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Fuzzy Gnome

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Gnome

  1. Ontological synchromesh. Cool.
  2. Prior to this thread, I never heard of Mars's moons being retrograde. Does anybody have any sources that say they are?
  3. Maybe the fast food chains could dilute their road runner mcnuggets with soy protein to stretch the supply. "Soylent Green isn't just people!!!"
  4. I think it would become socially acceptable to eat people who died in accidents or by natural causes. If you cook 'em right, you can't tell. Of course it would be a problem if the predators became too numerous. Then we'd be back to chasing road runners and stuff.
  5. Re: Seeker I think half the X-Men turning into "ninjas" in the 90s made ersatz ninjas gauche. That said, Seeker's still cool.
  6. Superman's about as powerful as Thor. When Rogue touched Loki she went argh and fell down. I don't know if she'd have any better luck with Superman. Now, if she kissed Batman, Bob would be her proverbial uncle. She wouldn't gain any powers, but she'd know where Batman keeps his kryptonite. And martianite. And flashinite. and so on.
  7. I'd be somebody like Seaton from The Skylark of Space and build a starship in my back yard. Unlike assault, I don't think I could make an over-the-top pulp superhero with outrageous stats, piles of skills, a dicebag of Luck, perks, and a starship for 150 points. So I'd just take my crappy stats and add science and engineering skills and a starship until I hit 150. If I don't have to pay points for the ship, I'll buy wealth.
  8. But he said consumate V's! They do all kinds of cool stuff. Of course, his main defense is Pre-emptive Burnination.
  9. Fred: repelling rodents and reptiles since 2002!! Fred Fred Fred Fred
  10. Clairvoyance and precognition by way of nonlocality or quantum entanglement or something like that. Maybe he can do something with superconductivity like um control electronics or ground out electrical or thermal attacks or something. ED force field? The Infinite Improbability Drive! Teleportation. How about being in two places at once? There's another thread about controlling radiation. Growth and Shrinking without changing mass. He just moves his particles closer together or farther apart by adjusting Planck's constant or their binding energies. Quantum particles are at their weirdest when you're not looking at them. I think he could take that as a limitation on some of his powers, like Teleportation or Duplication. edit: Dur, freakboy just said that.
  11. It'd be an exciting job spamming world-threatening megalomaniacs and super-powered vigilantes. QUARK uploading the virus of doom, the Blue Moon Killer "blacklisting" the spammer's entire family... I hope they have good insurance!
  12. The Three Laws of Robotics First Law: Get the launch codes. Second Law: Act real cute and innocent so the meat bags don't suspect. Third Law: Get the launch codes.
  13. The light bulb icon looks like a fox's head.
  14. When a villain escaped through a hidden door, he just stood there with a dumbfounded look. Even the Three Stooges know to search for secret doors. I think Carter eventually gave up and left...
  15. Something like an inch, I think...
  16. If he has a VPP with a skill to change slots, or buys his powers with RSR, he should get a penalty to his roll for every 10 AP he uses. He can take extra time to offset that.
  17. I think the Evil Master Bug needs to just buy a 0.5 * 1000 * 210000^2 J RKA, maybe with Mega range and area. Bulky OAF or OIF 1-tonne rock, extra time 1 hour, etc.
  18. "Do you three boys take these four girls to be your seven gods?"
  19. A dolphin-safe gate to keep the wildlife out of the actual submarine pen. Unless said wildlife is the pilot of the sub, then you give 'em the access codes...
  20. Yes! And an underwater passage to the sea.
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