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Everything posted by archer

  1. I can't quite put my finger on the difference...maybe the 90s Fury was a better swimmer?
  2. Oh, Trump is definitely a throwback to Hoover.
  3. Super-being soap operas Superhero battle alerts being as common as severe weather alerts or Amber alerts. Compulsory evacuations. America's Funniest Superhero Videos - TV show Superhero gossip in People magazine and TV gossip news shows right alongside gossip about which movie star is dating which TV star Special insurance riders for battle damage from superheroes (with rates being much higher in cities with a lot of superbeings) Municipalities (and homeowner associations) trying to outlaw superbeings from owning property there Compulsory draft registration for people with powers or enhanced abilities. Perhaps compulsory training ala the National Guard. Efforts to require compulsory registration of people with superpowers like the sex offender's list is done Efforts to require pilot licensing, radio, and flight plans for self-powered fliers similar to what is happening to people who own and operate drones Special union licensing for people who have powers and want to use them for work purposes. If you can lift and place as much as a crane can or move a load as heavy as a forklift, you'd get registered through the union as a crane operator or forklift operator but one who isn't required to use the mechanical heavy equipment and instead could use your own abilities to do only as much work per day as a regular crane operator could. Rather pricey super-delivery services including both packages and people. Countries requiring people to reveal their superpowers in order to get a visa. Possible restrictions on using those superpowers when visiting (and/or electronic monitoring). I would expect that most buried treasures and lost treasure ships would be located very quickly in a superhero world. It's such an obvious get-rich-quick scheme for people with superpowers that the world would be scoured clean in short order. So no TV shows like The Curse of Oak Island: the first person to get there with N-Ray vision would figure out where the treasure would and his Tunneling buddy would dig it up in 15 minutes. I would expect much the same thing to happen with ore deposits, oil, natural gas, gems, archeological sites, and everything else that hasn't been discovered because it isn't glaringly obvious in our world. On the other hand, there'd probably be a lot of rich superbeings who got their start in finding buried treasure or finding the money stash of a drug cartel. Plus a thriving black market trade in archeological artifacts. As a side effect of that, I'd expect property owners to be leery of selling to obvious superbeings because the property owner might suspect that the super discovered something buried on the land or hidden in the buildings which would make the property worth much more than the asking price. There'd probably be urban legends about people who got ripped off by unethical supers who knew the real worth of the property. And it's amusing to think that some property owners might start digging up the back yard or ripping off the Sheetrock inside the house because a super, very innocently, inquired about purchasing the property. I would expect hazardous waste to be created at a much higher rate in a super world. But I would also expect that hazardous waste sites couldn't go unnoticed for decades (all of those N-Ray supers going around looking for treasure, mutation detectors at doctor's offices picking up funny chemicals and radiation that people have been exposed to, villains actively trying to locate toxic waste for their next experiment, etc) . And hiring a super who has the right set of skills to handle the hazardous waste would most likely be cheaper than dumping it. You have supers who can lift tons and fly into outer space in just a minute or two. That suggests that even the most toxic byproducts could be disposed of cheaper than buying land and bulldozing the waste into the ground. Or dumping it somewhere at random then hoping that none of the world's 20 crusading super-detectives ever take an interest in what happened. There'd probably be super-power tests for people wanting to play professional sports or be in the Olympics much like there's steroid testing. If the density of superbeings is high enough, there might be super events at the Olympics and super professional sports leagues. As someone already pointed out, professional wrestling would be perfect for this because it usually focuses on two contestants (rather than a full team) and it plays to the crowd in a flamboyant manner. I could also see boxing making a comeback to be as popular as it was decades ago and super-MMA being a thing. If the defender has a high enough PD and there's access to someone with a Healing power, concussions aren't very worrisome like they are IRL. I'd expect faith healers who claim to have the Heal power to be an even more popular scam than it is IRL. When the public knows for sure that there's people out there who can heal, who can talk to spirits, who can read minds, or whatever, I'd think it'd make it even easier to run scams.
