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Everything posted by archer

  1. Conspiracy theorists keep their Ginsburg death claims alive https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/437661-conspiracy-theorists-keep-their-ginsburg-death-claims-alive She's alive! She's dead! She showed up in public! The photos of her in public are doctored! Fun for everyone!
  2. I get zero, count them, zero TV channels on my satellite service which have MLB games. No local channels, no satellite channels. And before someone asks, I don't get even basic ESPN. Does anyone know of anyplace to get free 2019 TV coverage?
  3. I apologize to every filthy, low-down, disgusting animal who I might have offended by my mischaracterization. And I apologize to the weasels even more.
  4. Most people don't find weasels to be very sympathetic. That's why politicians generally aren't popular.
  5. Disabled Chicken Who Survived Weasel Attack Learning to Walk Thanks to Custom Wheelchair https://people.com/pets/disabled-chicken-walking-custom-wheelchair/
  6. Free Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 bumper sticker. https://secure.kirstengillibrand.com/page/s/easteregg
  7. Free PETA "I choose not to dissect" stickers. These are intended to help school kids protest dissection in biology classes and raise awareness of unethical animal experimentation in general. If you aren't a fan of PETA, I suppose you could also order these as part of an attempt to defund their organization, if you wanted to be that kind of person. You might have to cut-and-paste this link into your browser to get it to work. https://www.peta2.com/news/noah-cyrus-dissection-kills/#element0 Free The Witness computer game download https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/the-witness/home Free Galactic Missile Defense tower defense computer game. https://freebies.indiegala.com/galactic-missile-defense/ Free Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 bumper sticker. https://secure.kirstengillibrand.com/page/s/easteregg Free one year subscription to Sports Illustrated http://cdn.mercurymagazines.com/121-121000192/index.html? Free one year subscription to Field and Stream http://cdn.mercurymagazines.com/121-121000184/index.html
  8. Free Bernie Sanders 2020 sticker. This will put you on their email list but it's easy to opt out later if getting emails annoys you. https://act.berniesanders.com/signup/free-not-me-us-sticker/?source=em190404-1-30&t=2&akid=951.8166177.oCSzj-
  9. I run across offers for free stuff in the US from time to time and didn't really have a thread to share it with the people here. So now I don't have that problem anymore. It's a little late in the day for people on the East Coast but Baskins Robbins is having Fancy Cone Sampling Day on Sunday, April 7th from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.* Guests can stop in for a taste of “Make it Amazing” and try 1 oz. of ice cream with a waffle cone chip dipped in chocolate and decorated with rainbow sprinkles. https://news.baskinrobbins.com/news/releases-20190329 Free Bernie Sanders 2020 bumper sticker. This will put you on their email list but it's easy to opt out later if getting emails annoys you. https://act.berniesanders.com/signup/free-not-me-us-sticker/?source=em190404-1-30&t=2&akid=951.8166177.oCSzj-
  10. I took Coulson saying the name of SHIELD rather than using the acronym as part of an effort by a spy agency to be covert. Random people who aren't necessarily cleared to know much about government spy agencies will remember "SHIELD". On the other hand, five minutes later they'd have trouble remembering whether they were told "Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate", or if it was "Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage and Law-Enforcement Division", or (God help us) "Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division". And perhaps agents make up new words to fit the letters of the agency so when conspiracy theorists get together to share what they know about SHIELD activities that they'll be diverted into instead arguing over what the name of the agency is. Yeah, Coulson was having a joke. But those SHIELD agents are really deep. And part of a sinister conspiracy.
  11. If all the information on the internet went through Immense Buffer City, perhaps Captain Codebase could be hugely successful....
  12. The Eiffel Tower can be replaced with the souvenir of your choice. Obviously a table can't account for every possible trophy or keepsake from every possible world. If you go into the house of a traveler, you might find an Eiffel Tower. If you go into the home of a Catholic, you might find the statue of a saint or a cross. If you go into the home of a hobbit...well, you might need a whole sub-table of foodstuff that would be found throughout the house. Brie from Bree might be a suitable souvenir, at least for a few days.
  13. My most memorable world diverged from the main superhero universe during the Korean War when the US used tactical nuclear weapons in response to the Chinese People's Liberation Army entering the war on North Korea's side and smashing US and allied forces close to the point of extinction. When the dust settled at long last, the US had lost South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines to Chinese mutants who were born in the radiation. The British had lost its Asian holdings to China. Australia fell to China as well. The Communist government of China fell to internal forces and was replaced by a Chinese mutant oligarchy based loosely around a traditional Chinese form of government. The USSR was destroyed as a political entity and replaced by a smaller and mostly European Russian Empire with China controlling the former USSR territories of Siberia and large swaths of land to the east. There was a huge influx of Asian refugees into the West in general and into the US specifically. This changed US culture significantly, in particular, the US adopted theJapanese tradition of teaching martial arts in public schools which the War Department saw as a step forward in having recruits prepared for basic training. After 70 years of martial arts being taught in schools, most Americans (male and female) would be considered to have a belt in some martial art if measured by our standards. The new Cold and, on occasion, Hot War generally revolves around US martial artists, gadgeteers, and its sparse numbers of mutants facing off against Chinese infiltrators, secret agents, and China's superior numbers of super-powered mutants. The big foreign battlegrounds, or at least areas of contention, are the current and former British holdings in India and the Middle East.
