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Everything posted by Tech

  1. I knew it was around way back when, but now I don't have to look it up. Well done, rravenwood! Usagi said, " I feel like Dying is not significant in HERO" etc. Fortunately, the games were mentioned: Star Hero and Fantasy Hero. Question: How often are heroes going to be dying? Having a character bleed to death is almost never heroic. Also, consideration has be taken regarding how long it takes a player to create heroes. Unless you're taking a DnD route and 'too bad you're dead', If a character is going to die, make it heroic! It will be more significant and remembered for a long time than "my arm got cut off by an Orc/blaster and I bled to death." A heroic death in a story is immeasurably more significant than a character croaking off from damage. Granted, the type of game you play can be as varied as the sand but I've done a 'heroic death' story before - over 10 years ago and everyone still remembers it. If a character is going to die because he's outnumbered, ala Boromir, that's understood, but it was still a heroic feat. If you feel like dying in these games isn't significant, talk to your players about it. They may come up with something everyone agrees on.
  2. Just a point but I did the story about D.O.L.L. Phoenix240 did Jasmine Taylor.
  3. Everyone else has answered the question well, including "The GM has the final say-so". For the campaign I'm in, we have no registration act. Superhero Registration lightly touches on the 'mutant hysteria' of Marvel.
  4. In the Champions Universe, are there any supervillains who've gained their powers due to a toxic dump or chemical dump? If so, whom? Working on a Champions episode and this info would help.
  5. Swimming and holding your breath are two different things. Swimming is like running; it's the movement of how far you can swim on top or under the water. To my knowledge, nothing in the rules suggests preventing you from taking a Post-12 recovery when swimming on the water so yes, you can swim a long time. However, when you swim underwater, unless you have some form of life support/can breathe water, you have to hold your breath or drown. When you hold your breath, you must expend (minimum) 1 End per Phase with no Post-12 Recoveries. You will run out of END eventually. If you assume a SPD of 6 with END 40, that's 6 End used for holding your breath alone per turn (not even considering combat but let's ignore combat for now). In 6 Turns (a total of 72 segments or 1 minute 12 seconds), you will have used 36 END - you are almost out of END! The average normal person with a SPD 2 and END 20 will last 10 turns (120 segments/seconds or about 2 minutes), the time varying with a persons' physical condition/training. I don't consider this a ridiculous length of time. If I missed something, let us know.
  6. There's any number of ways to start combat, if you don't want to start on Phase 12. Christopher and Bolo had a couple ways. You could also roll D8+4, D6+6, D4+8, wait until the first phase of the attacker, then start combat (if the attacker has a 5 Spd and attacks on 3, then combat starts on Segment 4 for whomever can attack on that phase).
  7. As GM, I haven't had a player character KO'd that long in... well, been so long I can't remember. However, this is very interesting, Doc, should such an occasion arise.
  8. First, I smiled at this. Then I chuckled. Then I laughed.
  9. There are always multiple ways of creating the same thing with different effects. This is simply one of them. Personally I don't think it's broken but I'd build it via Mental Paralysis myself. Mallet's INT drain is interesting.
  10. I have those same game shields, which I got from Hero Games so long ago. I have my doubts it is fake. I carefully watched your video for lighting on it, the font, etc. If it is a fake, it's so exacting it's fooled me.
  11. When I GM, I have a super mini-sheet for supervillain stats, which has worked well for years. Knowing the villains stats is important of course, but this helps. Assume a supervillain has the following stats: 20 Str, 23 Dex, 20 Con, 10 Body/Int/Ego/Pre, 25 PD 25 ED, 6 Spd, 10 Rec, 40 End, 40 Stun, OCV 7, DCV 7 and finally +1 Combat Lvl. We use Levels. I'll try to write this out as best I can here (because I do this on paper before the adventure). On my scratch sheet for taking damage, the villain would like something like: (+1) OCV 7 DCV 7, 23 Dex (next villain stats) (next villain stats) (can generally do this about 6 villains wide) 25 PD/ED, 6 Spd Stun Body End 40 10 40 The full villain sheets are nearby. The statistics are also written out in either who's fastest, or who's got the fastest Speed, as the episode requires. If the GM slows down to check his own villain stats, any battle will be slower. So, I hope this helps or at least gives you an idea how a GM can help the game go faster.