  4. In George R. R. Martin's Wild Cards book series, the Luxor hotel hired desert and/or Egyptian-themed abnormals to populate the lobbies and put on a daily pageant. So if you had the head of a jackal, the head of a crocodile, the head of an ibis, etc., you could migrate to the US and always get a job at the Luxor.
  5. Just because you're a superhero who goes around foiling supervillains doesn't mean you can't make a good sideline charging old ladies to get their cats down out of trees.
  6. I don't think anyone can credibly argue that what happened after Coolidge left office could be laid at Coolidge's feet. Hoover increased taxes and started a worldwide trade war, which had just a teensy bit to do with the cascade of US bank failures and triggering a depression.
  7. If desert sand was usable for any purpose, there wouldn't be a problem. But when you get places like Dubai having to import millions of tons of sand from Australia, that's when you know there's a problem. China in the last four years used more sand for construction and industrial purposes than the US did in the entire 20th century.
  8. The overall quality of food has gone down significantly at places like Golden Corral over the last 30 years. And they've substituted things like canned green beans or canned corn in place of items on the buffet. Those buffet slots in the past they might have had fried chicken liver or some other protein that's difficult to cook at home or perhaps some specialty casserole. Now they've got canned green beans, canned corn, and badly cooked spaghetti with canned sauce. I can open cans of vegetables and cook them badly or badly cook a batch of pasta and pour a jar of sauce over it: I don't need to go out and pay someone $14 to do something that simple for me. Price goes up, quality plummets. I much prefer Furrs for a variety buffet restaurant over Golden Corral. Furrs quality has slipped a bit over the last few decades. But nothing like the downhill slide of Golden Corral. I miss Panchos. One of their few surviving restaurants is theoretically within driving distance but I don't have the heart to go and get hooked on the food again.The quality of their takeout food was hit-and-miss but the dine-in food was always exactly the quality I expected. Guacamole FTW. For pizza buffets, Cici's has never been much of a place to eat pizza other than having the advantage of being cheap. Now its prices are high enough that it isn't cheap by any definition and the pizza has gone from being recognizably pizza to being almost inedible for anyone who wants to eat pizza. And their salad bar has deteriorated almost as much in quality. Last time after I went in (with a group of people) and paid, I realized I really didn't want to eat their pizza or try to choke down their salad with their sad excuse for salad dressing. I've been impressed by Pizza Ranch, which is a new chain to me (I found it when visiting Colorado). It does the whole pizza and salad buffet thing but it also has fried chicken, potatoes cooked in several different ways (usually something like steak fries, waffle fries, mashed potatoes and something else), some other hot vegetable, and soft serve ice cream for desert (all of that plus the drink included for one price). It's always interesting to walk around a pizza buffet restaurant and note that the vast majority of the adults are eating chicken rather than pizza. The chicken is somewhat comparable to KFC original recipe. I really like going to buffets and much prefer them than to going to a traditional restaurant or a fast food place.