  14. I've thought about getting rid of the internet, ATM machines, and credit cards next time I GM a world. On the good side, realistically if there were all of those super-tech savvy criminals out there, banks would be drained of funds in a week, no one's credit information would be safe for ten seconds, and there'd be literally a hundred thousand people worldwide who had improper access to nuclear launch codes and other WMD's. So getting rid of the tech would keep me from having to explain why all that wasn't happening. On the bad side, players would object to living in a retro world which would seem stuck in the pre-1980's compared to what they've come to expect.
  15. People and other countries have to be willing to continue loaning us the $22 trillion of debt the US already has indefinitely (as those short-term bonds come due) plus the additional $50-250 billion a year added to that debt indefinitely for there to be "little long term down side". If the people of the US were internally purchasing US government bonds without the country either having to rely on huge yearly outlays of money from other countries or having the Fed wave a magic wand to invent huge amounts of money to purchase the US government bonds, perhaps there wouldn't be a hell of a lot of downside. But since that's not been the case for decades....
  16. Ideally I'd like to get the number of unique items on the table up to 100 so chime in with ideas. Also, I'd recommend rolling a d20 on the chart rather than 3d6. ("Why is this world filled with pitchforks and anvils?")
  17. Stick/Log for the fireplace Rock/Paperweight Horseshoe Chair Beer mug Candlestick/Lamp/Lantern Kitchen knife Bucket/Chamberpot Rake/Hoe (note the "e") Scythe/Sickle Pitchfork (devil detached) Anvil Book Shovel Skull/Bone Rope/Sash/Belt Poker Screwdriver/Other mixed drink One of those miniature Eiffel Towers that everyone buys in Paris Musical instrument, roll 1d8: Flute Lute Guitar Viola Trombone Piano (upright) Piano (grand) Theremin
  18. Your assumptions that characters will have 35 DEX is unrealistically high because it would make the villains having henchmen or agents a completely useless concept because agents without specialized weaponry could never hit the hero. Most campaigns and supplements I've seen have most of the DEX scores from 18-24 with a scattering of characters with higher scores. Now I say that as someone whose favorite character had a 38 DEX but that's far, far outside of what the vast majority of characters should have (particularly characters of the players). Now as for Superman on 250 points, for my own sanity I started writing up a "no cheese" version...which I might finish eventually. Superman 55 STR 45 cost 23 DEX 39 23 CON 26 20 BODY 40 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 10 COM 11 PD 05 ED 05 SPD 27 16 REC 46 END 60 STUN stats cost is 187 2 PS: Reporter 4 +5 PRE Only in Hero ID (-1/4) 32 Multipower - Kryptonian Abilities 56 active points (doesn't function in the presence of kryptonite or under a red sun -1/4) (x2 END on all slots -1/2) Real cost 32 2u 3d6 Ranged Killing Attack (Heat vision causing energy damage), Armor Piercing (+1/4), four clips of 8 charges (+0), costs END (-1/2) 2u Hand-to-Hand Killing Attack 3d6 (or 6d6 with STR) (only against objects or mechanical lifeforms -1/2) 2u 5d6 Energy Blast (SuperBreath, a cone of physical damage +1), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 2u 5d6 Entangle (Freezing Breath), (The Entangle is Dismissible by Superman for +5 CP) Extra time full phase (-1/2) 3u Flying 22" (Combat Acceleration/Deceleration +1/4 This advantage allows a character to accelerate or decelerate faster than normal, at a rate equal to his full inches of combat movement per inch. His non-combat movement is 44" so say he's cruising along that fast and Black Atom shows up 3" in front of him. Superman can decelerate 22" during his first 1" forward and another 22" his second inch forward and come to a complete stop before he has an accidental collision. Or for accelerating, he basically reaches full speed instantly rather than building up slowly like other fliers have to.) 3u extra 45 STR plus Armor of 2PD/2ED plus Damage Resistance of 5PD/5ED 2u Missile Defense (the special effect of this power is that the attacks appear to bounce off of him without doing harm), +3 to deflection roll, can reflect adjacent attacks (+1/2), costs END (-1/2) Powers cost 54 points so far. In progress: Resistant Defenses are allocatable (+1/4), doesn't function in the presence of kryptonite or under a red sun (-1/4) Armor doesn't function in the presence of kryptonite or under a red sun (-1/4) Damage Resistance doesn't function in the presence of kryptonite or under a red sun (-1/4) 5 Life Support heat/cold, vacuum, doesn't function in the presence of kryptonite or under a red sun (-1/4) All of Superman's enhanced senses have these disadvantages: Takes extra time: full phase to activate (-1/2), also extra time Delayed Phase which halves the character’s DEX for purposes of determining when the power activates in the Phase (-1/4), costs END to activate (-1/4), concentrate half DCV (-1/4), Perceivable makes it obvious that he's using the vision power (-1/2), Unified Power all sensory powers affected equally and simultaneously by Negative Adjustment Powers (-1/4), doesn't function in the presence of kryptonite or under a red sun (-1/4) 5 N-Ray Vision - not through lead (-0), takes INT roll for Superman to remember to use this power because that's the kind of guy he is (-1/2) 2 Telescopic Vision +4 PER roll 2 Telescopic Hearing +4 PER roll
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