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Everything posted by Tech

  1. Guys, what you're suggesting is a new version of the Hero System or a house rule. We know the chances of a 7th edition are extremely unlikely so it falls to houserule. However, I think this should be in a new thread about Str decoupled (as it completely branches away from the OP) so other people can add their thoughts.
  2. Or maybe the idea of decoupling Str damage from Str isn't the best idea.
  3. I'll mention a more recent Dr. Destroyer battle. He put into motion a genius plan: At the public base of our premier superteam, he showed up, having robots attack the base. Of course the heroes came out and started attacking the robots and defending the base. Oddly, Destroyer wasn't attacking very steadfastly but was more defensive. One turn later, more robots show up attacking everyone, including Destroyer's robots. Destroyer's robots were wiped out and he backed off a little: Mechanon showed up and started attacking everyone. Dr. Destroyer took opportunistic shots at everyone but eventually left. Mechanon left as well eventually but not before activating an enormously powerful attack, damaging almost the entire front of the base. What was the plan? Dr. Destroyer had lured Mechanon to the heroes base and knew Mechanon would attack them. If Mechanon was destroyed, he would have a victory; if the heroes were wiped out, it'd be a different victory. As it is, the heroes base was damaged and he got away - still something of a victory for him. Often, it's not how powerful a villain is that wins, it's how he uses it that matters. For him, it's his brilliance and planning.
  4. Tech

    How to Wildfire

    A Physical Complication has two components: a) how much the impairment affects and b) how often. The 'how often' includes +0 Barely: rarely has significant impact. If a player were to take this, I would use this more of a threat that could happen rather than having the character lose the suit/have it destroyed and have him float around aimlessly for awhile. "A disadvantage that isn't a disadvantage isn't worth any points" has long since been part of Champions. Agreed. Making a player sit out on part of an episode because of character concept could be very frustrating, and a GM 'no-no'. Making a complication loom before the character as a threat is way more interesting in a game than having it actually taking effect. 'Course, it should happen at least once in the character's career. I agree: which (what) story does the player envision his Wildfire featuring in? This ultimately determines how the character will be built and the powers.
  5. Tech

    How to Wildfire

    I believe the simplest way to handle the "out of suit" problem is: Phys Limitation: cannot interact with world when suit is destroyed. Trying to build powers to represent him being out of the suit is pointless if the chance of his suit being wrecked is rare/small. You're forcing the player to buy powers that may never get used, which is unfair.
  6. Scot & Gnome, a person's consists of more than just lifting ability, it's also jumping, crushing, holding power, etc. It would be very odd hearing of a hero who can lift 200 tons only doing 2d6 from a punch because Str was decoupled from damage. Again, the Hero System isn't made for realistic damage, it's just there for a way for people to simulate comics. I don't think any system will be able to accurately do a hero fight, short of multiples of charts (probably needing calculators).
  7. For that particular Minuteman, I see it only has a 40 Str; I miss it having a much higher Str ala the original Enemies book.
  8. For Dr. Destroyer, for our campaign, we use the original 500 pt version, although he's more expensive nowadays since all the heroes are more experienced. We did the Island of Dr Destroyer so long ago but since it's been so long a time, I plan to run it again using the updated version from Book of the Destroyer aka The Island of Dr. Destroyer 2.0. I'd tell you about the episode but all I really remember about that episode was the end: the fuel tank for the rocket got ruptured and then the base went on self-destruct. Destroyer got out of there, and our heros ran like bunnies. They took his jet and flew off the island before the big *boom* of the base exploding.
  9. Whereas it's interesting, I find that the idea of falling being a NND KA distasteful. I'm ok with the current system but feel free to modify it however you see fit. Plenty of comic book heroes have fallen from heights and survived except for being KO'd. Yeah, some actually get hurt but the system is made for the hero, not trying to be realistic.
  10. Tech