  9. Doctor Sivana ought to have a lot of leftover doomsday devices from his battles against Shazam. Rip Hunter - a time traveler probably has collected a lot of good stuff
  10. That wasn't a joke: https://www.theguardian.com/global/2018/jul/01/riddle-of-the-sands-the-truth-behind-stolen-beaches-and-dredged-islands https://www.overtureglobal.io/story/the-slippery-slopes-of-the-world-sand-shortage https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/05/29/the-world-is-running-out-of-sand The Slippery Slopes of the World Sand Shortage
  11. I'd give him Professional Skill: Reporter 11< for 2 points. That'd let him do what a reporter does. He can increase his skill roll by taking more time than a normal reporter would have to then make up that lost time by flying over traffic as Superman. (+2 points) I think you should have spent only 15 points to get his SPD up to six rather than the 20 points you have listed. (-5 points) PRE and COM probably need a (only in Hero ID -1/4) limitation which would save some points and represent the difference between how people perceive Clark vs how they perceive Superman. That'd save you 1 point on the COM and 2 points on the PRE. (-3 points) Reduce the INT to 18 since he doesn't get any functional difference by spending two more points to get a 20 INT. (-2 points) Personally I'd reduce the Susceptibility to green kryptonite to some extent and add a Hunted: Superman's rogues gallery. (no change to point total) The green kryptonite causes loss of his Kryptonian powers and stats across the board in most versions of Superman. Red Kryptonite causes loss of Kryptonian powers and stats across the board in pre-Crisis versions and randomly transforms him in some manner (getting extra eyes, becoming a giant, devolving, becoming small, changing colors, etc.) You could consider adding either or both of those limitations to any or all stats and powers. The attempts I've seen for Superman on 250 points usually has a Kryptonian Power Tricks multipower, something along the lines of: Multipower 56 active points (doesn't function in the presence of kryptonite or under a red sun -1/4) (x2END on all slots -1/2) Real cost 32 3u a plain 11d6 Energy Blast or a 3d6 Ranged Killing Attack with increased maximum range x5 (for +1/4) whichever you choose to give him (Heat vision causing energy damage) 3u 5d6 Energy Blast (SuperBreath, a cone of physical damage +1 ) 3u 5d6 Entangle (Freezing Breath) 3u Flying 25" 3u extra STR Putting an extra STR slot in the multipower usually has Superman starting off with a base STR of 45 or 55 and this multipower slot bumping it up around 100). Doing the slot like this would make you rework the base STR and all the figured characteristics and maybe reduce some of the related defenses but you'd end up with enough points to pay for the multipower. It really depends on whether you want your Superman to be a just a guy with muscles or whether you want him to have access to some ofthe other iconic Superman powers (you could go further and add Tunneling to the multipower if you wish or Teleport to reflect how fast he can move sometimes). There used to be a lot of 4th edition conversions for popular characters like Superman but I've lost all of them over the years except for http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationscomic/aju/Superman.HTML That link I think is 4th edition but it might be 5th. He doesn't try to keep the point total down but it does a good job of reminding you the different powers Superman has, some possible limitations on his powers, and some disadvantages.
  12. That would certainly help with the worldwide sand shortage.
  13. I can't help it if he makes a rhyme every time.
  14. Technically Thanos killed half of everyone's gut bacteria so everyone had diarrhea for the next couple of weeks after the snap.
  15. Chronic back pain is a pain in the butt, to say the least. I have problems with most NSAID medicines and use naproxin sodium (Aleve) which seems to work better for me rather than Advil. I've found that a large microwaveable buckwheat heating pad works better than ice for me. I pop one of those in a microwave on a paper plate for two minutes then put in a chair and lean back against it. Mine retains heat for about 1.5 hours if I stay in contact with it and about an hour if I don't. If you have access to a microwave at least a couple of times during the day, it might be something to consider. I have something similar to this but not this exact one. https://www.amazon.com/PU-Health-Buckwheat-Shoulder-Comfort/dp/B076HG44P5/ref=sr_1_12?crid=1RPH9HEPJYFTC&keywords=buckwheat+heating+pad&qid=1554244180&s=gateway&sprefix=buckwheat+he%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-12 My wife like TENS unit therapy (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) which is a little pad that you put on you back either in the evening or before you go to work which runs a current through your muscles and is supposed to loosen them up (the medical research is still up in the air about how effective it is for everyone). She usually gets her TENS done as part of chiropractic treatment or at a pain specialist doctor but you can now buy your own device to use at home fairly cheaply. A completely random example https://www.aleve.com/aleve-direct-therapy/ My wife also suggested pain relief patches that you stick right over the affected area, something else which has worked for her from time to time. If you haven't checked, a sometimes a health insurance policy will completely pay for a certain number of chiropractic treatments per year if you want to go that route (my wife's teachers' retirement insurance pays for the first 20 treatments per year, for example) Sorry, I know the thread is more for complaining than finding solutions. But I can't do anything with my day other than sit and hurt so your plight makes me want to accomplish something, even if it is just giving unsolicited advice.
