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Everything posted by TechnoViking

  1. Sounds like a mix of this, hit locations, and heavy HKA. Also, sound like "Highlander" physics, invulnarable except for head limb removal. Has the comics stated anything like this? Mike
  2. Color would be good, but a fiscal stable company is better. Mike
  3. Would spelunking be covered by the climbing skill? Gift of Tounges given to her to allow read to the scroll. Mike
  4. I was going to pick many of the creatures from the Bestiary and MM&M, which I of course can not post here . She started as a beast creature, and I changed the concept of the character. I forgot to lower some of her stats. Mike
  5. I making a new character and need advice on how to finish it, and what changes need to be made.FablePlayer: Val Char Cost 13 STR 3 23 DEX 39 18 CON 16 13 BODY 6 15 INT 5 13 EGO 6 13 PRE 3 15 COM 3 6 PD 3 6 ED 2 7 SPD 37 8 REC 2 40 END 2 32 STUN 3 6" RUN02" SWIM02 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 130Cost Power END 105 Creatures from Legend: Multiform (350 Character Points in the most expensive form) (Instant Change, x64 Number Of Forms) 5 Life Support (Longevity: Immortal) 22 Gift of Tongues: Universal Translator 14- Powers Cost: 132Cost Skill 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Concealment 12- 5 KS: Mythology 14- 5 KS: Creatures of Legends 14- 3 SS: Archeology 12- 3 Seduction 12- 3 Stealth 14- 12 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Marine, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Mountain) 12- 2 WF: Blades, Clubs, Common Melee Weapons Skills Cost: 42Cost Talent 10 Divine Favor Talents Cost: 10Base Points: 200Experience Required: 114Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 314 Height: 2.00 m Hair: Brown Weight: 100.00 kg Eyes: Brown Appearance: Personality: Quote:"No one has to fear monster, except maybe you villian."Background: Dr. Ann Noria was an archeologist studying the fables of monsters in Europe. In the Ural Mountains she found a bizarre scroll. The scroll was made from gold leaf, but seal in an urn that was at least 2000 years old. The scroll was written in multiple languages, Ancient Greek, Nordic, Sumerian, and some she did not recognized. Even though she did not many of these languages, Dr. Noria found she could read them. The scroll described the capture of the monsters of legends; too protect them from the dying magic in the land. A voice spoke to her, "Is the land safe for my children." "What children" Dr. Noria said confused. The voice spoke, "I see much has change, you must prepare the world for the return of my children". A bright light swept over Dr. Noria. She started changing shape, growing horns, and becoming a Minotaur, she quickly switch again, to a Nordic Troll, and again, and again. Then it stopped, but she could feel the spirits of the monsters in mind and soul. She knew what she had to do, but how to prepare the world for the return of a bunch of monsters. She thought “Maybe if people saw them as heroes?†Powers/Tactics: Fable can become monsters for legendsCampaign Use:
  6. Re: What Would Your Character Do #26? Destroyer on my computer??? I would just uninstall Windows . Mike ----- Some new internet ads have no popup window, just an audio file. At full volume this would get anyone's attention yes? (Thanks to BishopOF BW) [/b]
  7. A common theme in Superhero comics and cartoons is the Energy Blast tug-o-war. Where two energy blasters EB attacks connection in mid air. The battle then kinda becomes a tug of war where the energy blaster try to get their energy blast to overwhelm their opponents. Two things can happen: 1. One person blaster overwhelms their opponent. 2. The nexus of the two blasts causes a massive explosion. How would you handle this in Champions. Mike
  8. From dictionary.com (a great website): sere Sear \Sear\, Sere \Sere\ (s[=e]r), a. [OE. seer, AS. se['a]r (assumed) fr. se['a]rian to wither; akin to D. zoor dry, LG. soor, OHG. sor[=e]n to to wither, Gr. a"y`ein to parch, to dry, Skr. [,c]ush (for sush) to dry, to wither, Zend hush to dry. [root]152. Cf. Austere, Sorrel, a.] Dry; withered; no longer green; -- applied to leaves. --Milton. I have lived long enough; my way of life Is fall'n into the sear, the yellow leaf. --Shak. Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. sere \Sere\, a. Dry; withered. Same as Sear. Mike
  9. There was a pre-criris Superman and He-Man crossover. They stated that both Superman and He-Man had equal STR. Mike
  10. No sighting in Salt Lake City yet, but we will get it last in the country. Mike
  11. Re: A slightly different Alien Species sheet That link no longer works, but I would see them. Mike
  12. Do any of the 5th ed book cover underwater combat? I could not find anything in FREd. Mike
  13. My daddy use to say if you are going to learn to drive, do it with a stick-shift. Every thing else will be easy. Mike
  14. Re: Shades of Black- A pre-play review Well said, I hope Hero Games will consider including at least mini-stat blocks for all Characters in published adventures in the future. Hey, I'm lazy and Hero books are heavy:). Mike
  15. Great review, you just made Hero Games $9.60 . Mike
  16. I'm running a Fantasy Hero game at an event at our local library. The event is call Fantasy Game day, and it is an event to get teens interested in reading and math. I plan to run a session of Fantasy Hero there, and I need an adventure idea for a group of teens with little or no experience in RPGs and none with Hero System. Thanks for any ideas, Mike
  17. Once I had a guy want to play a homeless man, whose superhero outfit was trashbags and rubber hoses. His only power was a massive AOF radius COM drain. Mike
  18. Preston, I would like to submit a mage, but would like any information on the magic system you are going to use. Mike
  19. My FLGS (Fuc... Local Gaming Store) just told me on the phone, that VIPER was delay a month and to call back then. Online order, here I come. %#@%^@(@ Mike
  20. Ripper, one of the strongest being in the Champions Universe. Orginally in Escape from Stronghold. Mike
  21. The stories are getting better, so the show is growing on me. That theme song has to go still. Mike
  22. Rolling my own The local gaming club votes on the games they want to play every semester. My Fantasy Hero campaign did not get enough votes, so it may be a mid-semester replacement or start next semester. So I'm taking the time to make a game world true to Fantasy Hero, rather than bootstraping Fantasy Hero to a D&D world. Thanks for the advice, Mike
  23. I got three reason why I did not purchase Shade of Black. 1. Cash flow this month (August always bites money-wise for me) 2. No local interest in Champions, but some for Fantasy Hero. SO focusing gaming time there. 3. DOJ inc decusion not to include stats for previous published characters in adventures. I strongly feel that adventures supplements should be self-contained. SoB and Battleground both have this problem. I understand that you don't want to kill sales of books like CKC or CU, but a stat block (minus any background) would help. I rant further about this here. Mike
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