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Everything posted by Kenn

  1. Re: Combat skills in different environments? I thought the Environmental Movement talent was intended for these situations. It allows you to move as easily in whichever environment as you can normally.
  2. Re: Ring of Bouyancy It's OIF because the rings are worn around the upper arm. They're yellow and inflatable.
  3. WWCD: Teammate costume slippage The latest villains are vanquished. The loyal memebers of the Fourth Estate have arrived. You, and your team are being vanquished. Then you notice, one of your teammates has had some costume slippage (e.g. a female teammate's nipple is exposed because her decollatage slipped; your male teammate in shortpants, al la Robin or Namor, has had part of his package slip out) and they haven't notice. If you say something to them, the cameras will surely notice them and their reactions, drawing attention to the expose. If you say nothing, their goods will remain exposed. What do you do?
  4. Re: Mind Titan "Beware the Ids that march."
  5. Re: 4e Champions Question What is "WotD"? There were also 400+ write-ups of them in the 4e version of "Champions Universe." I cannot however, recall the actual details of the changes.
  6. Re: Changing to Heroic identity The only example I can think of an item that could justifiably take both Only in Hero ID AND Focus would be the Impressive Super Hero Cape. In the context of a comic book world, capes look cool, and can add to a hero's impressivness. However, it only works in when the hero's in costume. Batman in Batman's cape can look impressive. Bruce Wayne in Batman's cape looks like a dark haired guy in an armani suit and a really really big bedsheet. +5 PRE, no defensive applications (-1), only for certain types of interaction (-1/2) [e.g. no good with Seduction or Conversation], OIF - Cape (-1/2), Only in Hero ID(-1/4) Truth be told, it makes no real difference in the cost though.
  7. Re: Costumes in a Real World Game There's two questions here. 1) Why do they adopt the behaviours of super heroes or super villains and 2) Why do they dress up in the uniforms associated with them #1 can they split in two, since the reasons for someone to adopt a heroic persona is probably very different than someone adopting a villainous persona. Becoming a villain is easy - one adopts a might makes right attitude. I have the power, I'll do what I want. The heroic approach is different - it requires a strong belief in doing what's right - it requires a tremendous amount of humility ("I have this power but I'm not really better than anyone else") - and it requires a sense of self-sacrifice. It is conceivable that some people would have that. It also requires that they are anti-establishment enough to not become a cop, a fed, a soldier or a firefighter. Doable, but logic dictates that there might be some people who feel 'heroic' but work through channels. The dress sense issue is tougher. To understand the benefits of tight clothes - ask a downhill skier of the pro or Olympic variety. Basically, to keep warm and minimise wind resistance. Why where your shorts on the outisde? Modesty (traditionally) or immodesty ('Lois & Clark' 'Superman Returns'.) Essentially, the loose shorts over the tights that acrobats did (do?) that was emulated by Superman, Batman, and Captain America was to conceal their packages. If a man wore tights alone, his privates would be covered, but very ovious. In recent years, the trend has been to wear the shorts tight, as if to say "Hey look at how much meat I'm packin'." Outside of the more-or-less practical reasons, there's image. I know if I was one of the people that got powers, I'd be inclined to try to do the super-heroic thing. And so other people would know what I was trying to do, I'd be inclined to 'dress the part.' In a realistic setting, where powers are recent, there's 60+ years of pop culture that says "You're wearing tights and a cape in public - you must be some kind of super hero."
  8. Re: Detect Minds and Barriers Force Wall, with the Blocks Sense adder/advantage (whichever it is), and Invisible Power Effects. The Sense being blocked is defined as Detect Minds. Invisible Power Efects is so the person having their Detect Minds ability blocked won't know that it's being blocked.
  9. Re: Superhero Bases In Your Campaign Like you, I don't make characters actually pay points for their bases. I've given the characters "extra" points so the bases can be accounted for, but otherwise I find the base to be more of a story element than anything. Plus, I've found my players reluctant to do the point constructions for them anyway.
  10. Re: Superpowered Worlds I figure DC's Martians tell each other apart via their telepathic abilities. As far as a planet of "Beast Boys" filling every niche goes... would people want to fill every niche?
  11. Re: "Mundane" Magic Items
  12. Re: What power sets do you like, but never play? SSSShhhhhhh.
  13. Re: DC Animated Ground Rules Maybe in Superman TAS, he was racing against an earlier Flash?
  14. Re: Suprised foes and noise What Thia said.
  15. Re: Opinons --- Value Of Limitation On A Disad I'd call it an 8 pts. The 10 pt. physical limitation with the Only in secret ID adjustment.
  16. Re: Challenge: "Pope" as a Package Deal That's because a) it's barely understood it sounds a tad arrogant c) it sounds worse taken out of context d) not being understood, it's almost always used out of context e) a lot of people don't like Catholics or at least Catholic doctorine. On a related note, I sometimes wonder, as a Catholic, how many Protestants think about the fact that the term "Protestant" is all about protesting against the catholic church. I also wonder if "pope" as a general term for the head of a church is accurate. I mean, is there any faith that officially uses the title "Pope"?
  17. Re: Comic Book Physics Over the years I've been gaming I've often been plagued by players who understand enough about physics that they've sometimes resisted the "rubber science" nature of the universe. Also, it makes role-playing a scientist hard. The character buys his SS: Physics, but much of what the player knows is well, wrong. Another odd problem I have is I know a player of mine, who's playing a gravity manipulator, is a firm believer in the dark matter theory. I, on the other hand, find the dark matter theory very convoluted, and think the idea that maybe we don't understand gravitaional acceleration quite as well as we thought is more likely, so I prefer the MOND/TeVeS approach. Sooner or later, this might be an issue. What happens when real physics is uncertain, and people don't agree as to which way the universe "really is?" (I'm the GM, I'll pull rank.
  18. Kenn

    Campaign Styles

    Re: Campaign Styles What he said.
  19. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System While Hugh is correct that not all bricks are fast, I think Niles examples do go to prove that not all bricks are slow.
  20. Re: Legion of Super-Pets Hmmm. I wonder if Thor would have qualified for membership in the Legion of Super-Pets? Maybe if Mort Weisinger paid any attention to the properties that DC bought. No, not Thor, I mean Manhunter's dog (who himself was an android) - "No Dog Escapes the Dogcatcher"?
  21. Kenn


    Re: Elves It seems some GMs include elves in their campaign world just to prove they aren't biased against elves. It's a form of Tolkienism.
  22. Re: Disadvantage that becomes an advantage? The guy who feels no pain falls stunned or unconscious from the Ego Attack, but has no idea why, since he didn't feel the pain. But he still loses the stun.
  23. Re: Trading up with Skill Levels What if you're playing Captain Jack harkness in a Time Lord Hero game?
  24. Re: Legion of Super-Pets "Hello, room service? This is Clark and Lori Kent in the Honeymoon Suite. Could you send someone up with some tartar sauce?" Reminds me of this little ditty. Jayna: Robin... I just caught Zan spanking the monkey. Robin: Holy sinful simians! Has Gleek been misbehaving? Jayna: Whosaid anything about Gleek?
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