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Fuzzy Gnome

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Gnome

  1. Since we're discussing cool stuff, there should also be a cold pool for those that don't like swimming in hot water. It should also have penguins.
  2. Nothin' but net. Yeah! Now that's how a fight between Cap and Batman would go!
  3. Re: Tangentially relevent question... You have to have Continuous on a Damage Shield unless you make it Persistent. Persistent includes Continuous, at least in the context of Damage Shield.
  4. OK, in the one reprint I have from the early 40s Wonder Woman didn't fly. But I remember her Isifying all over the place in a back issue from the late 50s or early 60s (the Wonder Girl/Wonder Tot era)
  5. Wonder Woman had wire fu wind riding in the 70's at least; maybe she always had it. I'll do some research.
  6. I haven't seen that attack but I expect it's something like Khan's finishing move. Major Transform to star with habitable planet, AoE Radius, Megascale a few light years radius. Since Sailor Star Maker probably doesn't juice up by plugging into the Reliant's systems, you can add Cumulative and 1 continuing charge lasting 9 months to build up enough Transform Body
  7. It's either Romana, or Fred.
  8. He has a tiny little head. Really, really tiny. He has a great big gun. He has a mysterious mutant power that turns out to be stupid. He's from the future, just like every other lame X-Men character. His eye glows for no adequately explained reason. He's called Cable for no adequately explained reason. He seems like a character a gamer made up trying for the cool and mysterious effect but getting the stupid and cliched effect instead. Because the gamer couldn't come up with a concept. Or a name. Or powers. Or much of a personality.
  9. Canards and catsuits If you need to make wings and tails distinctive, play around with number and positioning and stuff. For example, Morrigan from Deathstalkers has batlike wings near her center of gravity at her waist and smaller ones on her head. Princess Kurama from Urusei Yatsura has just the head-wings. She uses them mostly for expression, but she probably can use them for balance or cooling, too. Mink from Dragon Half has "retractable" wings via a limited shape-changing ability. As for tails, if one tail is good, more tails are better! Load 'em on! Also check out Jone in ClanBob. She has a "prehensile" tail with a vaguely birdlike taloned claw on the end.
  10. You don't have to be pretty to be a typist, clerk, or technician. Just move her out of the front office where casual visitors point and stare and into a cubicle, lab or supply room. She can type up lab reports, enter data, or do entry level technical work. Or she can be a guinea pig.
  11. I think that's a nifty idea! Instead of beads maybe you can use army counters from Risk. They have different denominations and they're easy to count.
  12. Maybe Scrooge has an entangle based on some chains he forged himself, link by link, but no longer needs for their original purpose.
  13. Your niece can probably program a VCR, too...
  14. I beg to differ. Ever since the Gnome Titans have been unicorns incidence of cannibalism in the ranks has dropped almost 30%. It's the damn elves who are the cannibals. And what do you suppose the defenders ate at Helm's Deep? Orc sausage?
  15. Same thing I'd do with any superpower, Pinky. Blow stuff up.
  16. Are you mad? The index lists every discipline as being on page 87 (and only page 87). What is page 87? "Table 11: Nearly Alphabetical Listing of Disciplines Without any Useful Information or Indeed any Descriptions Whatsoever"
  17. Depends who got smoked.
  18. I'd make it 1.5 handed. And other people's STR mins are always wrong. Go with your instinct.
  19. PRE Attacks with superheroes: Look what I've got! (holds up Kayli the Destroyer)
  20. Fantasy Hero - Still no Alan Dean Foster!
  21. More like we'd find out she's only giving the impression she's a cat, kinda like Zidane in Final Fantasy 9. "Say, Kayli, why were you a monkey?" "Silence wretch"
  22. Sure you can have a 60 AP Side Effect on a less than 60 AP power. If it's worth a -1 Lim to have 60 AP or the max AP in the Power, whichever is greater, it follows that 60 AP must sometimes be the greater. Otherwise it would say equal to the AP of the Power, which must be at least 60 to take this Limitation.
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