  12. D.O.L.L. Black Harlequin was in a slump. His latest toy creations were utter failures and frankly didn't work. After watching an old "Frankenstein" movie, he finally got the creativity he needed. He would create a living doll, in the literal sense of the word. Of course, in his case, it would be a Destructive Overly Likeable Lifeform (D.O.L.L.). Still, creating a lifeform wasn't his thing; he'd have to find someone to create it to his specifications. Being as there are still mad scientists out there, he contacted one of them with his idea. The mad scientist gleefully agreed and got to work. Time passed and D.O.L.L. was finished. Black Harlequin tested his 'toy' to see how destructive it was, and later woke up with a black eye and a broken rib. He was in pain... and elated... and in pain. She was much more powerful than any toy that he'd created. The mad scientist sheepishly apologized for the injuries; he was found dead by the police later. Black Harlequin first unleashed DOLL on a mall shortly before Halloween and caused much destruction before making a retreat due to incoming superheroes. DOLL is an artificial lifeform, appearing to be a girl in her late teens. Other than her blue skin, which is easily concealed with makeup, she is cute and adorable. However, when given a command by him, DOLL reacts much like a robot on a mission of mindless mayhem. She is strong enough to punch a tank and dent it, can jump hundreds of feet and is very durable. DOLL's energy core will last about a week before needing a recharge, taking about a day. Hence, she can fight literally for days at full power. At the moment, she understands she was created for destruction and obeys Black Harlequin, but she is slowly gaining her own personality. Black Harlequin is too crazy to notice little changes in her actions and where this will lead is unknown. If she gains any ounce of humanity, she may turn from her destructive ways and even help heroes. However, if she gets worse, Black Harlequin may not live to see how dangerous she really is.
  13. While I'm thinking about it, why not let the GM build a version of it? You'll have the GM's permission on what was created and it it's not everything that's wanted, the two of you can sit down and discuss it/text/whatever. I did that with a character of mine and have been happy with it.
  14. I've got a character who has a way-more powerful version. Her powers jump from 60 or 70 pts, to 100 pts+; gotta love a power with a 1 mile radius. The limitation given to the hero comes from a Hero Games source from so-long-ago-don't-really-remember but the additional pts on the powers are technically available about every 5 sessions at a -2 limitation (that's what I remember from the Hero Games source). Really, in 500+ experience, the character's used it maybe 4 times.
  15. I agree with Liaden; simply not going to add anything. My group prefers 3rd through 5th edition, with maybe a couple things grabbed from 6th. Correction: we still have some things from 1st & 2nd ed.
  16. Are you referring to creating your player characters, or creating characters as a GM? If you mean player characters, I'm guessing the GM will handle that. Bolo has good suggestions if you mean as a GM. Don't be afraid to make them potentially weaker than you anticipated in battle. There are multiple times I've done that and the heroes stomp the bad guy; in those cases I've said, "I expected him to last longer." The players like it because it shows their characters have power, not 'just enough to get the job done'. If you create an enemy that you find it too powerful, nothing prevents you from quietly lowering the PD, ED, Con, whatever of the enemy. The same can be said if you make someone too weak. I think the following is key: finding the balance requires you to know the effectiveness of the heroes, not just the villains. If you know a particular team is powerful, then you have an idea of the enemy strength to create. If a group of heroes isn't powerful, you can go easy on the creation of the villain.
  17. Since Naked Advantage is in 6th edition, yes it can be done. Whether or not the GM allows it is another. Personally, I've allowed it in very selective cases. The original question doesn't state what 'advantage' is wanted vs entangles. Figure out how much the advantage will cost the power (ex: adds 30 pts to the power cost), then add the limitation on those points. The +1/2 sounds right but it depends on how common an entangle is used in the game.
  18. Duke, it looks you... are correct! Give that guy a hamburger. From 5th edition black book, p120 on Mental Defense: "Like other Special Powers, Mental Defense is "on" at all times, unless the character chooses to turn it off." Telepathy appears to only need 'Greater than Ego' for this to work, Mental Illusions looks to be Ego +10 for it to work. I'm still leaning towards Clairsentience personally because the targeted person won't be without his defenses at some point while being given sight.
  19. Archer said, "Don't let the players trap you into logical corners. They can use their character's science skills to figure out how their world works. They shouldn't be allowed to change how the world works because their player argues with you about how they don't like the physical laws of your game universe." As GM, discuss your world with the players first. Find out what they like and don't like, and hear them out. As someone said a long time ago, "Listen to your players because they often come up with better ideas than you did." (paraphrased). I've been in one campaign where the GM was unbending and it fell apart in 2 episodes. They may not be able to change how the world works, but I hope they can make it a better place.
  20. Welcome back; I hope things are going well for you. Not all arguments are the same but alot still exist.
  21. As usual Cassandra, your 5th edition 250 pt write-ups are refreshing. I also liked your history write-up, adding HG Wells in it.
  22. I would go with Clairsentience UBO. The other powers do not work for the following reasons (unless I missed something): a) Bolo says "But Telepathy gets around that issue, as well as the lender's successful perception issue that Duke described." Duke's reasoning is excellent. Just because you see something doesn't mean you are concentrating on the same object. The original post just allows someone else to see what you're seeing, not forcing the person being granted the power to be aware of what the grantor sees. Also, Mental Defense kicks in with Telepathy so I'd not go with that power. b) Grailknight's Image suggestion is good, but it is obvious to anyone/everyone looking at the images, which is not what the OP wanted. c) Mental Illusions has the same problem with Mental Defense, although I do like the idea.
  23. Our heroes are running from a base and it's starting to blow up behind them. They see a helicopter and race for it, following the lead of another hero. They get in and finally ask, "Does anyone know how to pilot this?" The leading hero says, "No, but how hard can it be?" (They get of the ground as the base blows up but later make a crash landing.)
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