  16. I liked the luchador theme of the episode. The writers usually do a really good job at picking interesting things in history for the team to meddle with. I really thought the direction that they were going to go was that Ray was going to have to dress up as the missing wolfman luchador (since they were of a similar height) and that Ray was going to have to learn to wrestle and put on a show for a crowd while taking a beating. That would have been an epic turn for his character because he could randomly pull out a wrestling move later in the season to flatten a bad guy.
  17. Considering that they left the mid-season finale on a small cliffhanger with Mona injured and Men in Black rampaging through the Time Bureau then did not much of anything with either, I was disappointed. minor spoiler: Mona pops up essentially uninjured despite getting clawed across her stomach and the Men in Black disappear. Most of the episode revolved around the team not trusting each other with information as it became available and not trusting the head of the Time Bureau with the information which would show her that the Legends were on her side. And when Lance and Ava finally did face off about the Men in Black, Lance didn't point out that the MiB outright framed one of Ava's underlings as part of their cover-up. Even if Ava is disinterested in the ultimate goals of the MiB, she rightly should be outraged at being left completely out of the loop, presumably having one of her prisoners kidnapped rather than transferred since no transfer paperwork existed in their system, and having one of her employees framed for a crime. It was Lance's role in that conversation to have Ava step back and look at the whole picture, but Lance didn't. And in that conversation, Ava should have been asked what she was supposed to think when one of her prisoners just completely vanished from the Time Bureau without explanation. Even if Mona hadn't been framed, Ava couldn't do her freaking job with prisoners disappearing into thin air.
  18. I had that on my short list. I keep hoping Steel will come back from the Time Bureau to become the team's "brick" again. But if they're going to leave him on desk duty, maybe she could take his place for field work.
  19. They need team radios of some sort or he's not going to be able to hide effectively and talk to his teammates at the same time. Maybe team equipment is covered as part of Seawolf's base and vehicle points?
  20. I'm not good at figuring out other people's emotions from what they write. Your reply could be "short and slightly irritated" or simply "short and to the point". If there is any irritation involved, I apologize for not making my questions clearer. I don't have access to the source material you're using and haven't heard of the characters before. When I ask "Do her powers work normally in a vacuum and underwater?", I'm not asking how I'd build the character because I can figure that out. Instead I'm asking how the character is handled in the source material, or if that is unclear, how you think the character should be handled. I've seen sonic characters with a team equipment Life Support gadget (against vacuum and underwater) who can operate fine anywhere (the LSH's Tyroc, for example) and I've seen mystic characters who use incantations in vacuum and underwater with no problem (almost every mystic in the comics). I've also seen sonic characters whose powers shut off entirely in vacuum and underwater. So when I ask a question, I'm looking for your thoughts because you're the expert on the character herself and how she was used in the source material. My intent wasn't to say "oops, you forgot this" in a passive-aggressive manner so I apologize if it came across that way. About the "Distinctive Features: Gorgeous" disadvantage vs the "24 COM" advantage, the character also has a Disguise skill which suggests that perhaps having a high COM isn't always an advantage to her. If the DF Gorgeous disadvantage is added, random people would be hitting on her in an inappropriate manner (which would make her boyfriend jealous), falling in "love at first sight" with her, maybe starting fan clubs or approaching her (or at least not backing away) in combat, all of which could be disadvantageous to her. If that DF seems appropriate for the feel of the character, great. If it isn't, that's fine as well.
  21. Lockheed (1) Jamie Madrox (10) Impossible Man (2) Solomon Grundy (5) Thomas Wayne (11) Detective Chimp (3)
  22. Woot! And congrats! Tell us where the victory party will be and we'll make sure the Wookie gets a medal.
  23. If you know you can one-shot someone if you ever hit him, that perhaps could be a problem. There's a lot of mentalists, gadgeteers, martial artists, and energy projectors who can't take a solid hit from Grond, the Hulk, or Solomon Grundy. If the h-t-h attack starts out high enough, dropping a dice or two doesn't make all that much difference.
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