    STRIPE team alpha

    Lady Jaye (Intelligence/Espionage)
  11. I'm a little confused; I'm assuming we're waiting til Monday for Steel Cold or is there something else?
  12. A -2 limitation is fine and that's what I was going to go with, but the Champions Complete gave it a total of -1 1/2.
  13. This looks like a 'Requires a Roll" situation. Complicating it, it's a little variable. As GM, I would look at the best chance of having the power activate and use that as the roll. Quickly based on what you said, "If they needed 14 or less to hit it would activate if they rolled seven or less and so on", I would go with it activating on a 7 or less. If I'm reading the Champions Complete chart correctly, it looks like that turns into a -1 1/2 limitation.
  14. I rather agree with Doc. Yes, there is one less stat but by using Stun in replacing End, you are still effectively using End. I'll say I find the idea a bit interesting so I suggest giving it a try and see what happens but let the players know it is a test. Maybe they'll like the idea, maybe not. Get their feedback and see what happens.
  15. "Why do heroes need to be good looking or have slick costumes? Not me! I don't need any fancy fire-powers or being able to read minds. Yea, sure, some of those heroes like to get all sneaky-like or show off there super-ultra power and wow the crowd. I say 'Big deal!'. I say you just need to get the job done and the people will call you a superhero. With my powers of super-belching, I can blow away just about anything I see. So says Captain Uncouth!"
  16. For those familiar with the pokemon games, I'm wanting to build a hero who has this power (equivalent). The problem being is how to deal with the double damage returned to the attacker: if energy, then energy; if physical, then physical. Perhaps an damage shield with variable special effect? How would you build it?
  17. One of the easiest "villains" for the GM to come up with are copies of the characters themselves. Whether it be through a race of copying aliens, robots, magic, evil alternate dimension people or whatever, you can be sure that they are exactly equal to the heroes themselves because each has the same stats/powers/etc of the original hero. I've run with this idea twice and it's fun. To enhance the situation, I had each player also run the hero copy in addition to their real hero. Interestingly, combat goes much faster. I was even able to take a 5 minute break while combat went on. Each player is familiar with their hero and therefore, with their copy, resulting in an intelligently run villain. 6 heroes vs 6 exact copies = a powerful combat.
  18. I don't recall it being for C64. I seem to remember it was going to be a windows game. However, the game never came into being, if I recall correctly, due to technical difficulties. Beyond that, ya got me.
  19. I'm looking through some of these and am thinking: are these book legal? Yes. Are they powerful, even very-powerful? Yes. Cheesy? Mmm, not really.
  20. Due to character concept, not everyone should have Power Defense. Ninja-Bear beat me to it.
  21. Not listening to anything at the moment, but I was listening to a few songs from Frozen 2 earlier.
  22. Can't totally agree with this, especially since I have supervillains who use Con Drain on the heroes, as well as what I previously stated. Everyone's campaign is different from another (not to mention which edition they use.)
  23. A powerful supervillain arrogantly sneers at the superteam. The brick threatens him and the villain replies, "You're nothing, you incompetent worm!" The hero replies, "Hey! No one calls me an incontinent word!" Player realizes his mistake and everyone was laughing so hard, no one could do anything.
  24. Bullet Train James Tally, age 45, enjoyed his job working in the train industry. He'd been fascinated with trains since his youth so it was only natural that he decided to get a job in that area. Being outdoors, checking on tracks, repairing trains, he loved it all. However, being outdoors at night is not always kind to people. On one particular evening, James saw - and felt - a meteor strike nearby. This was a once in a lifetime chance to see a meteor, and maybe get his photo in the paper. He went to the edge of the strike and took a look. The meteor was much smaller than he thought it'd be: perhaps a meter across at most with the strangest, light-blue glow to it. He understood the glow could be radiation and tried to leave. Unfortunately, he'd already been exposed and couldn't move. Moments later, he felt weak and within a minute, fell unconscious into the small crater on top of the meteor. After waking up in the hospital and staying a few days, James was ready to get back to work. He felt fabulous and better than he had in over a decade. That was when he discovered his powers: he ran to work the ten miles distance in a little over a minute before he knew how to regain control. He'd read the stories about superheroes and their powers; the realization that he'd gotten powers was incredible! After he got home, he took a month's leave of absence and tested himself: he had to know what his powers were or he could devastate something, or someone. He was superhumanly strong, strong enough to lift over ten tons but his ability to run dwarfed even that. With the help of Dr. Helena Amory, the superhuman power expert, he was able to find he could run approximately 500mph. He decided to take up the mantle of becoming a superhero, to help people in need in the fastest of ways, as Bullet Train.
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