vocal agility is needed for mimicry.
  2. McDuck (see how I brought it back around there) (I gotta stop watching Disney XD)
  3. M.A.S.K. (Does anybody else remember this?)
  4. Tjack

    Automan thoughts

    There was never a live action Captain America series. It was two made for TV movies on CBS. They starred Reb Brown as Steve Rogers and I think the movies or at least clips can be found On YouTube.
  5. Tjack

    Automan thoughts

    Bert Rosario as the loyal sidekick was pretty good too.
  6. Tjack

    Automan thoughts

    Hey! I liked Man from Atlantis. It gave Patrick Duffy his big break before Dallas and the show might have done better in the ratings if it wasn’t up against Happy Days at its most popular. NBC could have put a still picture of a kitten on during that time slot and gotten the same ratings. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— If you want to talk about “so bad it’s good” TV of the time, does anybody remember Sword of Justice? A show where the title had nothing to do with the show. Dack Rambo (who the hell picks that as a stage name?) was a rich guy who was framed for stealing his company’s money and sent to jail for three years. He spent the time learning from the criminals all the skills he’d need (lockpicking, con games, etc.) to become a crusader for justice who would help the ones who were being set up like he once was. His calling card was a three of spades. The three for his years in prison and the spade was supposed to be his sword. Awful show. About as realistic as the Love Boat. But when it’s Friday night and you’re still too young for a drivers license....
  7. I read about how high level these characters are and how the seem to have things wired in the lands where they live... So how about a “To sail into the sunset” kind of thing. You have a group of people (the characters, not the players) who may be getting bored with their lives. Getting a little fat and lazy. Maybe seeing those first strands of grey in the hair. A large portal opens in the heart of the city. Someone who needs help, who was told by the Gods (or powerful wizard) that the heroes who could save their world could be found here. This is a chance to strip the characters down to their basics again. They travel thru the portal with only the equipment on their backs to a place beyond their knowledge. Where even the stars In the night are different. Shake things up! A Druid trying to connect to a new biosphere. Paladins & Clerics far from their Gods trying to spread the word anew. A new world with new adventures to make an old heart young again. Just a thought.
  8. Like the man said. “Nuke ‘em from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.” Although as Babylon 5 showed, mass driving targets from space is a lot easier and just as effective with much less radiation to deal with after.
  9. Dear Doctor, It seems you have a number of consultants ready to assist, but we need to know what the enemy wants our planet for after the conquest. 1) A dead radioactive ball of glass hanging in space. 2) An active colony world providing raw materials and brute labor (Humans; that nutritious, tasty treat.) overseen by their own people. 3) A refueling/supply base wiped clean of the vermin who used to live there. Each answer requires different tactics to achieve. You might want to look at the history of WWII and the way that the Nazi’s saw and used different countries. (Nazi’s are wonderful examples of scumbag behavior.)
  10. The latest edition of Adventurers Club I have is issue #13 1989. The “Super-Duper Double Issue.” It seems to be a Halloween themed issue. The cover is a Phantom Stranger looking guy being grabbed by tentacles and a Mighty Isis looking woman flying away. against a background of a ghostly face done in orange. The text is for Legions of Hell: A decent into the pit for Champions Heroes & Agents of Darkness: Supernatural Enemies for Champions. I hope this helps.
  11. A GM might just use it as a long term plot point. Think of Lex Luthor being tired of the Daily Planet’s coverage of Superman and making sure accidents or bad calls from the Man of Steel all end up recorded by a well placed and well payed photog....Even if he has to create the incidents himself.
  12. If your worried about this reporter blowing her Secret ID then just have him more interested in getting embarrassing photos instead of investigative reporting. More TMZ, less Ben Urich.
  13. Well first of all let me state for the record that my GM’ing days are far behind me back when my brain still worked. (a small stroke blew my concentration all to hell.) But in the good old days I just plotted episodes more like I thought a comics writer did. “Sooooo, we haven’t seen the Joker in a while, what’s he gonna do to Batman this month?” If Joker knows that Bats won’t even pick up a gun and to take away his utility belt, then that can become part of the scheme. Or not. Some other villains never seem to figure that stuff out. That way vulnerabilities and weaknesses just become part of the natural flow of the story. This is just the way I figured things out. If go to the left and you go to the right we both still end up at the same place. Happy players who enjoyed their night.
  14. Well with a high Pre and Supergirl as a model it sounds like she’s very pretty. How about in addition to her villain Hunted, you add a paparazzi style reporter who followed her around for a Watched. Somebody always looking to get an embarrassing picture or up skirt shot of her flying away. Kind of a new millennium version of Silver Age Lois Lane bugging Superman. With basically two secret ID’s this knob could be a real danger to her.
  15. With all great respect for Doc Democracy I handled this in the exact opposite way. He rolled everything up just the way it says to in the book. ((ALL HAIL THE BIG BLUE BOOK!!!!)) I just kept a mental tally using 8 or less, 11 or less etc. as a guide for how often these things should show up. That way I could build episodes in a more natural way. A Hero’s 14 or less hunted hadn’t shown up in a while....well let’s do a three or four part story with them as the prime villains. Then you might not see them for another six months of real time. Doing it this way let me spend more time on the storytelling side. It all depends on the GM’ing style your comfortable with.
  16. Wasn’t there a whole thread about capture and deathtraps a while ago?
  17. That would be why I put quotation marks around the phrase “real world”. Or didn’t you understand?
  18. Other than Thor and Winter Soldier, I cant think of any male characters with long enough hair to make the picture work.
  19. Tjack

    Automan thoughts

    Desi Arnez Jr. was the star of this thing wasn’t he? It was just kind of a bad “Tron: the series” right?
  20. As I said in the original post I refuse to get caught up in the particulars of the example. Even if what you said was only meant as a joke, it will quickly devolve into a political argument having nothing to do with game mechanics. This was only a way to suggest that the Hero in question may have an effect on the riot for good or bad just by being there. Luke Cage showing up at a riot started by Hatemonger is a different example.
  21. Depending on the nature/reason for the riot, some superheroes might kick things into overdrive just by their presence. To go “real world” for a second. How would current protesters react seeing Captain America? I’m NOT accepting or inviting debate on how well or badly he’d handle it or what side he might be on. Just the reaction of the crowd.
  22. I heard this in my head when I read it and realized that Marvin and Dr. Lazarus have the same voice.
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